Limeylongears wrote:
Yes! Yes! Bad Quibblemuch! Very bad! Very bad is soooooo good!
BigNorseWolf wrote: its not like philosophy matters... :) The only philosopher still worth half a crap is Nihilist Arby's. (Edit: Now I'm tempted to start a Nietzche Wachee mermaid account on Twitter.)
You will find answers here. Not correct answers, no. But you can pick whichever one makes your brain itch the least.
captain yesterday wrote:
. Customer: {walks up to tie-wielding employee} Excuse me, do you work here?Employee #1: Yes, can I help you? Customer: {smiles} Nope. Employee #1: ??? Customer: {wanders over to next-closest employee} Excuse me, do you work here? Employee #2: Yes, can I help you? Customer: {smiles} Nope. Employee #1 & #2: ??? Customer: {wanders over to next-closest employee...}
Freehold DM wrote: Worst simpsons episode ever. Good! Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you!
Emperor Floyd wrote:
Yes, yes, give into your Fear and embrace the Darkness. Fulfill your destiny and become a I blame Cosmo that Master Kretzer underestimates the power of the |