Dwayne Lee Hooker DM substitute |

PSSSSST! Hey, y'all.... Over here....
Across the street, emerging from the shadows of a doorway under a sign that reads Sarasota Yogurt Company, a fat, balding, bearded redneck, clad in camouflage Kevlar vest and work boots, with a revolver in his hand and an AR-15 assault rifle strapped to his back, spits a wad of tobacco and saliva onto the street....
Y'all hear that gibber-jabber?.... That's The Saint Armand's Terror.... Been huntin' that m##+%$%$&@~! for a couple days now.... Don't listen to that gibber-jabber, ya hear? That s**~'ll make ya go nuts!

Radsworth |

Radsworth DOES listen to the jabber, but only for the moment required for meaningful scientific analysis.
Knowledge Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
When Radsworth is summoned by the Yogurt Militia, he is immediately interested.
"What can you tell us about it?"

Michael Johnson 66 |

Radsworth DOES listen to the jabber, but only for the moment required for meaningful scientific analysis.
[dice=Knowledge Dungeoneering]1d20 +11
[dice=Knowledge Arcana]1d20 +10
[dice=Knowledge Planes]1d20 +10When Radsworth is summoned by the Yogurt Militia, he is immediately interested.
"What can you tell us about it?"
Radsworth recalls reading about aberrations called gibbering mouthers in a copy of Monsters and Their Kinde, a medieval manuscript kept in the sequestered collections of the Boston University Library....
The inane gibberish calls to mind the warnings against those aberrations' maddening babble found in the ancient manuscript....

Dwayne Lee Hooker DM substitute |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Seeing Radsworth's relative normalcy, he says, Well, you look like Abraham Lincoln with that old top hat on, bubba! Heehee! But least you ain't no monster.... What're ya doin' with all these here monsters?.... Wait a minute!.... I knew it!.... Y'all're from that Top Secret government facility out in the 'Glades, ain't ya! I knew Obama was makin' Hulks, 'n Iron Mans, 'n Hellboy's, 'n bionic commandos 'n such....

Derrik Stonesmith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Derrik examines the mans intent listening to him unmoving but not judgmental quite yet. Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18. He clanks up to the suspicious man with an intimidating gait.
" You would be right we are the.. good guys in the sense. We also would all be considered Monsters.. in a way. You however are wrong when it comes to everyone's origin. That however isn't important.. We have come to rid this area of evil and recover resources. If you wanted to shoot this creature.. why did you not do so before Mister.. Dwayne Lee Hooker? "

Dwayne Lee Hooker |
Dwayne Lee looks down to the short guy with the big words beside him.
"Jeb and done shot plenty a these monsters... but this one got them jump on us, like he had some smarts or something."
Dwayne Lee slaps his 30 round clip up into his AR and spits a big wad of tobacco juice on the ground towards them zombies.
"Let's do this, boys... Let's do it for Jeb!"

Derrik Stonesmith |

" I also must ask ... you said that you and this 'Jeb' have done this... alot... but this one was different? It's speaks this nonsense and I can hear it from here... is there something special about it? And how many others like it exist? Is it some form of odd mastermind.. pretending to spout nonsense to lead us into a false sense of security? These are the things we should know before engaging it.. if possible "
Derrik listens to see if the sounds are getting.. closer Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Michael Johnson 66 |

" I also must ask ... you said that you and this 'Jeb' have done this... alot... but this one was different? It's speaks this nonsense and I can hear it from here... is there something special about it? And how many others like it exist? Is it some form of odd mastermind.. pretending to spout nonsense to lead us into a false sense of security? These are the things we should know before engaging it.. if possible "
Derrik listens to see if the sounds are getting.. closer [dice=Perception]1d20 + 10
The sounds seem to be stationary, about 100 ft to the east.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Up until a few days ago, the monsters Dwayne and Jeb fought and killed were: 20 human zombies (which leveled them to 2nd level), 10 ghouls (which leveled them to 3rd), and 10 sinspawn (which leveled them to 4th level).
Having come down the Myakka River on their flotillas to Lido Key, Jeb and Dwayne thought they had found a good place to make camp in the center of St Armand's Circle, but were frightfully disillusioned when The St Armand's Terror engulfed and desiccated poor Jeb! Dwayne has been stalking it since yesterday....

Radsworth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"President Obama made many things Sir, but mostly mistakes are what come to mind. These with me are likely the best examples of humanity you are going to find anymore... in all of its flavors.
He considers Hooker, a man of obvious action.
"Are you sure you can handle yourself against this creature?"

The St Armand's Terror |

About 60 ft out from The SAT, Koran catches his first glimpse of the hideous monster....
It is like an amorphous blob of flesh riddled with gaping mouths and eyes that look in all directions!
At this proximity, Koran (and any who join him at that distance) must make a DC 13 Will save vs a mind-affecting insanity effect....

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik Also accompanies Koran as well this time wanting a nice amount of distance between them and the group. He couldn't leave the distraught rager alone in battle or in regret.
Stealth: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Michael Johnson 66 |

In that case prepared action charge + power attack + rage
A thunderous blow from Koran's earth breaker causes a grisly crunching sound from within the many-eyed, many-mouthed blob, and it grunts in pain from six different mouths!

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik notices Koran's slight affect from the creature but is relieved that it is shaken off... As the Pain Train begins to rush the creature, Derrik moves along side him though a bit slower.. leading in with a Revolver Shot to soften it up.
Look around, Move 20 ft out of stealth, fire Highlander 1 range increment away.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Will again if needed: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Highlander Shot Touch: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 191d8 ⇒ 4

Michael Johnson 66 |

Derrik notices Koran's slight affect from the creature but is relieved that it is shaken off... As the Pain Train begins to rush the creature, Derrik moves along side him though a bit slower.. leading in with a Revolver Shot to soften it up.
Look around, Move 20 ft out of stealth, fire Highlander 1 range increment away.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 10
[dice=Will again if needed]1d20 + 11
[dice=Highlander Shot Touch]1d20 + 3; 1d8
The SAT squeals in agony from its six mouths as the bullet bites into its aberrant flesh!

Michael Johnson 66 |

okay, so it happened again. Ugh
Hmm, well, for now, I guess resolve your rolls in the discussion thread? And just post results in gameplay til it starts working again?
And Dwayne: in case you aren't sure how to generate dice rolls, you type [mice]1d20+5[/mice] except type dice instead of mice.... That would roll a 20-sided plus 5, for example, which would be your initiative modifier.... So an attack might look like this ( with dice instead of mice): revolver [mice]1d20+11[/mice], damage [mice]1d8[/mice]

Kate Peace |

Kate follows "her boys" into battle staying about 20 ft behind the front line. When she gets to within 60 ft of the maddening gibberish of The SAT, she must make a Will save 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15, which she makes, resisting the confusion effect.
Blah-blah-blah! No comprende, you twelve-eyed freak!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Grimm launches the bomb before his allies get to the terror. [Dice=attack]1d20+7
[Dice=damage]2d6+4 plus fire.
Dr Grimm lobs his fire bomb like a quarterback making a touchdown pass.... It arcs over Koran's and Derrik's towering heads, leaving a reddish trail in the air like a comet, and smashes against the hideous SAT, exploding in flames and eliciting a chorus of agonized screams from its six drooling mouths!

The St Armand's Terror |

The fire bomb shatters against The SAT's hide, and it is engulfed in searing flames!
AAAAAGH! Schmertze! Pain! Fire! Burns! Caliente!
Highlander roars and the bullet rips into The SAT!
SCREEEEECH!, times six, in unison....
Koran charges and brings down his street lamp-sized earth breaker upon it, smashing internal structures vital to its life functions! The SAT is ruptured by the fatal blow!
CRUUUNNCH!!! GAAAKkkkhhh.... *Gurgle*
The SAT dies....