Baby Chimera

Nyan Cat's page

100 posts. Alias of Ambrosia Slaad.


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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
I like his slice of life with his cat manga.


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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Her lair smells like ammonia. There are hundreds of semi-feral cats lounging around and/or screwing. Gods help you if you have allergies.

If you take enough levels in the Cat Hoarder PrC, you can wildshape into a housecat swarm.

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Schrodinger's Dice wrote:
If the multiverse turns out to be true, I'm going to have to apologize to a lot of dead cats...

That's ok. If the multiverse turns out to be true, cats are responsible* for a lot of dead yous.

* Responsible. Cats aren't sorry, cats don't apologize.

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Selene Spires wrote:
She comes in to use the kitty litter.

That is one of the highest of feline compliments. She has gazed upon all the wonders of The Outside, beheld all the majestic spots as far as she can see, and from all of that, she still thinks the facility you've provided is the most peaceful and luxurious spot available.

Think of it as your pumpkin patch being chosen by The Great Pumpkin.

Also, how is Floyd doing? (Well, I hope.)

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Freehold DM wrote:
Woran wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Woran, will you post links to the photos of the kitties?
You can see some public picturs of the kitties here
why does your cat look like Ron Perlman?


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The salt shaker knows what it did.

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high G wrote:
String Theory is a waste of time.

Blasphemy! I bet you're a dog.

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Marc Radle wrote:

Remember when this thread was about the Antman and the Wasp movie?

Ah, those sure were good times ...

I will not be herded, not even by the Vice President of the Kobolds.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Proof that Mort hates doorstops.

Most cats love door stops, which quickly leads to the cat owners hating the door stops.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

Next time he touches my hoard, then it will be worse.


*Touches horde*

No, no touchy da hoard.

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Just a Mort wrote:

I find string instruments like violins screechy so no Im not a fan of violinists.

Keyboard/woodwind please.

If you don't like violins now, just wait'll you find out they make the strings out of catgut*.

(* Catgut is not actually made from felines, but instead from sheep's and goats' guts.)

Snarf, snarf

Edit: Smurf

Edit 2: Interesting.

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{runs in serpentine pattern}

A large cardboard box?

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That seems to be how you can tell if you have a cat or dog. A dog exposing its tummy wants tummy rubs. A cat exposing its tummy wants only 1d3 ⇒ 1 tiny rubs, and then it is biteys and kickies time.

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Woman Looking At Shelter's Facebook Page Sees Her Cat — Who's Been Missing 2 Years
"He walked over and head-butted me and I just starting crying."

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Readerbreeder wrote:
GM_Beernorg wrote:
I do however blame Cosmo for how well trained our outsides cats have my wife and I when it comes to being let in or out.
Yeah, my parents' reaction to anyone mentioning that little quirk of their two indoor/outdoor cats was, "who says cats can't open doors?".

So this guy installs a new cat door...

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Readerbreeder wrote:
Cosmo wrote:

Chris: I’m glad I am surrounded by such caring professionals

Chris: ... and Katina
Has Katina polymorphed into an ooze, that she can surround Chris all on her lonesome?

Oozy hugz iz still hugz.

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Freehold DM wrote:

grows beard

Wears flannel shirt
Becomes lumberjack
Squees instead of yelling timber

I am truly a pretty princess.

Princess Freehold Monster Truck?

Maneuvermoose wrote:
HUUUGE Secret revealed: how EXTREME vetting will work!

It's Trump. For all we know, he might literally mean making sure refugees get distemper/parvo vaccinations, be trained to obey dog-whistles, and then wear the Cone of Shame.

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Turin the Mad wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Readerbreeder wrote:
If you don't want one, you're not fully human...

I have 3 cats (none of whom are tiny anymore), and a chain shirt and (entirely separate) coif.

I confess, I have never seen cause to put any combination of the two together.

Depends on how the local wharf rat populace is doing. In some areas, I hear they have language skills and are petitioning for voting rights... ;)

Well, the guinea pigs already have a steampunk airforce.

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No, I haz a sleepz

Ned moar hed scritches. MOAR!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Begun, the Paizo Edition Wars haz?

captain yesterday wrote:

notices something floating in cup of coffee, shakes fist towards the sky.


I have a disgusting cat anecdote for this. (Well, the anecdote is disgusting; the cat was still adorable.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Christopher Anthony wrote:
Robot Chris: doesn't even have the decency to have legs
... aren't you a Roomba?

Possibly. Does she have a cat dressed in a shark costume sitting on top of her as she moves around?

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Rysky wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

liz: Flayleaf leshies are now a thing, Sara.

liz: This is all your fault
Can Catnip Leshies be next and also Sara's fault?

I would imagine Droogami keeps eating the catnip (and silvervine) leshies.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Emperor Floyd wrote:
Game Master Scotty wrote:
Now I blame Cosmo for thinking Floyd looks runty compared to my cats.
I Blame Cosmo that my minion, John, did not crop that photo so I looked as Game Master Scotty says...."runty".
But you're adorable!

Indeed. His Majesty also looks perfectly-sized and healthy.

I blame Cosmo that GMS's kittehs are overcompensating for something.

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Does anyone want free were-rats? (three left)

Oh no, Yester-O! (Nyan)Snarf, snarf.

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{purrs contentedly}

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
I has riled up the mob!

U kan haz hugz.

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
  • Cats. I've lived with cats all my life. Ask me questions about cats. I love cats. Tell me about your cats too. I love to hear about everyones cats. I want to hug every cat. But I can't hug every cat, so I'll just make do with hugging as many cats as reasonably possible.
  • {bats this link into the thread}

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Rawr! wrote:
    Treppa wrote:
    Either there is a cat around or my nose is whistling. I can't be sure which.

    Are you sure it's not a whistling cat?


    Keening cat sídhe that live in your nostrils are the weirdest fairy idea yet. They'd probably tickle though.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Chemlak wrote:
    John Kretzer wrote:
    Emperor Floyd: There and Back Again
    The Adventures of Baron Biscuithausen

    I blame Cosmo that hoomahn minions too often forget that cats must occasionally go on heavy metal adventures in puppet psychedelia in order to defeat emergent Elder Gods.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Ooo, an Annoy Sharoth simulator.
    (Left, right arrow keys to move, up arrow to jump, Z key to meow/howl, X key to knead paws)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Pathfinder kobolds are still no match for cats.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:
    Rawr! wrote:


    Paging Nyan Cat....



    David M Mallon wrote:
    My friend's wife made a Facebook page for their pet rabbit. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

    Create a Facebook account for your imaginary pet guinea pig and then have the peeg block the rabbit?

    Sara Marie wrote:
    katina: ve haff vays of making yarn... how you say... disappear
    Kajehase wrote:


    6 people marked this as a favorite.
    John Kretzer wrote:
    I Blame Cosmo for the dragon like behavior my cat, Floyd, just displayed. I was counting out some change to go buy a pack of cigarettes on my bed. I turned away for to watch the football game. When I turned around he was sleeping on my change pile. He was not happy about being moved...

    **I am FLOYD! I kill when I wish! I am strong, strong, STRONG! My fur is like tenfold shields! My teeth like swords! My claws, spears! The shock of my tail, a thunderbolt! My meow, a hurricane! And my breath, death!**

    {squirms frantically when picked up} **NOOOOOO!!! Death! DEATH! Thief! My treasure! My precious...**

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Umbral Reaver wrote:
    Fluid form is pretty good in this case. If you're into that kind of thing.

    Wait, we're including catfolk now too?:

    Lieutenant M'Ress wrote:
    Cats are the only liquids that seek out their own containers.

    {in Hal Douglas voiceover} In a world... a true odd couple... two unlikely friends: a sheep that still thinks it's a lamb, and a baby rhino that also thinks it's a lamb (or possibly a chunky unicorn)

    Orthos wrote:
    [pedant]Technically hyenas are part of the Feliform suborder and thus Gnolls would be filed under Catfolk not Dogfolk[/pedant]

    Lies! Hisssssssssssss!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    "So when do we get to push each other down the stairs?"

    Put these bells on first.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I also blame Cosmo for withholding the mind-wrenching cuteness of his kittenbees.

    {headbonks SnowJade} Warm purry greetings, Stalks-in-Snow!

    Full Name



    1/2 orc


    barbarian 1










    Common, orc

    Strength 16
    Dexterity 14
    Constitution 14
    Intelligence 12
    Wisdom 10
    Charisma 13

    About Tsadrok

    HP 14
    Speed 30: 30-10+10
    BAB 1
    Initiative 4:2+2
    Fort 4:2+2
    Ref 0:0+2
    Will -1:0-1

    AC 15:10+2+3
    Armor: Studded leather
    Feat:Power Attack
    Climb 7:1+3+3
    Handle animal 6:1+3+1+1
    Intimidate 7:1+3+1+2
    Knowledge nature:
    perception 4:1+3+0
    Ride 6:1+3+2
    Traits:Reactionary,Savanah Child +1 Handle Animal
    Falchion: +4 hit, 2d4+4 18-20 x2 damage
    darkvision 60'
    Orc Blood
    Orc Ferocity
    Weapon Familiarity
    Rage 7/day
    favored class: barbarian +1 rage/day