Clockwork Librarian

Soundhuevos Rancheros's page

3 posts. Alias of Ambrosia Slaad.


Theconiel wrote:
One may also emulate Odysseus without leaving the Empire State, and travel from Troy to Ithaca.

Do you know how difficult it is to find a good cyclops these days? Ugh. And a credible Circe? Impossible.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Adventure idea:

Sloths aren't lazy, they're just conserving their energy. Today all of that saved-up energy is released...

BRB, gonna go start a rumor on Twitter that Ol Muskie uses planar binding on azata slotheses to power Teslas.

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First World Nerd World Problems:

I blame Cosmo that Hasbro and Florida retailers are conspiring to sloooooowly dribble out the new Transformers WfC:Siege and Studio Series figures.

I also blame Cosmo that I finally managed to snag a new Siege Soundwave, but he isn't packaged with a cassette-bot, and the separate Ravage & Laserbeak 2-pack still isn't out yet.