Water Boy wrote:
Just make certain it isn't fluoridated water. You don't want to introduce such a Commie foreign substance into your precious bodily fluids.* * Edit: Yeah, I know this is a Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper reference/line, but I'm trying to avoid creating a third Strangelove alias.
Ipslore the Red wrote: Summons aren't real creatures, as detailed in the religion rules for summoning divine servitors. They're a copy of one. Sorry to burst your bubble. Maybe for the players and GMs of divine casters' using the info in Inner Sea Gods. For everyone else: Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook wrote:
They sound pretty real to me, even if they awaken alive again on their home plane. And really, even if they're "just" a copy, that makes it OK to treat them inhumanely? (And if continuing this derail is necessary, a different thread is a better choice for it.)
100. "Oh yes, we are the goodest of the good champions of Truth, Justice, and the [Campaign Setting] way. We rescue puppies and kittens, save farmers and commonfolk from ravenous hordes and vile monarchies, and distribute economy-destroying levels of wealth amongst the orphans and beggars without recompense. Yep, saintly are we." {casts spell dragging innocent critter from the Outer Planes} "Hello slave! I command you to run ahead of us in this deathtrap dungeon and trigger all the harmful traps. Don't worry if you don't get them all; we'll just summon another of your kin once you drop dead. And chop chop too--if we wanted to wait, we'd have the rouge rogue do it." Corollary A to 100. {casts spell dragging innocent critter from the Outer Planes} "Yes, goodie goodies r us, yada yada yada... Hello slave! I command you to act as a distraction/cannon fodder and get horrifically slaughtered in 12 seconds or less by the BBEG while we strategically wear it down and kill it. And don't you dare 5-ft step away to catch your breath--the melee-ers need the flanking bonus." Corollary B to 100. "Look, I spent about literally a ton worth of non-platinum pieces (that I needed to ditch anyway) to involuntarily drag this powerful outsider to our plane and bind it to do our will... and the f*+#er dare tries to twist the wish(es) we are due?! How is that fair? What do you mean we have a bad reputation on the Outer Planes?!?! BUT WE'RE THE GOOD GUYS!!!!"
Rysky wrote:
{begins typing email to Alex Jones about Kretzer's forced detainment and fluoridation camps for 4e players}
BigNorseWolf wrote: The Greys are running new mexico {sips fluoridated tapwater, eyes glaze over, answers monotonically:} This is clearly pro-Grey propaganda. Sure, they are in charge of the Executive branch of New Mexican government (and doing a fine job), per the Treaty of Devil's Tower 1977, government here is trilateral (though we prefer the term "Icke-ian"). Thus, the Reptilians run the Judicial branch, and the Illuminati run the Legislative. And before you ask, no, Governor Brewer is one of you humans.
You know when fluoridation first began? Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.
Gnomeland Security Enforcer wrote:
{sputters:} I am a lawful upstanding citizen patriot of this fair nation! How dare you insinuate otherwise! {hurriedly reformats computer, shreds autographed theatrical poster of "Lars and the Real Gnome", and burns stack of RealGnome-related porn DVDs}
Irontruth wrote:
Bah! Bruce Lee used to break a baker's dozen arches like this with his 1 Inch Punch before breakfast. Irontruth wrote:
Bah! It was the sun glinting off Bruce Lee's teeth that made those trees grow in the first place. |