
The Great Landmine's page

15 posts. Alias of Ambrosia Slaad.

How do the sorcerer aberrant bloodline and druid wild shape intract? Does the bloodline grant +50% duration to wild shape, or not? I guess not as wild shape is a spec. ability and although it behaves, as beast shape/elemental body (polymorph subschool), the "except as noted here" does specify a duration. Essentially which supersedes the other?
My 1/2 orc druid had something we don't speak about done to him by a dark young before taking up adventuring. Consequently manifested aberrant sorcerer bloodline (1level) and growth subdomain for nature bond. Terrified and ashamed, took ranger levels (favoured enemy aberrations), but infiltrator, so eventually manifesting aberrant traits through that too. Now druid 4, ranger (infiltrator) 4, sorcerer 1. Tough call being a tree-hugger with abominations' blood.