Derrik Stonesmith wrote: Now just remember, You all have Mythic Saving throws, if the effect isnt mythic and you make it.. it instead does nothing. So.. try not to fail.
Derrik weathers the terrible assault given by the risen snake god, but much to the creatures surprise, the fearsome knight seems to be completely unaffected by both the poisonous bite and his fearsome aura.
Then came the pillars of fire that encroached on his battle with the faux-deity.
[dice=Heroic Grappled Reflex Save]1d20+19
[dice=Heroic Grappled Reflex Save]1d20+19
The fires bath his form but Derrik has enough room tangling with Yig to twist his body into a Whirlwind and mitigate most of the pain. It is at that time his entire form shines gold as he calls down an otherworldly force on Yig. " I have found you unrepentant YIG! Your end shall come NOW! "
Derrik's weapons flash at inhuman speed cutting at Yig's many coil, arms, neck, head, eyes. He goes for every weak point and brutal wound he can place upon the snake-beast.
[dice=Dawnbringer]1d20+44; 1d8 + 64 + 2d6 + 2d6
[dice=Self Damage]1d6
[dice=Dawnbringer]1d20+44; 1d8 + 64 + 2d6 + 2d6
[dice=Self Damage]1d6
[dice=Excalibur]1d20+43; 1d8 + 63 + 2d6
[dice=Dawnbringer]1d20+39; 1d8 + 64 + 2d6 + 2d6
[dice=Self Damage]1d6
[dice=Excalibur]1d20+38; 1d8 + 63 + 2d6
[dice=Dawnbringer]1d20+34; 1d8 + 64 + 2d6 + 2d6
[dice=Self Damage]1d6
[dice=Excalibur]1d20+28; 1d8 + 63 + 2d6
[dice=Two Weapon Rend]2d10+22
[dice=Dawnbringer Titan Killer]1d20+44; 4d8 + 256 + 2d6 + 2d6
Full attack, MP for Standard Vital Strike, Swift for Judgement of Justice and Destruction
[dice=Confirm Excalibur]1d20+47; 1d8 + 63
[dice=Confirm Excalibur]1d20+32; 1d8 + 63
SNICKER-SNACK!!! Excalibur saws the serpentine head clean off of Yig's coiled body! The death throes are terrible to behold, as the winged snake-like trunk writhes and coils for several seconds as the Father of Serpents' lifeblood gushes from the bloody stump where it's head once reared!
As Derrik begins his turn within 30 feet of Yig, who exhales a poisonous gas whenever he is above water, Derrik must succeed on a DC 41 Will save or be confused for 1 round!
After Al'Torac:
Yig hisses a thunderous hiss and bites at Derrik 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (11) + 41 = 52, skewering the avenging knight on its lance-like fangs for 4d8 + 7 ⇒ (1, 7, 1, 7) + 7 = 23 piercing damage, and injecting vile poison into Derrik! Fortitude save DC 41 or take 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 Constitution damage as well!
The Feathered Serpent buffets Derrik with its wings 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (7) + 41 = 48 for 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (2, 4) + 7 = 13 bludgeoning damage....1d20 + 41 ⇒ (3) + 41 = 44 for 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (8, 4) + 7 = 19 bludgeoning damage!
The Snake God whips its tail at Derrik 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (20) + 41 = 61 for 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (3, 1) + 7 = 11 slashing plus grab attempt 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (12) + 41 = 53 that crushes the knight for 4d8 + 7 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 1) + 7 = 22 constricting damage!
Confirm tail slap crit 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (16) + 41 = 57 for 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (7, 5) + 7 = 19 critical slashing damage!
Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote: Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
You did not this round. You are 80 ft from Yig on the side of the ziggurat. Good news is, you're outside the blast radius of the balor's death throes....
In that case I still would have thrown Mjolnir at him.
[dice=Thrown Hammer]1d20+27 [dice=Damage]6d6+2d6+2d6+1d6+1d6+19 Mjolnir bounces harmlessly off the scaly hide of the Snake God! It then flies back to Koran's mighty hand!
Yig is currently suppressing his unspeakable presence so as not to drive all of his minions insane....

Derrik Stonesmith wrote: Mike you didnt roll the Energy Drains. Also are we at ground level? I'll assume so.
Derrik steps out of the portal soon after, his intimidating presence seen by the ill-brought evil around. His radiant goodness likely palpable in the eyes of the various demons, abominations and even Yig himself. The contrasting black and white rune-etched armor, steel Ithoqua apparatus and weaponry made him a sight to behold as the enemy rained down attacks upon him.
He is undaunted by whatever they may do, his aim the serpent-god at the center of all of this. Dawnbringer raised to the skies as he brings down a mighty proclamation.
" Lo and behold wretched Yig and ALL evil in this land. You have grown fat on fear, destruction, murder and savagery! You have desolated these lands with your corrupting FILTH and sickening presence as if thus world was you play thing. I.. Am Derrik Stonesmith and WE are THE FIERCE ONES! There shall no longer be any tolerance for your actions and you shall be PURGED from this world forever more. Your Reign is at an End! So say WE. Yig, I shall personally make your head roll, I have deemed you Trash, a stain on this plane ! PREPARE YOURSELVES, ALL OF YOU! FOR THE WRATH OF HUMANITY'S DETERMINATION! "
Derrik begins to glow brightly both a Red and Azure hue.. that mixes into a green aura. in a blink of an eye his spectral chains fling him into the air, he is upon the Snake God falling from the sky cutting through the winds with his very form. Dawnbringer raised high and slashing down with divine fervor!
[dice=Battle Trance Temp HP]2d6+10+9
[dice=Mythic Hero's Leap]1d20+76 +21 ft = 110ft
[dice=Wrath's Judgement(Smiting)]1d20+44; 1d8+58+2d6+2d6+11d6 Foe Bitten = 222
[dice=Self Damage]1d6
MP for Aerial Assault, MP for Extra standard to move out (As we don't know the enemies are RIGHT there. LP for Foe Bite. AC is Currently 48 DR 10/Epic. Smited Yig
The Father of Serpents hisses in outrage and pain as Derrik lands a mighty blow on its scaly head!
david barker wrote: al'torac stretches a golden arm before him and Sends a green ray at yig. Hopefully the spell will work
[dice=caster level check for sr]1d20+16
[dice=range touch]1d20+15
casting disintegrate before moving towards him, if he doesn't have sr he needs a fort save dc 22
[dice=damage if saving throw is made ]5d6
-Posted with Wayfinder
Yig's SR resists Al'Torac's disintegrating ray!
After Yingzen and Al'Torac....
Yig uses its spell-like ability to control weather to cause the sky to darken with storm clouds rippling with lightning! Strong winds that impede the flight of Medium creatures begin to blow in the direction of the portal!
Yig utters an arcane word of summoning, and several servitors materialize around the portal, ready to defend their snake-god!
Yig senses the presence of powerful Magic from some source other than itself, and raises its great serpentine head to glower with burning yellow eyes at the portal opening at the base of the great ziggurat....
In Aklo: Interlopers! Assassins come to strike at Yig! Destroy them, my faithful servitors!
Initiative 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (7) + 22 = 29
In a pit filled with serpents at the base of the ancient ziggurat that is the Temple of the Moon, a screaming human sacrifice--a young boy of 10 years--is slowly swallowed by a huge anaconda....
The boys screams mingle with hypnotic music played on pipes, cymbals, guitars, and drums....
A pair of serpent folk priests drink human blood from bronze decanters as four serpentine demonesses--mariliths summoned from the Abyss--sway and gyrate, performing an elaborate and hateful dance around the basalt altar at the base of the ancient ziggurat....
Above them all, somnolent, inhaling the sweet smoke that curled up to his nostrils from braziers at the ziggurat's corners, reclining upon the uppermost tier of the Temple of the Moon, lay Father Yig himself! He beheld this sacrifice, and was mildly pleased....
The Mexican Army and all of the drug cartels had initially tried to press their individual agendas in the wake of the Mayan Doomsday, all making gross grabs for power, land, resources....
But one by one, Father Yig had disillusioned the various factions, first supplanting their leadership by murder and forced cannibalism.... Then enslaving the decimated legions of gunmen's wills through guile and black magic....
Now, there was no question who ruled Central America.... The Feathered Serpent had returned, as prophecied so many centuries ago by the Maya.... Quetzalcoatl had descended the great ziggurat.... Yig, Father of Serpents, reigned supreme over all of Mexico and South America....
In Aklo: At long last.... My patience has been rewarded.... My skull, finally found by the marilith Viperia, has allowed my children to resurrect me from death.... Yig, Father of Serpents, hungers once more! The stars have come around to the configuration of famine, pestilence, and entropy, and Yig is called upon by His children to crawl forth upon the Earth, and deliver unto mankind every slithering, scaly terror born of the egg.... From my seat of power.... The Temple of the Moon.... I shall spawn a new brood of serpents to rule this verdant Earth....