Ratfolk Sage

Darth Grumpicus's page

24 posts. Alias of Ambrosia Slaad.


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Freehold DM wrote:
Still hatin' on whedon.

Agreed. {dumps another wheelbarrow of Whedon's Justice League DVDs on the bonfire}

Darth Draconis wrote:
But beware, Darth Whedon is a powerful Sith!

Bah! Whedon is just another Snoke.

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captain yesterday wrote:
You do not want sand in the house.

Oh by Plagueis' undead balls! Don't get force ghost Anakin started on sand again...

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Limeylongears wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:

I’ve been very muscularly tight lately, so I’m trying a new Russian stretching program. It involves stances like Flying Mortar & Pestle or Chicken-Legged Hut. You know...

Baba Yoga.

No! No! Bad Quibblemuch! Very bad!

Yes! Yes! Bad Quibblemuch! Very bad! Very bad is soooooo good!

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Freehold DM wrote:
... @ing you, whatever that means.

And @-@ing you is what follows when that fool Admiral Ozzel came out of light-speed too close to the (Hassel)'Hoff system, so you have to send in Maester Pycelle Walter Donovan General Veers with the walkers to take out their shield generators.

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
its not like philosophy matters... :)

The only philosopher still worth half a crap is Nihilist Arby's.

(Edit: Now I'm tempted to start a Nietzche Wachee mermaid account on Twitter.)

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Just gonna leave this right here...

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
He's a rat, actually.

I tried. It was the closest I could find to an avatar of Grumpy Cat as a Sith Lord.

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Jammed... {tastes jam} Raspberry. There's only one person who would dare give me the raspberry! {closes mask respirator} Doge Shibe! {walks into the fourth wall, falls over}

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Raynulf wrote:
  • The same results were obtained from performing the test... on a cardboard box.

Damn. The secret of our Schrödinger stardrive for the feline overlord corrugated space armada has been revealed!

{throws up paws to shield self from the glare of such Goodness & Positivity} HISSSSSS! IT BURNS US!

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Fergie wrote:
Most peoples votes are going to be pointless, why criticize some but not others?

If it brings you any solace, I'm silently criticizing everyone's vote.

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You will find answers here.

Not correct answers, no. But you can pick whichever one makes your brain itch the least.

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QuidEst wrote:
Look, sometimes you just gotta cancel Monday.

Paizo is sekritly controlled by Garfield.

Addition evidence: No spider avatars.

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If it helps, I hate everyone.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I'm not sure.

Their attire.
Pressed white dress shirt, black pressed slacks, black apron, neon green necktie.

They used to have to wear black bowties.


Customer: {walks up to tie-wielding employee} Excuse me, do you work here?
Employee #1: Yes, can I help you?
Customer: {smiles} Nope.
Employee #1: ???
Customer: {wanders over to next-closest employee} Excuse me, do you work here?
Employee #2: Yes, can I help you?
Customer: {smiles} Nope.
Employee #1 & #2: ???
Customer: {wanders over to next-closest employee...}


Plus, dragons are like cats. Just because they haven't eaten you (Tyrion) yet doesn't mean they aren't always thinking about it.

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
My first cat many many years ago would always leave me animal bodies sans their heads by our back door, very thoughtful of him.

No head, no chance anyone can cast speak with dead.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Hatred is never reasonable.
only the sith deal in absolutes.
Et tu, Darth Freehold?

Come to the Dark Side, TOZ. We have bubble tea and Bon Chon fried chicken.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Worst simpsons episode ever.

Good! Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you!

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Season 9 wrote:
YoU tHoUgHt yOu WeRe FrEe oF mE, kekeke, ToO BaD fOr YoU aLL I hAvE EXTENDED MASS SLOW!

"There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millenium Dieben. You are free to use any methods necessary but I want them alive - no disintegrations!"

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I blame Cosmo that Master Kretzer has rejected another pre-chewed and predigested meal from his Emperor.

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I'm not sure he remembers that.

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Emperor Floyd wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for the thunder storm going on above my house and the terror it fills me with.

I Blame Cosmo that my minion's sister moved to Florida taking her bed with her...which was my Anti-Thunder Storm Fortress.

I Blame Cosmo that my minion's bed has draws underneath so I can't hide there and I am reduced to hiding beneath a little small bookcase in the upstairs hallway...maybe I'll make a dash for the basement soon...

Yes, yes, give into your Fear and embrace the Darkness. Fulfill your destiny and become a Sith Lord Basement Cat.

I blame Cosmo that Master Kretzer underestimates the power of the Dark Basement Side Level.