
Grizzlegob, glabrezu ancestor's page

6 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Grizzlegob and his horde of renegade demons make their way to the Pacific Coast, driven by a planar instinct like animals sensing a coming storm....

To R'lyeh we must go! To R'lyeh we must goooo!
Old Cthulhu's flipped 'es lid, t' R'lyeh we must goooo!
A-slaughtering we shall go! A-slaughtering we shall go!
With blood we'll paint the whole town red, a-slaughterin' we shall go!
A-screamin' as we go! A-screamin' as we go!
We'll cut some heads and leave some deads, a-screamin' as we go!
To Bedlam all we'll go! To Bedlam all we'll go!
A-raving and enslaving souls, to Bedlam we'll all go!!!
Feedledeedee!! FeedledeeDIE!!
We'll rip out your guts and poke out your EYE!!
Tweedledeedee!! Tweedledeedum!!
We'll step on your pretties and cut out your tongue!!
For we are Grizzlegob's unholy crew!
Defilers and wreckers of all that is true!!
When Doomsday comes, we get to play!
To poke, and rip, and tear, and slay!
When the Old One rears his ugly head,
the world shall blanche with pallid dread!
To lay him low the heroes hope, with wishes gained by kissing the Pope!
But foolish is the mortal wish, for even if Cthulhu falls....
He'll come round again when stars be right....
In another age he'll send out his calls....
Heard by those that dream at night!
And once again, the cycle complete,
the nightmare starts anew....
Unless a soul as pure as gold be sacrificed in stead,
the Squiddy villain will renew, and never be quite dead....
But if a pure soul joins with his in perfect symmetry,
a chance to end his evil cycle Earth shall finally see....
A willing soul will save the world, but thus erase his name!
And though the world is safe again, it's never quite the same!!!

Grizzlegob roars this strange and raucous song, with a tune like a bawdy house tune, over and over as he leads his demon horde toward R'lyeh....

At the Pacific Coast in San Diego, the greater demon leads his renegade demon band and the great pack of weresquatches to a decomissioned aircraft carrier....

Get this here jalopy up and running, me demons! These daft weresquatches ain't got the brains of a retarded fat kid, so they can't sus it out.... It be up to we demons to figure out how them hairless apes made this contraption to work!

Standing on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, Grizzlegob addresses his horde of demons....

Now! This is how we're gonna play it, see? We'll 'port to R'lyeh and act like we's lookin' to join up with old Squid-Face, and be his goons, see? But really, we're just waitin' on my slow-ass great-great-grandson and his badass chums to get their pokey asses to the fight, and then we'll hoodwink the old Squiddy One! Hehehehe!!! We'll bamboozle 'em!!! They won't know what hit 'em!! Hehehehee!!

The greater demon begins to sing or croak in its horrible voice, the strange, prophetic song he has heard from greater powers of evil and chaos than he....

To R'lyeh we must go! To R'lyeh we must goooo!
Old Cthulhu's flipped 'es lid, t' R'lyeh we must goooo!
A-slaughtering we shall go! A-slaughtering we shall go!
With blood we'll paint the whole town red, a-slaughterin' we shall go!
A-screamin' as we go! A-screamin' as we go!
We'll cut some heads and leave some deads, a-screamin' as we go!
To Bedlam all we'll go! To Bedlam all we'll go!
A-raving and enslaving souls, to Bedlam we'll all go!!!
Feedledeedee!! FeedledeeDIE!!
We'll rip out your guts and poke out your EYE!!
Tweedledeedee!! Tweedledeedum!!
We'll step on your pretties and cut out your tongue!!
For we are Grizzlegob's unholy crew!
Defilers and wreckers of all that is true!!
When Doomsday comes, we get to play!
To poke, and rip, and tear, and slay!
When the Old One rears his ugly head,
the world shall blanche with pallid dread!
To lay him low the heroes hope, with wishes gained by kissing the Pope!
But foolish is the mortal wish, for even if Cthulhu falls....
He'll come round again when stars be right....
In another age he'll send out his calls....
Heard by those that dream at night!
And once again, the cycle complete,
the nightmare starts anew....
Unless a soul as pure as gold be sacrificed in stead,
the Squiddy villain will renew, and never be quite dead....
But if a pure soul joins with his in perfect symmetry,
a chance to end his evil cycle Earth shall finally see....
A willing soul will save the world, but thus erase his name!
And though the world is safe again, it's never quite the same....

Grizzlegob and his horde of renegade demons make their way to the Pacific Coast, driven by a planar instinct like animals sensing a coming storm....

To R'lyeh we must go! To R'lyeh we must goooo!
Old Cthulhu's flipped 'es lid, t' R'lyeh we must goooo!
A-slaughtering we shall go! A-slaughtering we shall go!
With blood we'll paint the whole town red, a-slaughterin' we shall go!
A-screamin' as we go! A-screamin' as we go!
We'll cut some heads and leave some deads, a-screamin' as we go!
To Bedlam all we'll go! To Bedlam all we'll go!
A-raving and enslaving souls, to Bedlam we'll all go!!!
Feedledeedee!! FeedledeeDIE!!
We'll rip out your guts and poke out your EYE!!
Tweedledeedee!! Tweedledeedum!!
We'll step on your pretties and cut out your tongue!!
For we are Grizzlegob's unholy crew!
Defilers and wreckers of all that is true!!
When Doomsday comes, we get to play!
To poke, and rip, and tear, and slay!
When the Old One rears his ugly head,
the world shall blanche with pallid dread!
To lay him low the heroes hope, with wishes gained by kissing the Pope!
But foolish is the mortal wish, for even if Cthulhu falls....
He'll come round again when stars be right....
In another age he'll send out his calls....
Heard by those that dream at night!
And once again, the cycle complete,
the nightmare starts anew....
Unless a soul as pure as gold be sacrificed in stead,
the Squiddy villain will renew, and never be quite dead....
But if a pure soul joins with his in perfect symmetry,
a chance to end his evil cycle Earth shall finally see....
A willing soul will save the world, but thus erase his name!
And though the world is safe again, it's never quite the same!!!

Grizzlegob roars this strange and raucous song, with a tune like a bawdy house tune, over and over as he leads his demon horde toward R'lyeh....

Thousands of miles away, in the evergreen forest of Meridian Lake Park in Texas, Grizzlegob gets an evil tingling in his vile bones and an unholy gleam in his blood-red eyes.....

The time draws nigh, demon horde!! Great-Grandaddy Grizzlegob means to get in on this rumpus.... I ain't letting no watered-down tiefling twerp great-grandspawn o' mine have all the fun without his old great-grandaddy.... Harharharr!! Savage little Thor-worshipper has turned out to be quite the hotshot.... Gettin' too big for his britches, is what!

A chorus of unholy cackles, shrieks, and howls from the demonic horde echoes through the woodlands, frightening even their fierce weresquatch allies....

Meanwhile, in Meridian State Park:

Leading his warband of demons--hezrous, rutterkin, vrocks, and kalavakuses--Grizzlegob the glabrezu ventures to the forest where his great, great grandspawn Koran's pack of loyal and savage weresquatches roam....

In Abyssal: You weresquatches don't speak the lingo of the Abyss, but I know you get the gist of what Grizzlegob says!.... Get a good sniff of me, weresquatches! You'll find something familiar in my scent.... I'm your alpha's great, great grandsire! So you'll heed my command as you heed his! You will regard my demons as members of the pack! We shall run wild together under the swollen moon, and feast on the flesh and blood of evil mortals and monsters alike! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

As Koran sleeps in his tent at the edge of the Navajo camp, his dreams are suddenly poisoned by the insidious voice of his great, great grandfather.... Grizzlegob!

Don't wake up on my account, boy.... I'm just dropping by to introduce myself! I'm your great, great grandaddy Grizzlegob! That's right.... I'm a major demon, son, so you best listen up!! We demons don't approve of these Great Old Ones coming from outer space and outer dimensions to horn in on our deal, see!? If we let them exterminate all life on Earth to make it "clean" for their newfangled vision of the future, why, who'll be left to make sacrifices to us demons!? Who we gonna scare!? Who we gonna possess when we get tired of torturing chaotic evil souls in the Abyss!? That's why great, great grandaddy's gonna offer to bring his gang of demons to the big brawl at the end with Cthulhu.... We'll help you send that squid-faced scallywag to the Abyss, where Big Poppa Demogorgon, and old cranky-ass Orcus can put an eternal hurtin' on him!

Grizzlegob chuckles demonically in Koran's tent, watching his giant great, great grandson snore on a bed of furs....

Aww.... Ain't he precious.... A real bloodthirsty killer.... A chip off the old block.... Better skidaddle before his uppity pals detect me and send me back to the Abyss the painful way....