
david barker's page

Organized Play Member. 323 posts (1,492 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 18 aliases.


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Do you still have a spot


i am interested

i will post tonight

no i can make a character real fast, what would be useful

I am intetrested I haver played a lot of PFS and PBP games. Been gaming for 28 years. Have yet to play PFS2

are you full?

yeah and he has the feat reward of life

I normally am good for daily but things have been crazy around here.

hows everyone doing

pennies: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) = 7

can't figure out starting wealth

I will take Gandalf

Doing a dunderin scholar

Sorry my 7 year old has been sick, almost finished. Will have him posted tonight

luck: 1d100 ⇒ 40

I forgot to roll that

ok i will have him done soon deciding on race right now

how do you feel about an antipaladin and suli

I will be 100 percent done by tomrrow

Dúnedain Scholar

Thinking wanderer or scholar

rerolling just subs

wis: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (5) = 9
dex: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10

What is everyone playing

EltonJ wrote:
david barker wrote:
i am interested not sure on a race yet but thinking witch or skald or any occult class

Some occult classes in this world are taught only by the dragonborn. So, if you wish to be a <insert element here> bender you have to write your background around them.

Oh I forgot to mention, I never picked up the Occult Adventures book. So, if you pick an occult class, we'd be both frustrated.

I have played a kinetist before all the info is on Occult

1d10 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
1d10 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
1d10 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
1d10 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

either swashbuckler or an inquister.

i am interested not sure on a race yet but thinking witch or skald or any occult class

Main stats:

Str: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 2) = 16
Cha: 10 + 2d4 ⇒ 10 + (4, 1) = 15

Norm stats:
con: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (4) = 14
int: 10 + 1d6 ⇒ 10 + (5) = 15

Sub stats:
wis: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (5) = 9
Dex: 14 - 1d6 ⇒ 14 - (4) = 10

debating paladin, magus or cavalier/samarai

can I still try to get in on this

4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 1) = 10 9
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 2) = 14 12
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6, 4) = 18 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 5) = 19 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 6) = 17 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 5, 6) = 20 17

I am assuming this might be dead. I really looked forward to playing this.

how is it going

gold: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5) = 10x10=100 gold

Sorry I will get him thrown up Friday.

So we can take flaws

I will have mine done soon

If my wisdom was higher I would want to play a monk

Lots of fighters it looks like

Checking in

GM whats our next step?

GM can you surprise me with gear for the druid


Still working on her but this is my start

Thinking witch

I am working tonight and tomorrow will get the druid posted asap

Checking in

Thinking druid/master of many forms or shifter or a warmage maybe a favored soul. Have you ever looked at the green ronin shaman?

I have a several characters i would have to tweak

Not at all i am highly interested will get a character done in the next day or 2

Paizo only?

I am assuming druid and master of many forms are allowed?

str: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 6) = 14
dex: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) = 6
con: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) = 5
int: 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3) = 9
wis: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3) = 10
cha: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1) = 9

Damn the dice hate me

What about archetypes