Berserker Cannibal

Koran The Hammer DM substitute's page

5 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Like a primal hurricane or tornado embodied, Koran and Mjolnir, united in a common purpose of destruction, send the summoned horde of fiends, aberrations, and undead back to Hell, thunderclaps and lightning ripping the air with every furious blow....

Koran sees in his mind's eye the events of this life.... The furious rages that threatened to break lose his demonic nature.... The savage battles.... The bonding with friends, and the exercise of discipline over his inner rage....

Then there is a deep, peaceful vacuum.... A void of infinity and eternity....

I am El Conquistador.... Explorer.... Adventurer.... Navigator.... I blazed a trail through the New World.... Helped Pizzaro conquer Peru.... I am Hernando De Soto.... I am not afraid of slaughter and bloodshed.... In the pursuit of gold and glory, I would march to the ends of the Earth!

Again, the vacuum....

What is greatest in life? To crush the enemy, see him driven before you, and hear the Lamentations of their women.... I am the descendent of the Great Hun.... I am the Great Khan.... Genghis Khan.... Lord of the Mongol Horde.... The Earth shook beneath the thunder of our horses' hooves!

Again, the vacuum....

I am King of the Huns! The Scourge of God! I weild the sword of Mars, and no foe can stand before me! I brought the Roman Empire to its knees! I am Attila! I am wrath incarnate!

And then, about 7 hours after it begins, it is over....

Initiative 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Surprise round: Flies near Marcus for haste....

During the three months that the Jaeger League is being trained and renovations are underway on the Silver Tower, Koran "The Hammer of Thor" spends time in Meridian State Park in Texas and the surrounding woodlands, training and hunting with his pack of weresquatches, violently quelling a few attempts by willful pack members to usurp his position as alpha, and stalking and slaying several aberrations and other evil monsters discovered in the area.

At the end of this period, his control over the chaotic pack has greatly improved, and his position as alpha is strongly reinforced. Satisfied for the moment, he meets Merlin at their prearranged rendezvous point at the park entrance on August 25th, and is teleported back to the Black Forest, where he is introduced to the newly graduated Jaeger League....

With a guttural roar of fiendish fury, Koran charges fearlessly through the threat reach of the skum to Grimm's left side, provoking an AoO in order to charge the otyugh!

Enlarged, raging, power-attacking earth breaker 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 for 4d6 + 19 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 3) + 19 = 34 bludgeoning damage! KABOOM!!

The otyugh squeals in agony from the devastating blow!