Indeed. I had expected something like Take a Listen, strange kobolds lyin' in threads distributin' compliments is no basis for a system of civil messageboard esteem. Supreme social popularity derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical koboldic ceremony.
Tacticslion wrote: Wentworth Miller certainly looks like he could be an awesome swordsman/assassin, and thanks to his roles in The Flash we know he can do villains. If you had Miller as Entreri and Idris Elba as Jarlaxle in a buddy/road movie together, would you even need Drizzt and the Companions of the Hall?
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
The best thing to do before marrying would be to carefully consider what acronym the ultra-hyphenated surname would spell.
JamesCooke wrote:
I have a spell just for him.
Legowaffles wrote:
What if the succubus has levels in cavalier, and the MBC is her mount? Calculate her Ride checks?
lucky7 wrote: WHat's a beguiler? They're also a very tasty critter when butterflied, stuffed with bacon, butter, and thyme, and then roasted until the skin is crispy and the thigh meat reaches 165 degrees.
Darth Zombeh wrote:
{drools with glassy-eyed gaze} Durrrrrrrrrrr?
Darth Tyler Do'urden: Fanboy wrote:
Is this where they're holding the Tyler-D'oh!Durden family reunion? WHY WON'T SOMEONE TELL ME WH- oh yeah, First Rule... keep forgetting |