
Ghost of Neferkaptah's page

5 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Prof. Naomi Levinson wrote:
Levinson was torn between wanting the knowledge of the book and knowing it would be safer back in the tomb. Finally, she handed over the Book of Thoth to Neferkaptah's ghost.

The ghost accepts the book with both hands, reverently....

I thank thee, My Lady.... Thou hast made the wiser choice.... The knowledge of the gods was not meant for mortal minds.... 'T'will rest safely in mine tomb with mine bones, and the bones of mine wife and child....

The ghostly King takes the book, and it seems to become incorporeal....

Ghost and book fade like a dream at the break of day....

Again, the ghost of a mythic Egyptian King materializes among you....

Thou hast saved the material world from certain doom, brave heroes! Neferkaptah, Once King of Egypt, salutes thee!

The ghostly Egyptian smiles broadly and raises his right hand in salute....

Now, I kindly bid thee, give unto me the Book of Thoth.... Though mine hands seem not to be fully in thy world, yet wilt they bear the Book of Thoth....

A ghostly figure resembling an Egyptian King of the ancient world materializes among the FOs....

The ritual that opened the gate is in the Book of Thoth.... The ritual that closes the gate is also therein! The lich stole the Book from my tomb, brave heroes! Search her corpse, and thou wilt find the Book of Thoth, and therein, the ritual to close the portal!.... For the sake of my descendants and yours, I beseech thee! Make closed the portal!

The ghost fades away....

The ghost of Neferkaptah howls in impotent rage and despair!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You call down your own doom, and the doom of the world! Call not Yog-Sothoth into this world! Thou wilt rue it, foolish witch! THOU WILT RUE IT!!!

In ancient Egyptian: Who dares to defile the tomb of Neferkaptah!? Who dares to rob my grave!? Hast thou not heard the tale of the last foolish thief who dared to steal the Book of Thoth!? He soon repented and returned the Book, after my magics deluded him into murdering his own wife and child! Dost thou also seek to be accursed!?