Goblin Dog

Hell hound of the Cthulhu cult's page

8 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Johann Kaltgeboren- Cobra! wrote:

" Let usss advanccce together, for the final battle, friend Foxxxx. We made it thisss far, and we will end it!"

Johann advances on the war hound! He stops 10 feet away and strikes with his fangs.

[dice=Bite PA improved vital strike & damage]d20+21; 9d6+21+2d6

The Black Forester's fangs sink deep into the infernal flesh of the Nessian war hound and the beast yelps in pain! YYAAARRRPPP!!!

Hey! I escaped to live happily ever af--

[The hell hound who fled down the causeway toward Lido Beach is run over by a semi cab going 80 mph, driven by a 10th-level rogue named Jack Burton, who was in the middle of broadcasting on his CB radio: "....Like Jack Burton always says....OH S#%+!! A HELL HOUND!!....oops...."]

Seeing its pack-mate slain by the fierce, cawroaring eidolon, and feeling the pain of its own wounds, the remaining hell hound turns with tail between its legs and races off southward, yelping in fear!


The hell hound yelps as Levinson's bullet rips through its hide, dealing 6 piercing and bludgeoning damage!

Kepler swoops down on one of the hell hounds, shredding its evil hide with an icy claw for 21 slashing and cold damage, and sending its evil spirit back to Hell.... It collapses with a strangled yelp and lies twitching at the eidolon's taloned feet....

Yingzen appears like a wraith out of the doorway and sinks his curved blade deep into the nearest hell hound! It lets out a ragged yelp and falls dead....

The hell hounds bask in Radsworth's flames unharmed, but the heavy desk and shards of glass, they are not immune to....

Reflex save vs DC 20 desk fall 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 fails....24 bludgeoning and slashing!

Reflex save vs DC 20 desk fall 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 fails....24 bludgeoning and slashing!

Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8