Freehold DM wrote:
Cover Turtle wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Cover Turtle wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
NH I hope you feel better soon! I kicked my paw against something (couldn't figure what) so I'm now hopping around on 3 paws.
I'm guessing what I'm having now is a stone bruise.
Also don't push yourself that hard, NH! Get more rest and plenty of water!
*Waddles by NH's house with a bottle of cold sparkling lemonade, a emergency cold-pack for future fevers and gives him a pat on the shoulder*
*Hurries (hjuk, hjuk a turtle hurry…) over to Mort's side looking worried. Gingerly looks her paw over, blows on in and wraps a ice-pack around it. Gives her a nuzzle between her ears, and leaves a bag of "cats paws" soft liquorice with her*
Up here its currently around 82 F, which it too hot for pretty much everything in my humble opinion.
Might not be heading to unemployment (technically 2 whole days of unemployment) as I've been "offered" (as in "take this, or we might have to cut your benefits" - love, the government) a payed "job-training" position at a local breeder.
you...are being BREED?!
*Face turtle foots*
…a local horse breeder!
No I'm afraid that not even the government would actually pay to have me breed with anyone (or anything for that matter).
the government is paying you to have sex with horses?!? WHERE DO I SIG- Uh, I mean, thats..uh...weird.
Yeah. Weird.
Do you want Sebastians? Because this is how you get Sebastians!