Clay Clouser wrote: transforms into a torc as a free action. Can the Tork be a shadow bard that summons three more of his friends when hijinks and/or musical montages go down?
Anthony Adam wrote: I remember last season, when we had the gauntlet thrown down... "Staves are hard to do well". So, based on that, a really good headband might not have a great deal competing against it ;) I preemptively blame you for all the headbands in next year's SupahStah: The 80s Revisited Edition.
James Jacobs' Dream Date wrote:
Or, when you were young and impressionable, you were exposed to the optimum levels of Devo, Indiana Jones, and Castlevania. Nah, my answer is too dull. Listen to the succubus instead.
Jerry Keyes wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
Maybe you're all networked in the same neh-thalggu? Or you're all in the same sense8 cluster? |