Count Lucinean Galdana

Ghost of Doc Holliday's page

8 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


The ghost of Doc Holiday materializes before The Fierce Ones, and floats over to Radsworth, offering a familiar six-shooter....

I know you've got your own piece.... Traveler, I believe?.... But Sheriff Hooker thought this would be put to better use by you anyway.... It's my favorite old six-shooter, Daisy.... The elven wizards reconfigured some of its powers to make it particularly lethal to Great Old Ones and their noxious spawn.... Not to be confused with the lovely Indian lass who travels with you and tends to your wounds.... Anyway, take care of her, and may she put some holes in that old monster Cthulhu....

The ghost offers Radsworth Daisy: +6 reliable speed distance seeking holy aberration bane revolver....

The ghost of Doc Holiday manifests before Professor Radsworth, dapper and grinning, as he must have grinned at Wyatt Earp when they were living friends....

I do believe boo is the appropriate greeting for a ghostly gentleman like myself? Sheriff Hooker and Deputy Jeb send the best of possible wishes, given your circumstances....

The ghost of Doc Holiday lights a spectral cigar and takes a puff....

You're the brains of this behemoth called The Fierce Ones.... Don't lose your marbles wrangling with Old Cthulhu.... Don't let the bastard befuddle you or bluff you.... Just keep your own little ace up your sleeve until the right moment comes.... Do you really want there to be two Cthulhus in existence, good sir? Not if it can be helped, I suppose....

Dwayne, please.... If you would be so kind as to skip your accustomed jibber jabber? You're merely delaying the inevitable, my friend....

The ghost of Doc Holliday turns to Blake and bows.

Good to see you again, Wyatt.

Suddenly, Blake's mind is flooded with a recovered memory of a past life.... He was once the lawman Wyatt Earp, and Doc Holliday had been his friend!

Why put off til tomorrow what could be done tonight, sir?

No, not a midget.... More like.... A gnome, if you'll pardon my fancy depiction.... More like one of those industrious dwarves from Richard Wagner's Ring operas.... But I think he will find that Daisy fits his hand quite nicely....

At the Oriental Salloon in Tombstone, Arizona, the dapper gentleman sat at the poker table clad in his finest hat, vest, and jacket, a hand-rolled cigar in his mouth, and a glitter in his feverish eyes....

He held in his nimble hands a full house.

I do hope you understand, Sheriff Hooker.... You have my utmost respect, of course.... As slayer of that old rakshasa who dug up my bones and desecrated my grave, robbing me of my Daisy, and hero of Tombstone, you will always have my eternal gratitude.... But the little fellow in Florida would make such a glorious use of my Daisy against the Great Old Ones that are all hot and bothered to rip our fair Earth asunder.... You simply must see the sense in passing on old Daisy to the hand that will use her to best advantage? She's going to waste as the sidearm of the Mayor and Sheriff of Tombstone.... This dusty little burg's become rather a bore lately, ever since we hunted that hussy of a succubus down....

The ghostly image of a gaunt but dapper gentleman of the late 19th century dances among the living dancers....

A slim, pale figure, clad in the fashions of a bygone age, suddenly materializes in the middle of the room, standing over the rakshasa's corpse....

You're no daisy, Coal.... Your no daisy at all.... Daisy belongs in the hands of a true gentleman, sir.... Not in the twisted-around paw of some tiger-devil from the Infernal Regions, I dare say.... Let it go to Mister Hooker, here.... He seems a fine shot, and just the sort of fellow that would take good care of old Daisy....

Doc Holliday's Ghost smiles and winks at Dwayne Lee before fading like a dream at the break of dawn....