Post Apocthulhu Pathfinder RAW

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

The PCs are survivors in a version of modern Earth ravaged by Cthulhu and his minions.

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It begins to regenerate....

Monk (Tetori) 11/Fighter (Brawler) 4/Ulfen Guard 5; Mythic Champion/Guardian 10

Beowulf grunts as Grendel claws and bites him, but remains standing.

He readies himself to wrench at the creature, as he had once before, when suddenly he is left with nothing to grip!

He glares at Mikey.

In Old English: "You dare deny me the glory of combat with this monster!?!" he says, though as the fury drains out of him he begins to be confused.

I am Beowulf! one side shouts, full of pride and anger.

I am Sieg! says the other half, a bit unsure of itself.

I am...both? both sides eventually agree.

He settles back on his heels for a moment to contemplate this revelation, remaining in silence for some time.

Female Aasimar (British-German) Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 8 / Mystic Theurge 10 | Mythic Archmage 9 (Lvl 19)
Derrik Stonesmith wrote:
Actually no, One Grendel is unstoppable, Two He has Ferocity and thus never falls over and three he has Regen.. He doesn't die unless specific things kill him...

Mythic Adventures p. 103: If the target fails its Will save but succeeds at its Fortitude save, the phantasmal killer persists in the target’s mind, giving it the dazed condition until your next turn. On your next turn, the target must attempt another Fortitude save against the phantasm. Success means it takes 3d6 points of damage; failure means it dies from fear.

Isn't using his Mythic Surge an immediate action? Which he used on the Will save. And Unstoppable requires an immediate action to end the dazed effect, which he wouldn't have due to move economy, but I could be completely mistaken...

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3
Grendel resurrected wrote:
It begins to regenerate....

I don't believe it does. It has Regen 10 "Punched in the schnozz (or clawed/bitten/tentacled)" and it got punched in the schnozz by Sieg. =)

But the rest is true, I believe

It's true that he has blood rage and ferocity, so Grendel is indeed "dead on his feet"....

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Dr. Allison Jones wrote:
Derrik Stonesmith wrote:
Actually no, One Grendel is unstoppable, Two He has Ferocity and thus never falls over and three he has Regen.. He doesn't die unless specific things kill him...

Mythic Adventures p. 103: If the target fails its Will save but succeeds at its Fortitude save, the phantasmal killer persists in the target’s mind, giving it the dazed condition until your next turn. On your next turn, the target must attempt another Fortitude save against the phantasm. Success means it takes 3d6 points of damage; failure means it dies from fear.

Isn't using his Mythic Surge an immediate action? Which he used on the Will save. And Unstoppable requires an immediate action to end the dazed effect, which he wouldn't have due to move economy, but I could be completely mistaken...

Unstoppable (Ex): At 8th tier, you can expend one use

of mythic power as a free action to immediately end
any one of the following conditions currently affecting
you: bleed, blind, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled,
deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued,
frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken,
sickened, staggered, or stunned. All other conditions and
effects remain, even those resulting from the same spell
or effect that caused the selected condition. You can use
this ability at the start of your turn even if a condition
would prevent you from acting.

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263 Mikey Jay continues chopping on him....

Fleet speedy furiously focused powerful raging Sword of Sif 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (2) + 34 = 36 deals 2d6 + 57 ⇒ (2, 5) + 57 = 64 slashing plus 2d6 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3 holy plus 1d6 ⇒ 2 electricity damage....

Fleet speedy furiously focused powerful raging Sword of Sif 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (11) + 34 = 45 deals 2d6 + 57 ⇒ (5, 2) + 57 = 64 slashing plus 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 holy plus 1d6 ⇒ 1 electricity damage....

Fleet speedy furiously focused powerful raging Sword of Sif 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (3) + 29 = 32 misses....

Female Aasimar (British-German) Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 8 / Mystic Theurge 10 | Mythic Archmage 9 (Lvl 19)

*Facepalm* my mistake, totally misremembered unstoppable... ALL HAIL THE RULADIN!

At last the monster falls.... Beaten, but not yet dead.... Its powers of regeneration keep it alive but unconscious....

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

Sieg.... This thing is still breathing.... Why don't you choke him out with the eternal choke hold?

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

Derrik shakes the blood from Dawnbringer with a swing, cleaning it in that action. He re-grips the Battleaxe with a looser hold and stares at the reaction Sieg had to the creature. He had experienced it first had himself, he could tell the symptoms well and moreso... the dialect Sieg spoke. This creature was connected to him somehow. and perhaps Sieg had relived something of his past life..found out who he was?

" Dawnbringer did not fell him, nor did the creature attempt to retaliate against me but rather you Sieg, It is not my duty to vanquish the abomination.. it is yours. "

Lol, Sersi when you say that I imagine the Sunbro "Praise the Sun" from Dark Souls pose, and you doing it.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Dr Jones' eyes fall upon the Tarnkappe.... A cape with a pattern so intricate, of such wondrous colors and shapes arranged in so impossibly complex a pattern, that prolonged gazing on its everchanging pattern threatens madness....

Cloak of resistance +6 and displacement 50%
3/day (CL 20th)--greater invisibility, major image

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Each PC receives 20,480 XP

In addition, the FOs have completed 1 of 4 trials required for mythic tier 7

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Note that this levels the Fierce Ones to 15th level....

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

Are you sure I somehow have us at less XP than what you have listed.. however I might have been wrong.. I will recalculate it however

Monk (Tetori) 11/Fighter (Brawler) 4/Ulfen Guard 5; Mythic Champion/Guardian 10

"Gladly." Sieg replies to MJ and Derrik.

Sieg grabs the unconscious Grendel by the arm, and begins to wrench.

Coup De Grace: 2d6 + 66 ⇒ (2, 4) + 66 = 72

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Once again, Grendel is dismembered by Beowulf....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

I have a total of 426,959 XP each for Mikey Jay and Daisy....

Female Aasimar (British-German) Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 8 / Mystic Theurge 10 | Mythic Archmage 9 (Lvl 19)

Allison's eyes widened slightly as she took in the unearthly beauty of the cloak. Wunderbar... She reached out and grabbed the cape holding it for a moment before solemnly draping it over her lab coat. The Tarnkappe, Cloak of Alberich, truly a marvel to behold vith mein own eyes...

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The Tarnkappe is exceedingly comfortable, seeming to find the perfect temperature for its wearer....

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

WOW. That is an incredibly pretty cloak, Dr Jones.... You look like the Queen of the Night or something.... Like a demigoddess....

Human Dark Tapestry Oracle 15; Mythic Hierophant Tier 6; HP: 114/114

"Jesus, Sieg, try to keep it PG-13 with the gore, please, was that really necessary?"

Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176

Oh.... So pretty....

Daisy is lost for a moment in the overwhelming beauty of the pattern that seems to dance and shimmer on Dr Jones' back like the constantly changing plumage of a hallucinatory bird....

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

How long is that gonna be a little distracting, Frau Doktor Doktor?

Mikey Jay grins at the literally scintillating Dr Jones....

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

Nodding, Radsworth takes note of Dr. Allisons new gear, then opens up a portal home.

Nothing to see here.

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 11 / Spellbreaker 6 / Chevalier 3 / Champion 9 (current HP: 520/349)

Koran grunts in approval as the quicker fierce ones finish off the monstrous giant.

Female Aasimar (British-German) Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 8 / Mystic Theurge 10 | Mythic Archmage 9 (Lvl 19)

I do not know, Herr Mikey... Perhaps vith concentration I can mute the effects ven not in combat? But it may take some practice...

Back home Dr. Jones is able to better optimize her gear thanks to a few swaps with elves. Furthermore, she spend a bit of time using her Aasimarian knack for languages to pick up Sylvan and more importantly Japanese given the knowledge form Loki of their next threat.

Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176

Daisy casts heal on Sieg, restoring all of his lost hp....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Back at the Castle, the FOs learn of the successful mission to reclaim downtown Sarasota and the two islands, Bird Key and Lido Key.... They also learn that the Jaeger League suffered some casualties in the process.... Udo Bierschlauffer, Plad Rilfindar, Isaac Tallis (3rd level swashbuckler), Megan Hoffner (2nd level bard), Brent Stuart (2nd level ranger), Marcus Henderson (1st level fighter), and Lisa Topalosic (1st level cleric) fell in the fighting against the cultists, cannibals, and monsters....

Will these brave soldiers be raised, or buried with honors?

Based on reports of minor malfunctions from a few of the Jaegers following their operations in Sarasota, Andy Cox and his assistants recall and make modifications to all ATMDG units, improving their performance (bringing them up to expected standards), and correcting an issue with the design of the cable reels....

On September 6th, Gojira rises and ventures north with Mosura, leaving the island of Okinawa and swimming with titanic strokes that stir up typhoons and tidal waves even before the King of Kaiju makes an appearance....

Arriving at Tokyo Bay around 4 PM, Gojira and Mosura loom over the city, striking fear into the hearts of hundreds of thousands of survivors still eking out a regimented living in the ruins of Japan's capital city....


That's right, b!&!&es! Gojira is back! Run and scream my name! I love it! Makes me feel like a celebrity!


Ooh! Look! Skyscrapers! Watch this, Mosura!

The colossal Lord of Monsters bashes a high building in the downtown district with his gigantic tail, toppling the building with an explosion of masonry and electricity!


Gojira, you must stop! You are probably killing hundreds of people every time you do that!



The King of Kaiju incinerates a monorail track with his nuclear breath weapon....

Digital billboards are shattered by the firebolts from Gojira's spiny back and tail....


Have you no compassion for these poor people, whose lives you are taking?

Mosura continues to buzz and hover in Gojira's line of sight, some 120 ft from the King of Kaiju....


Um.... No.

Gojira smashes another skyscraper with his mighty claws....


Well then, you leave me no choice! I must oppose you by force until you cease this wanton destruction!

Mosura flies toward Gojira....


Oh, goody!

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

A non lethal battle between Gojira and Mosura ensues, the two Kaiju tearing up Tokyo as they wrestle and bat at each other....


You know how this is gonna play out, Mosura.... You can't stop me....

Gojira mouths and paws at the mighty moth-like Kaiju....


Ew! Gross! My head was in your mouth! Ugh! Quit it, you big moron!

Mosura buffets the mighty Gojira with her wings, and snaps her massive mandibles at him....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Gojira dominates the smaller Kaiju Mosura, playing with her, scaly rump in the air, tail wagging destructively....

But Mosura gives her best effort before finally conceding that she cannot stop Gojira from rampaging....

And the two Kaiju leave the ruins of Tokyo more truly ruined than before....


Let's blow this burg, Mosura.... I've already wrecked this place in my crazy youth.... I'm ready to go wreck some new places.... Like Paris and New York and Los Angeles.... Those places need to be wrecked, buddy!

September 6th, Gojira begins to move northward across Honshu.... Every step is an earthquake.... His sweeping tail uproots trees and bamboo with equal indifference....


Gojira, you can't! Think of the little children....the infants.... Never allowed to live their lives just so you can have a cheap thrill! It's disgusting!


It's the Circle of Life, man....

THUD!!! THUD!!! THUD!!! Three tenement buildings are stomped to smithereens.... Over a thousand terrified survivors huddling within are killed....


I'm just doin' my job, babe.... Purging the Earth of its encumbrances.... Cutting off the fat, know what I mean?

Diving into the sea, Gojira causes more destruction in the form of tidal floods that sweep the rubble and few survivors of Gojira's rampage into the sea....

As Koran sleeps in his tent at the edge of the Navajo camp, his dreams are suddenly poisoned by the insidious voice of his great, great grandfather.... Grizzlegob!

Don't wake up on my account, boy.... I'm just dropping by to introduce myself! I'm your great, great grandaddy Grizzlegob! That's right.... I'm a major demon, son, so you best listen up!! We demons don't approve of these Great Old Ones coming from outer space and outer dimensions to horn in on our deal, see!? If we let them exterminate all life on Earth to make it "clean" for their newfangled vision of the future, why, who'll be left to make sacrifices to us demons!? Who we gonna scare!? Who we gonna possess when we get tired of torturing chaotic evil souls in the Abyss!? That's why great, great grandaddy's gonna offer to bring his gang of demons to the big brawl at the end with Cthulhu.... We'll help you send that squid-faced scallywag to the Abyss, where Big Poppa Demogorgon, and old cranky-ass Orcus can put an eternal hurtin' on him!

Grizzlegob chuckles demonically in Koran's tent, watching his giant great, great grandson snore on a bed of furs....

Aww.... Ain't he precious.... A real bloodthirsty killer.... A chip off the old block.... Better skidaddle before his uppity pals detect me and send me back to the Abyss the painful way....

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 11 / Spellbreaker 6 / Chevalier 3 / Champion 9 (current HP: 520/349)

Koran twists and turns in his bed, his dreams filled with visions of his ancestors and their horrific deeds. His heart knows that they will need to get help from the demons but his soul can't betray Thor's trust. Suddenly his eyes open and go blank and his mouth starts moving in a silent string of asgardian.

Far away in Asgard Thor heres his heralds voice in his mind pleading for help.
Commune from mortal herald power.

Will accepting Grizzlegob's assistance be beneficial?

What is the most pressing issue for the Fierce Ones at this moment?

Will Grizzlegob try to corrupt me?

Will it work?

How will the other Fierce Ones react if I tell them about this?

10 more questions but I will wait for answers first.

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:

Koran twists and turns in his bed, his dreams filled with visions of his ancestors and their horrific deeds. His heart knows that they will need to get help from the demons but his soul can't betray Thor's trust. Suddenly his eyes open and go blank and his mouth starts moving in a silent string of asgardian.

Far away in Asgard Thor heres his heralds voice in his mind pleading for help.
Commune from mortal herald power.

Will accepting Grizzlegob's assistance be beneficial?

Aye. More muscle is good.

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
What is the most pressing issue for the Fierce Ones at this moment?

None more than any other....

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
Will Grizzlegob try to corrupt me?

'Course he will.... He's a demon....

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
Will it work?

Not even a god can answer that for thee....

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
How will the other Fierce Ones react if I tell them about this?

Derrik will suspect you of treason.... Radsworth already knows your genealogy, actually.... Jones will be suspicious of you, but will decide to judge you based on your actions--which she will be carefully scrutinizing.... Yingzen will accept that some aspects of the manifestations of Death are brutal and savage.... Mikey Jay will see it as a cosmic joke, and shrug it off as he does most things.... Daisy will feel pity for your struggle to retain nobility against a bestial, demonic nature.... Marcus will embrace the inherent chaos of demon allies as inevitable madness.... Sieg will trust you to keep your dark side in check long enough to get the job done.... And al'Torac will reluctantly accept the dubious aid as better than being turned against you....

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
10 more questions but I will wait for answers first.

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 11 / Spellbreaker 6 / Chevalier 3 / Champion 9 (current HP: 520/349)

Is there anything I can do to convince them I'm right?

What dangers might we face in the near future?

Are there other powerful artifacts that could be useful for the fierce ones?
Any other ideas for questions?

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
Is there anything I can do to convince them I'm right?

When the opportune moment arises, the demons shall do their own convincing.

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
What dangers might we face in the near future?

The Lord of Monsters in the Land of the Rising Sun....

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
Are there other powerful artifacts that could be useful for the fierce ones?

Verily.... The Grail awaits Daisy in the Sacred Kingdom Within a City.... The Fang of Fafnir may be of great use to Al'Torac, but to claim it, he must brave the perils of Niflheim.... And the Tien Lung Pearl awaits the brawler Sieg in a forgotten shrine in the Himalayas....

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" wrote:
Any other ideas for questions?

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

September 8th, 2013, the harbor of what was once Hong Kong, but has been replaced by the cyclopean ruins of Dim Carcosa, nightmare city where the King in Yellow holds court....

Gojira rises from the water, causing a massive tidal wave to flood the labrynthine streets and alleys of Carcosa, drowning hundreds of insane slaves and debauched artists, poets and bards, as well as a number of monstrous denizens of the accursed city....

Mosura buzzes overhead, and between the two Kaiju, they blot out the dim sun, casting the ruins in shadow....

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