
Froghemoth of the Hall's page

14 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


The surviving Froghemoths are sitting ducks as they hover and flail helplessly in Marcus' antigravity effect!

One by one, they are eliminated either by Koran's furious strokes with Mjolnir, or Mikey Jay's with the Sword of Sif, or by well-aimed shots from Derrik's Longinus body cannon....

Two froghemoths trapped in Marcus' antigravity and then scootched into a convenient clump by Sieg are brutally pulverized by Koran wielding Mjolnir in a bright blue blur of lightning, blood, and bone....

Derrik assaults the froghemoth with blades and chains flashing!

The froghemoth bellows a croak of pain....

But suddenly, another 6 of the monstrous Froghemoths leap out from darkened alleys between the dockside shacks and warehouses, and bound ravenously toward the FOs!

Double moves to close to within 15 ft of the FOs....

The froghemoth croaks it's outrage and pain as Sieg slams it into the ground and pounds it in the head with an iron-hard fist!

Koran pounces upon a third froghemoth, the one closest to him, and in a matter of seconds, has splattered the sea wall with the beast's innards, Mjolnir rising and falling in a storm of brutality and lightning bolts.... Two down....

Derrik flies at another of the four beasts, spectral chains rattling and snapping taut....

Two mighty blows eviscerate the great frog like monstrosity! It collapses in a bloody heap....

Grimm hurls three bombs at one of the four froghemoths, badly burning it, but not quite killing it....

Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 x4


The froghemoth spasms violently and exhales a long death rattle....

Grapple check to escape Sieg's vice-like grip 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29 fails! The froghemoth's powerful limbs and coils struggle to break the tetori brawler off its back, but it is unable to pry the incredibly strong grappler off!

Actually, the froghemoth was not adjacent to the roper--it was nearer the center of the chamber (30 ft from the front gate) and the roper is in the NE corner, about 15 ft from the froghemoth.... I'll cut Sieg a break and let him keep that critical as an attack on the froghemoth only....

And the surge is not necessary, nor is the Acrobatics check, as the froghemoth is still flat-footed when Sieg acts, and can't make AoOs....

I'm counting 85 points of damage on the froghemoth....

Fort save vs DC 20 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22 succeeds....

The frog-like one is the brute of the two....

Sig intuits that he is familiar with this monster's game--grappling and constricting.... Its tentacles practically spell out "I like to hug him and squeeze him and call him George"....

Grrrribbit! Grrrribbit!

Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6