
Old Zathras's page

28 posts. Alias of Ambrosia Slaad.


Liberty's Edge

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Spacecaptain Pillbug Lebowski wrote:
Drejk wrote:

FAWTL is the humanity's last, best hope?

We are so screwed...

I thought this was Deep 6 FaWtL, not FaWtyLon5?! When did we jump continuities?

Everyone always coming to Zathras with problems. Great responsibilities. But Zathras does not mind. Zathras trained in crisis management.

Liberty's Edge

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Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Time Travel is only done right as a parody, like in Futurama, because it's such bad writing it exists only to be mocked by good writers.
I am required to point out the requisite exception that proves the rule on this, which is of course Chrono Trigger, the best time travel story ever written IMO.
The best take on time travel (which I am not fan of in general) was in Babylon 5 - in big part because it was planned part of the story, thus reflecting the fact that if time travel would happen, the past results of future time travel would be already history and affecting the now from the beginning.

You are as wise as a Vorlon. Zathrus not trust you, what with all the eating humanoids and fire breathing and Xanatos gambits (also like Vorlons), but you are definitely wise.

Orthos, Post-Singularity wrote:
I admittedly haven't seen B5, though it's on the list of "things to get around to watching eventually", so I can't much comment on it.

You should definitely try to find time to see it. Some of the dialogue is clunky, some of the acting is clunky, season 1 spends way too much time building all the arcs & plot threads, and season 5 is largely unnecessary, BUT! All that being said, the rest of it should be required watching for anyone who enjoys sci-fi and/or engages in world-building & story-telling. Mollari and G'Kar are wonderful, and the aliens (especially the Shadows and the Vorlons) feel alien.

Liberty's Edge

Yakman wrote:
android foundries are probably the calling card of the Azlanti Star Empire (as an aside, there was a pretty cool hinted at plot point in Eberron
about the Quori and the warborn, where quori souls were being used to make the warborn and this was causing the quori to panic... no reason why that can't be made into a cool plot point for Starfinder)

There was a similar plot hook built into the TV show, Babylon 5: In the first episode, it was revealed that 11 years ago, a first contact between an Earthforce (human) exploratory starship fleet and Minbari vessels goes horribly wrong, starting the Earth-Minbari War. Earth forces were severely outmatched by the technologically superior and zealously vengeful Minbari, and within 3 years, Earth and all of humanity were facing extinction... until Minbari forces mysteriously surrendered unconditionally at the Battle of the Line. Eventually, it's revealed that...


the Minbari scanned a crashed pilot, Jeffrey Sinclair, and were shocked to discover that he possessed the soul of a Minbari. After interrogating Sinclair, the Minbari concluded that Minbari souls seemed to be reincarnating as humans. The Minbari leadership (The Grey Council) ordered an immediate surrender to stop the war and any further killing. "Minbari do not kill Minbari."

How a Minbari soul ended up in a human pilot, and the ramifications of the Grey Council trying to keep their discovery a secret from both humans and Minbari, are major plot points explored over several seasons.

Liberty's Edge

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Azalah wrote:
Betteridge's Analytic Modron wrote:
Azalah wrote:
Are you going to expand on that?
That's sad. I would have liked to hear that explained.

{smiles} Zathras knows. A Vorlon said understanding is a three-edged sword:

your side, their side, and the truth.

No one ever listens to poor Zathras, no, he's quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind, has even grown to like it.

Liberty's Edge

Zathras is reminded of great woman's wisdom: "No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow."

Liberty's Edge

Krensky wrote:
When did we stop calling them boneheads and fascists?

Zathras thinks we should leave the Minbari and Centauri out of this.

Liberty's Edge

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{shakes head sadly} Zathras wonder why you think current Absalom Station is the original?

Liberty's Edge

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Holy crap!

Liberty's Edge

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Zathras body is ready.

Liberty's Edge

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Priestess of Lamashtu wrote:
Pontiff Rysky, of Cult of Cosmo wrote:
*can't tell if sacrosanct or blasphemy*

Ah, reminds Zathras of talking to Kosh.

Liberty's Edge

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Sharaya wrote:


{clicks tongue} Zathras always warn people before gazing into the fowl abyss, but no one ever listens to Zathras, no. It gazes back, it does. Drove poor Dora mad, it did.

Liberty's Edge

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Dragon78 wrote:
There is also a chance that the new darkfolk race will get some love or maybe some unknown shadow themed race from B5.

Zathras thinks what you ask for you truly do not want. At least not without Vorlons around as backup.

Liberty's Edge

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A Shadow, 2260 AD (Earthforce reckoning) wrote:
As always, chaos is the way to strength[...] Chaos is the engine powering life. The spread of chaos is our triumph. And the greatest joy is the ecstasy of victory.
First Principles of the Shadows wrote:
Chaos through warfare; evolution through bloodshed; perfection through victory.

Liberty's Edge

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Yes, Zathras understand. Everyone always coming to Zathras with problems. Big responsibility but Zathras does not mind. Zathras trained in crisis management.

Liberty's Edge

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Mythic JMD031 wrote:
Diego Valdez wrote:
Readerbreeder wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:

Julie: I'm coming over to your department. Please stand by.

Diego: Please don’t hurt us
Katina: *hides*
This is under a flag of truce, I hope... Otherwise I fear it will not end well.
It wasn't... We're down a Katina =0(
We're going to need another Katina.

Apparently the disintegrate gaze attack against Katina's plot armor failed, but the energies unleashed splintered her into multiples across Time and Servers, evidenced by the Impossible CSR shard that recently appeared here.

Liberty's Edge

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Drejk wrote:
Or Indy has been good to Paizo despite trying (instead of succeeding) to kill Cosmo.

Yes, Zathras understand:

Babylon 5 wrote:
The Shadows believe that for a race to evolve into their full potential, they must do so through a cycle of chaos; growth through pain and struggle, conflict and war. Weak races die. Strong races are made even stronger. With this they developed their First Principles: chaos through warfare; evolution through bloodshed; perfection through victory.

Zathras recommends conventioneers and Cosmo's co-workers keep eyes trained to see if Mr. Morden or other minions show up to receive Cosmo's orders.

Liberty's Edge

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Freehold DM wrote:


The SDF-1 is holy ground...

The Ron Swanson mustache is the wave motion gun of facial hair-based weapons. It requires a dedicated bacon singularity just to power it.

Liberty's Edge

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{clicks tongue, shakes head ruefully} Zathras does not know answer to "Why are you here?" or "Where are you going?" either. Always last to know, Zathras is.

Liberty's Edge

Zathras always pictured Cosmo as more Mr. Morden's boss than a technomage groupie.

Liberty's Edge

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
Starglyte wrote:
The part about mastering the tech of "an ancient alien empire" intrigues me. I wonder if we will get hints on what empire they are talking about. Maybe Dominion of the Black?

Its not the Dominion, though they are making an appearance. IIRC, though, James Jacobs did say that we will learn where the Starmount ship came from and who its pilots were by the end of the AP.

I'm really curious to know if they're going to tie in with the Vault Builders at all, although I suspect the VBs likely predate the ship, so probably not.

Ancient alien empire that built the Starmount ship: Vorlons?

Vault Builders: The Shadows?

Still badass: Susan Ivanova

Liberty's Edge

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Your elven race's low birth rate? Yeah, it turns out those elven souls are being reborn as humans (spoilers!)... so half-elves would be a good first step in getting those souls back, right?

Liberty's Edge

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Sara Marie wrote:
christopher: If you go to Rahadoum, you will die. </kosh>

No one ever listens to Christopher. "Quite mad," they say. It is good that Christopher does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh, yes. {sprays more lemon Pledge on Great Machine, returns to dusting}

Liberty's Edge

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rknop wrote:
My theory: Aaroden died because of PLAP ("Paizo's Last Adventure Path"). As the world is coming apart at the seams, the Pathfinder Society finds it self as the last, best hope for mankind. They put together a group of PCs to figure out what's happening. Those PCs, in book 6 of the adventure path, travel back in time and are forced to kill Aroden.

Ah, Zathros knows, yes, was there and then Zathras was. The adventurers went back in time and used Golarion 4 in the war against the Shadows. Aroden used the chrysalis machine to become an Eldest.

No one, ever listens to poor Zathras no, he's quite mad they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind, has even grown to like it.

Liberty's Edge

Zathras bans Charles Scholz for having the poorest Red Hood cosplay that Zathras has ever seen.

Liberty's Edge

Vegas Daigle Presley Impersonator

Liberty's Edge

Weeble Sauron

Liberty's Edge

Miss Kitty wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
I'm sure he's not talking about me. Beagles aren't may bag baby, really. There was this one time with a badger though...
"Dear Doghouse Forum, I used to think your letters weren't true until one day I met this badger in a leisure suit at Studio 54..."

{clucking tongue} Zathras knows. Yes. Zathras only reads PlayNarn for the articles.

Liberty's Edge

Zathras knows. It happens about a million years from now, when humans have become ascendant energy beings wearing Vorlon-ish encounter suits.

But no one ever listens to poor Zathras, no, he's quite mad they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind, has even grown to like it.