Post Apocthulhu Pathfinder RAW

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

The PCs are survivors in a version of modern Earth ravaged by Cthulhu and his minions.

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Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

Rad considers the Drider for a moment, clearly uncomfortable allowing this creature to exist. He takes a moment to examine the crowds of cannibals.

His vision of this group will be forever tainted by the image of a childs skull worn as a necklace. Radsworth was not a violent man, but he was still undecided on one day returning and slaughtering every deranged adult in this place.

It's not Pandora's place to raise a whole society full of children, and it's possible that from this crown of degenerates the next Bach, Niche, or Einstein could come.. but it certainly wouldn't come from one of their established adults.

He couldn't change the future of all of these children, but maybe at least one. Rad had always been alone, even if not lonely. He was fine without family and surrounded by his intellectual colleagues. Still, times had changed. If he could improve the life of perhaps even one of the many children in this place..

Rad steps forth, his revolver holstered, and addresses the thing.

"I know of you creature, or at least something of your kind, as best as tomes and books of lore can describe you. I would ask you for another boon, if you will give it. Allow me to take one of the children in this colony away from this place, to be raised among some semblance of what humanity was. In return, I'll offer you one favor of your choosing, so long as it does not directly or indirectly harm another that I find to be undeserving of your wrath."

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Derrik Stonesmith wrote:

The darkness behind the helmeted warrior peers through the creatures thin walls of attempted deceit to find the truth of the matter... That just like the cannibals its tortures and brings fear... it too detests and fears those above it. Had the TUtB not have done its various acts Derrik would have shown him more mercy or even pity.. but it made it's decision long ago he would guess. His eyes focus in the direction of the creatures voice.. Detecting its foul presence in a much different way.. and It amazes Derrik his is able to do so.. his eyes seeing the world in various colors.. distinct in vibrant Reds, Blues.. greens and grays. Moving over the area where it speaks

" Know this ... I will not be simply put off by this information.. but you HAVE given yourself a chance .. to change ... If you fear those above you that you would have them destroyed then you should not build such a relationship with those beneath you.. or the same fate that may befall the Crawler.. may befall you. "

Using Detect Evil for the first time and scanning over the area for horribly evil aura's using move action to pinpoint with paladin ability.. and while I'm at it generally look around .. Red is obviously Evil...

Derrik senses the presence of evil on a balcony near the end of the poolside building, just overhead, about 30 ft away and 20 ft up....

A thin young woman with a tangle of black hair suddenly breaks from the crowd of cannibals assembled around the pool, and begins to run toward Derrik, shrieking....

KILL IT!! Oh please kill The Thing for us!! Save us from this hell!!

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Male Drider Aberration 7

SILENCE!!! The TUtB hisses an incantation, and suddenly appears for all to see as a bright bolt of lightning rips from its black, bony hands to electrocute the black-haired young woman, leaving her corpse a black and terrible heap sizzling and smoking by the pool!

Lightning bolt 7d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3, 1, 6, 2, 5) = 24

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Male Drider Aberration 7

The Thing Under the Balcony can be seen clinging like a giant spider to the balcony of a nearby third-floor poolside unit. From the waist up, it has vaguely humanoid features--a torso with bony arms and claw-like hands, and a head like an evil, ugly man, long of visage, with eyes that burn a fiery red, and long pointed ears, its skin midnight black.... From the waist down, it is like an immense, bloated spider, somewhat like The Crawler Between Dimensions....

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Male Drider Aberration 7

Children? The Thing chuckles. Children do not live long in this New World, astute and noble Fierce One.... They are far too delicate.... And far too....delicious....

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Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

As the emaciated cannibal woman rushed towards Derrik in a frenzy, asking for his help... In his vision appeared the evil presence that he felt in all its disfigured abomination glory. Just as he saw the light blaze in the creatures hands he was unable to shield the woman.. to far away.. he reached out to warn her, but the lightning came too quick piercing her body and frying her into a black heap part-way to him. His look hidden by his attire.. as flashback to the multiple times he was not able to help an innocent woman from being ripped apart.. eaten or killed in horrible fashions. The images spur something deep inside him.. A rage.. a strength, a power... which makes Derrik glow brighter to the TUtB. He doesn't speak.. but even under his armor you can see visible shaking... but not of fear.. no... Something far different

" Vile... murderer.." is all that escapes his lips

As the creature makes speech of.. eating children, he simply point his axe at the creature.

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Male Drider Aberration 7
Derrik Stonesmith wrote:

" Vile... murderer.." is all that escapes his lips

As the creature makes speech of.. eating children, he simply point his axe at the creature.

Behave, my little sweetlings! We mustn't upset our guests....

A low, cruel cackle dribbles from the foul aberration's black lips.

Male Drider Aberration 7

Clever are the Fierce Ones! Yes! Clever, and resourceful. And deadly.... They hate the evil that pollutes their world, yes? They would strike out against other evils, yes? crows the drider.

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

Rad watches as the woman is charred, then falls lifeless. He listens as the Drider speaks of it's deranged hunger. He observes as Derrik threatens the creature, warning it that combat is forthcoming. Honorable man, Derrik. Rad was under no such compunction. He draws his revolver and loads an alchemical abberation bane round, crafted for this very circumstance, and fires into the creature.

Free Action, 5 foot step back and draw weapon. Swift Action: Load alchemical round into next chamber. Standard Action: Attack

Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 vs touch
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 72d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Radsworth wrote:

Rad watches as the woman is charred, then falls lifeless. He listens as the Drider speaks of it's deranged hunger. He observes as Derrik threatens the creature, warning it that combat is forthcoming. Honorable man, Derrik. Rad was under no such compunction. He draws his revolver and loads an alchemical abberation bane round, crafted for this very circumstance, and fires into the creature.

Free Action, 5 foot step back and draw weapon. Swift Action: Load alchemical round into next chamber. Standard Action: Attack

[dice=Attack]1d20 +7 vs touch
[dice=Damage]1d8 +3; 2d6

Radsworth's aim is true, and The Thing Under the Balcony recoils in shock and pain! Roll initiative, please!

Male Drider Aberration 7

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Treacherous fools! I will glut on your blood!

Female Human Cleric 6

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Oh no! Here we go!

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

Derrik leaps into action as the shot is fired.. as if the acknowledgement of at least ONE of his current allies was holding him back; That leash cut he Roars to The Thing Under the Balcony

" You have brought the wrath of Derrik Stonesmith, and with unyielding might I shall Smite thee for all you have done until I no longer draw BREATH! I Shall avenge the woman you have slain and for EVRY INNOCENT YOU HAVE CORRUPTED.. DIE COWARD!"

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Radsworth says nothing, only continues to stare down the creature. His mind is screaming, calling him a fool. This creature could easily destroy them all. Instead, he simply begins to reach for his bandoleer of special ammo and says aloud.

"Be careful not to cluster. His sorcery can affect all of us in a single line. Don't let him kill us all at once and victory might be possible."

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33

Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33

How close are we to it?

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Dr. Hugo Grimm wrote:
How close are we to it?

You stand in your marching order at the west end of a 40-ft-by-60-ft courtyard formed by three 3-story hotel buildings arranged in a horse shoe, with the open side facing the Gulf of Mexico at your backs. Before you is a swimming pool, around which some 45 male and less than 20 female cannibals are congregated.

The Thing Under the Balcony is under the balcony of the third-floor beachfront suite, just about 10 ft north of Team Lido, and about 20 ft up the wall of the hotel building....

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33

My initiative is really 11. I did not take improved initiative. I took extra discovery: vestigial arm.

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33

Grimm lobs a fire bomb at the creature. Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 2) + 3 = 9

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33

Grimm shares Rads sentiment. He had from the beginning. It was appalling to him to let this creature live. He would miss the information and gifts, but his humanity kicked in when it came to watching innocents suffer. Besides, what would happen when the spider ran out of victims. Would he move on to the sandcastle? Were they just really hired guns for the balcony creature?

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

Derrik tries to position himself right beneath it.. Dawnbringer storing itself upon his arm mechanism and drawing Highlander, his revolver, and glowing with a visible white light.. that envelops his body whole as well as his weaponry as a bullet streams towards The Thing Under the Balcony with divine purpose Highlander Shot-touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 81d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 His enemies eyes hurt by his presence. his anger however working against him the bullet flies wide.. a curse issuing from his lips.

Smited him and moved up.. Shot with revolver.. though I rolled a 2... sadface...


Mephos, Kinyama, and Koran TBD!


Female Human Cleric 6

Suddenly seeming to forget her policy of pacifism in the heat of the moment, Kate draws a Colt revolver (given to her as a reward for her brave service on the first expedition) and points it at The TUtB with a look of hot rage in her blue eyes. She fires.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 1d8 ⇒ 5

SHUT YOUR F*#~IN' MOUTH, you FAT, UGLY, STUPID PIECE OF S$#%!!! shrieks the pretty young cleric at the top of her lungs!

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

Now that proper combat has begun, Rad considers his options. They MUST harm this thing and do it quickly. They must also survive or the point is moot.

Pushing down his completely out of character desire to dismember and destroy this .. thing.., he instead funnels his efforts into the arcane. Chanting words in a language older than modern human history, he invokes a thick mist centered on his person. The fog spreads and envelopes him and all within 20ft of him.

He shouts out to the others.

"Be careful! This creature easily wields powers stronger than Mephos and I combined! Kate! Hide in the fog so it cannot see or target you by sight! Everyone else, if you are injured, retreat to the fog for Kate to heal you!'

Female Human Cleric 6
Radsworth wrote:
Kate! Hide in the fog so it cannot see or target you by sight!

Okee-doke, Professor!

Male Kitsune Mysterious Stranger/Pistolero 3

initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Male Tiefling Tattooed Sorcerer 5

initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 8

initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Male Tiefling Tattooed Sorcerer 5

grease on the wall that it's standing on.
dc 17 ref

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 8

Koran throws a chakram.
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 6 = 12

Male Kitsune Mysterious Stranger/Pistolero 3

Kinyama shoots at the TuTb (2 grit)
attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16damage: 1d8 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (7) + (4) + 8 = 19

Male Drider Aberration 7
Mephos - Subject 210 wrote:

grease on the wall that it's standing on.

dc 17 ref

Reflex save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

The Thing's eight spindly legs perform a wild dance on the greasy wall under its balcony, but it struggles to maintain its purchase....

The Thing Under the Balcony wrote:
Mephos - Subject 210 wrote:

grease on the wall that it's standing on.

dc 17 ref

Reflex save 1d20+5

The Thing's eight spindly legs perform a wild dance on the greasy wall under its balcony, but it struggles to maintain its purchase....

A peal of riotous laughter thunders from the crowd of cannibals and skanks....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Kinyama Urai wrote:

Kinyama shoots at the TuTb (2 grit)


The kitsune's bullet plunges into The TUtB's black, bloated flesh, causing the monster to jerk violently where it perches on the wall, black ichor dribbling from a fresh wound!

Male Drider Aberration 7

No! This can't be happening!! Have I gone too far? Did I underestimate??

The TUtB intones words of magic in a cracked, desperate, wheezing voice, and vanishes from sight!

But it's shrieks and squeals of agony can still be heard....

Invisible, it scuttles over the balcony and into the beachfront suite, causing the curtains to noticeably flutter.... The sounds of it crashing into furniture inside the hotel room are clearly heard above the cheering and laughing of the cannibal slaves.

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21


Suddenly empowered and liberated by the heroic defiance of Team Lido, the cannibals erupt in a frenzy of rage and storm the third-floor beachfront suite, exacting a savage but righteous vengeance on the monster that so terrorized them for so long!

They rush past Team Lido and mount the stairs, brandishing clubs and knives....

Some pause briefly to touch their heroes as they pass on their way to wreak vengeance....

A red-haired young woman with green eyes runs up to Derrik and embraces him, sobbing hysterically.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The Thing Under the Balcony has met a grisly but fitting end. It's black flesh will be the first nonhuman meat the poor, ragged, traumatized live victims of The Thing have eaten in weeks.

Team Lido has won another victory over the forces of evil that have overwhelmed their world!

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Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

Rad is unsure how to proceed. He mentions speaks to Derrick, his hard scowl softening at the sight of the crying woman.

"I may have judged these people too harshly, Derrick. However, the problem with this sort of evil is that it festers. There is a chance some here have grown fond of cannibalism, whether through sickness of the mind or corruption of the soul. The Thing does not make them rape, does not make them wear grim fetishes of their victims.. but as we have liberated them, we cannot leave them to their own savagery to establish their new way of life. We are responsible for them now. You ... see where I am coming from, right?"

Are they all middle aged or adults?

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Radsworth wrote:

Rad is unsure how to proceed. He mentions speaks to Derrick, his hard scowl softening at the sight of the crying woman.

"I may have judged these people too harshly, Derrick. However, the problem with this sort of evil is that it festers. There is a chance some here have grown fond of cannibalism, whether through sickness of the mind or corruption of the soul. The Thing does not make them rape, does not make them wear grim fetishes of their victims.. but as we have liberated them, we cannot leave them to their own savagery to establish their new way of life. We are responsible for them now. You ... see where I am coming from, right?"

Are they all middle aged or adults?

All are between 14 and 50.

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

Derrik is almost stunned by the act.. unable to react for a few seconds, before his armored body tries its best to envelop the young woman comfortably and gently. Creating a sense of safety with his she being close enough to see a glimpse of his eyes.. soft and fierce at the same time.

" There there.. it is... alright now.. The creature is gone.. your safe with me for the time being"

Derrik places a hand on the back of her head and rubs her hair trying to calm her down as Rad speaks words of truth to him. He nods and keeps eyes upon where the Spider-beast went...

" Rad.. just as this one I hold close to me now.. we must do so with these others. They have been abused by this land and the creatures inhabiting it from another world. And need to be shepherded as sheep so that they can become their own wolves. Yes.. i understand what you mean.. do not feel bad for thinking so "

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33

We could take some of the non-cannibals back to farm at the Box? Anyone object to this?

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

" When you have upset the balance of power.. it is the victor's responsibility to fix the damage that has been done the best they can... if we take some to farm.. the others would surely revolt.. they must all be brought back to.. a semblance of order.. and civility... "

Derrik cupping the back of the girl's head and looking around at the group for responses.

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M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

As the sun sets in the Gulf of Mexico to the west, a sound that had become unfamiliar on Lido Key--the sound of genuine human celebration--echoes in the poolside courtyard of the Sarasota Sands Resort, and brings disquiet to evil ears....

What could possibly make the pitiful slaves of The Thing Under the Balcony laugh and sing so jubilantly? What could they be celebrating so sincerely? Where was the taint of cruel mockery and coercion that would explain the noisy celebration as some perverse game of The Thing's devising?

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M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Team Lido is praised and practically worshipped as saviors by the newly-liberated former cannibals. Fishing poles and tackle are brought forth, and several men get to work on the beach casting lines out in hope of catching a more wholesome meal than these people had been accustomed to for too long now.

People swim in the pool, play tennis or shuffleboard, dance to music played on guitars, sing songs, and make uninhibited love with no thought to privacy or self-consciousness. A spark of hope has been lit in the vast darkness....

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The redhead girl stays close by Derrik's side, fetching grilled sea bass and freshly brewed tea for him, massaging his muscular limbs, and asking him many questions about himself, beginning with why he doesn't remove his helmet--she guesses that he must be very handsome....

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Female Human Gunslinger 11

The red haired girl looks through the eye slits of Derrik's visor into his fierce yet soft eyes and smiles sweetly.

Oh! I forgot to tell you my name! .... I'm Amber Lynn. Thank you again for saving us, Derrik. I'll never, ever, ever forget you as long as I live....

Which might not be all that long in this monster-infested hell of a world....

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Female Human Cleric 6

Kate finds Dr Grimm amid the partying former cannibals, and shoos off a gaggle of skanks vying to molest him....

Sorry, girls, this three-armed freak is MINE! Haha!

She smiles at Grimm, beautiful in spite of mascara streaks marking the trail of tears of terror, righteous wrath, and finally joy.

C'mere and wrap those arms around me, Dr Grimm--ya, even the freaky one.... I've never been with a lover who had three hands before.... She kisses Grimm sensuously....

What else can you grow extras of, Doc, hmm? Another long kiss....

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