Koran sees in his mind's eye the events of this life.... The furious rages that threatened to break lose his demonic nature.... The savage battles.... The bonding with friends, and the exercise of discipline over his inner rage....
Then there is a deep, peaceful vacuum.... A void of infinity and eternity....
I am El Conquistador.... Explorer.... Adventurer.... Navigator.... I blazed a trail through the New World.... Helped Pizzaro conquer Peru.... I am Hernando De Soto.... I am not afraid of slaughter and bloodshed.... In the pursuit of gold and glory, I would march to the ends of the Earth!
Again, the vacuum....
What is greatest in life? To crush the enemy, see him driven before you, and hear the Lamentations of their women.... I am the descendent of the Great Hun.... I am the Great Khan.... Genghis Khan.... Lord of the Mongol Horde.... The Earth shook beneath the thunder of our horses' hooves!
Again, the vacuum....
I am King of the Huns! The Scourge of God! I weild the sword of Mars, and no foe can stand before me! I brought the Roman Empire to its knees! I am Attila! I am wrath incarnate!
And then, about 7 hours after it begins, it is over....