Shoanti Tribesman

Aaron Crux's page

8 posts. Alias of Thunderfrog.



Aarons strong voice interrupts the moment between Radsworth and Sun Mi like a scratched record.

"Then again, maybe not. You did pull Sun Mi and I out of Lido Key and brought us here to carry on the fight. I'm grateful for that, even if I don't appreciate how you handle a lot of things. I feel an obligation to Earth, so I'd likely stay and help rebuild some part of it rather than run away into the universe."

He grins.

"But when it's done, you could come pick me up. You'd have had enough time to find some killer space babes by then."

Aaron watches Sun Mi speed down down the hallways, jumping over, sliding under, and tumbling through any obstacle or person she meets.

"Huh. I wonder what she's all excited about?"

Ninja'd, literally.

"Uh huh."

Both Rad and Sun Mi look up at Aaron, who has made his way into the room.

"And what about the magical language of chickenshit? How does that work out? Is it yellow and flowery with the hint of scared pussy?"

Clenching his fists at this side, he shoves his way past Sun Mi and jabs a tan finger at Rad.

"I heard an interesting story today professor. Seems some of the women are very much aware of the fact that you were willing to let them all die rather than risk one of these precious Box operatives. What a f~$%ing joke."

He reaches around his shoulders for his backpack and over turns it, dumping several books onto the floor.

"Save your lessons a*#!%%*. I'll find a different teacher."

Turning, he looks over his shoulder to Sun Mi.

"Don't get to attached Sun Mi. This one isn't worth the air he breathes."

Stalking out of the room, he leaves Rad and Sun Mi in silence.

"Yea. She thinks she a damn ninja now. She stole my shoes three times last week. I've been busy too, but in a different way. They have me working with the animals and the farms. It's something I guess, other than reading Animal Farm."

As Radsworth leaves the library, Aaron calls out.

"Is it because they contain a very clear parallel to todays world and the society we just left behind?!"

Aaron shrugs.

"Yea, just english though. I dont speak no slanty-eye or nuffin.'"

He digs his finger in his nose for a second, then flicks something small and green into the air.


"Yep. Lets get out of this place."

The tall dark youth is obviously fit. His voice is deep and rich. He wears a dirty sweatshirt with a hood that that draws up in the shape of an eagle.

"I never liked these guys. I'll be glad to leave."