Elvish Fighter

*Fenrus's page

36 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.

Organized Play Characters

The Exchange Coral

Male Human Wizard 16 (1 post)

Liberty's Edge Rathin
(0 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
The Exchange Rand, The Iron Fist

”Rand” | Male LG Medium Human Unchained Monk 13 | Mythic Power Uses: 4 (4) | HP 4 (134) | AC 39; T 20; FF 33; +4 dodge bonus to AC vs. Koth | CMD 47 | F +14 R +17 W +17; +2 vs. Enchantments | Init +12 | Perc +24; Darkvision 60' | Speed 70 ft | Ki Pool: 10 (13) | Active Conditions: Barkskin; Shaken; Immune to Electricity and Poison, Resist 10 Acid, Cold, Fire (379 posts)
Grand Lodge Kaldane Starlight

Male Max HP: 183 | AC: 33; T: 24; FF: 25 |CMB: +15; CMD: 32| Init: 0 | Fort: +14; Ref: +7; Will: +12 | Immune to Curse Effects Current Damage: 0 |
Spell Slots:
9 (9) |2 (8) | 8 (8) | 6 (8) |7 (8) | 6 (7) | 5 (5)
(133 posts)
Jhofre Vascari
Grand Lodge Kargoth

Male Max HP: 186 | AC: 39; T: 21; FF: 33/39 | Fort: +17; Ref: +12; Will: +12/15 | Init: +5 (91 posts)

Silver Crusade Schroeder Schmidt
(0 posts)

Silver Crusade *Fulcrom
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Mike "Middle Manager" Jones

HP: 275 (275) | AC: 32; T: 24; FF: 22 |CMB: +22; CMD: 37| Init: +13 | Fort: +27; Ref: +26; WIll: +17 | Perception: +31 | Burn 3 (13) | Internal Buffer: 0 (3) Current Non-Lethal from Burn: 160 | Temp HP from Force Ward: 120 (120); Regen 7 temp hp/min | 50% chance to negate crits/precision damage | Con-Based DC: 21 +Talent Level; Dex-Based DC: 20 +Talent Level (230 posts)

Grand Lodge The Protector
(0 posts)
Mage Slayer
Sovereign Court Vos Alavane

Current Spells: Echolocation, Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Invisibility HP: 7 (100) | Fort: +13; Ref: +16; Will: +12 | AC: 30; T: 24; FF: 18 |Init +13 Spells/Day: 7 (8) / 5 (6) / 4 (6) / 0 (4) | Perform Rounds: 44 (50) | Bard Performance Save DC: 25 (115 posts)

Liberty's Edge Althain De Macy

Male Human Rogue 1 (0 posts)

Dark Archive Sumante

Female Halfling Summoner (0 posts)
Liberty's Edge *wraith*

HP 123 (123) | AC: 28; T: 19; FF: 22 | Fort: +12; Ref: +18; Will: +14 | Init +6 (206 posts)

Sovereign Court Kolton Vrees

Male Human Barbarian (Unchained) 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Fargus Deathsteel
(0 posts)
Primal Companion Hunter
Sovereign Court Rinoah
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge Fulcrom
(0 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Silver Crusade *Aura*

Female Max HP: 21 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 15 | Init: +5 | Fort: +3; Ref: +6; Will: +3 Current Damage: -0 (405 posts)

Sovereign Court *Kosh*
(0 posts)

Grand Lodge *Cade
(0 posts)
Exo-Guardians *Gidget*

HP/SP: 58/99 | EAC/KAC: 28/29 | Init: +6 | Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: + 9 | Resolve: 10 (10) (152 posts)
Harpram Gavers
Exo-Guardians *Nobody

Male Human Operative 1 (50 posts)
Acquisitives Tog Runecrafter

HP: 12 SP: 8 | EAC 12; KAC 15 | Fort +2; Ref +0; Will +5 | Init 0 (31 posts)
(49 posts)
Goblin with Beehive
Grand Archive Tok'Tok

HP: 11 (14)| AC: 16 | Fort (T): +6; Ref (T): +6; Will (E): +4 | Perception (T): +2; Darkvision | Spell DC (T): 17 | Focus Points: 0 (1) | Spell Slots: 1 (3) (104 posts)
Radiant Oath Kanto Esse

HP 21 | AC: 18/19 | Fort (E): +8; Ref (E): +5; Will (T): +4 (2 posts)
Radiant Oath Kalil El-Sorenkai

HP: 20 (21) | AC 15/19; 16/20 | Perception (E) +6 | Fort (E) +8; Ref (E) +5; Will (E) +6 (28 posts)



Male Human Mystic 2 (78 posts)

WP/VP 154/550 | AC 74/81;T 59/66; FF 63/70 | CMB: +23; CMD: 62/69 | Init +25/55 w/Major Aura; Go First | Fort: +52; Ref: +57; Will: +49/79 Fast Healing 9 | Immune to Acid, Charm, Cold, Compulsion, Electricity, Fear (including Supernatural Fear), and Fire | DR 6/Adamantine, Chaotic, and Piercing | Adrenaline Boost: 2 (2) | Minor Aura: Motivate Dexterity | Major Aura: Motivate AC +7 (91 posts)

Half-Orc kineticist 8 (16 posts)
Chaleb Sazomal

HP 58 | AC 21 | Saves: str +3 | dex +5 | con +6 | int +0 | wis +1 | cha +1 Human Fighter 5 (199 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin

Current Spells:
Anticipate Thoughts (CL 13), Freedom of Movement (CL 13), Mage Armor (cl 13), Overland Flight (cl 13), Heroism (cl 13)
HP: 44 (114 ) | AC: 32/36; T: 28; FF: 17/22 | CMB: +16; CMD: 36 | Fort: +13; Ref: +14; Will: +12 +2 w/Heroism | Init +14 | Arcane Pool: 11 (13) | Always Defensively Casting | Enemies within my reach have a -4 penalty to concentration checks and provoke an AoO if they fail a concentration check | I have Resist 5 to Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire | (192 posts)

HP 10 | AC: 16; T: 14; FF: 12 | Init +4 | Fort: +2; Ref: +6; Will: +0 (50 posts)

HP 67 (67) | AC: 26/29; T: 11; FF: 25/28 | Init +2 | Fort +11; Ref +6; Will +12 Current Spell Effects: Extended Barkskin (CL 7; 140 min), Magic Vestment (CL 7; 7 hours), Ant Haul (CL 7; 21 hours) (57 posts)
Clegg Zincher

Character Sheet (8 posts)

MAx HP: 39 | AC: 17 | Init: +13 | Saves: Str: 0; Dex: +8; Con: +3; Int: +4; Wis: -1; Cha: +3 | (45 posts)

Resistances: Blood +1, Shadow +3 | Skills: Compel, Fight (Attack using daggers), Sneak (Hide in Shadows), Pursue | Domains: Low Society, Crime (68 posts)

Max HP: 36 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 16 | CMB: +4; CMD: 13 | Fort +8; Ref +7; Will +3 | Init +5 Current Damage: -0 | Current Burn: 3 (7) | Burn damage: 9 | 30% fortification (37 posts)

Site for playbooks and playsheets Don't piss off Elan! (31 posts)
*Fang Deathstealer

CG Orc Fighter 8 Max HP: 76 | AC: 22 | Initiative: -1 | Saves: STR: +8; DEX: 0; CON: +7; INT: +2; WIS: +2; CHA: +2 (88 posts)
Matrena Goldthorpe
*Fenri Stonecleaver*

CG Female Dwarf Barbarian 2 (100 posts)
Elvish Fighter

TN Elf Mystic 2 Max HP: 16; Max SP: 10 | EAC: 16; KAC: 17 | Init: +3 | Fort +1; Ref: +3; Will: 6 (36 posts)

Max HP: 20 | AC 15; T 15 FF 10 | Init +9 | Fort +5; Ref +7; Will +2 (51 posts)
Zolan Ulivestra
*John Lang*

Current Goal: Convince Cavallo to make a public pledge of loyalty and agree to pay for his share of the Selestala route. HP 57 | AC: 20; T: 13 ;FF: 17 | Fort +6; Ref: +11 ; Will: +15 | Init +3 | Perception +0; Sense Motive +12 | Touch Treatment: 10 | Spells/Day: 6 (6) / 6 (6) / 3 (3) Hypnotic Stare Penalty: -4 will saves, -3 Attack Rolls | Tricks: 11 (11) | Implanted Tricks: None currently. (209 posts)

HP 15 (15) | AC: 15/19; T: 14; FF: 11/15 | Init: +4 | Fort: +2; Ref: +4; Will: +4 | Perception: +7; Sense Motive +3; Scent, Low-Light Vision (44 posts)

HP: 5 (19) | AC: 16 | Saves: Str: +2; Dex: +4; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +0 Inspiration: [ ] (83 posts)
*Kaine "The Answer"*

HP: 94 (94) | AC: 30; T: 16; FF: 26 | Init +3 | Fort: +8; Ref: +13; Will: +12 (+2 with Heroism) | Perception: +22 (+2 with Heroism; Darkvision 60') | SR Check: +12 Spells/Day: 7 (7) / 4 (7) / 6 (6) / 3 (4) / 2 (2) | Bardic Performance Rounds: 33 (33) |
Current Spell Effects:
Heroism, Heroe's Feast (+2 to save vs. poison and fear)
(258 posts)
Katapesh Merchant

HP: 17 | AC: 17 | Fort (E): +6; Ref (T): +3; Will (E): +8 Spell DC (T): 16 | Perception (T): +6 | Senses: Darkvision, Low-Light Vision (206 posts)

LG Halfling Occultist 3 | Max HP: 22 | AC 16; T: 12; FF: 15 | CMB: +2; CMD: 13 | Init: +1 | Fort: +7; Ref: +4; Will: +5 |
Mental Focus Invested:
A: 2 (2), C: 4 (4), E: 3 (3), T 3 (3)
Spell Slots:
(122 posts)
(65 posts)

NG Dragonborn Sorcerer 2 Max HP: 16 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +2; Dex: +2; Con: +3; Int: 0; Wis: 0; Cha: +5 | Prof: +2 (83 posts)
Sky Dragon

Max HP: 23 | AC: 16; T: 14; FF: 13 | Fort:+5; Ref: +6; Will: +4 | Initiative: +3 | CMB: +3; CMD: 16 Draconic Exemplar 2 (58 posts)

Max HP: 8 | AC: 12; T: 12; FF: 10 | CMB: +0; CMD: 12 | Init: +3 | Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: +2 Current Damage: -0 | Spell Points: 5 (5) | MSB: +1; MSD: 12 (49 posts)

HP/SP: 12/6 | EAC/KAC: 11/12 | Init: +0 | Fort: +0; Ref: +0; Will: +6 (2 posts)

HP: 71 (71) | AC: 18 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +8; Con: +2; Int: +3; Wis: +2; Cha: +0 | Initiative: +7 | Passive Perception: 18; Passive Insight: 14; Passive Investigation: 12 | Inspiration: [ ] | Spells/Day: 3 (3) (492 posts)
*Mark Henderson

HP 32 | AC 15 | Saves: Str: +3; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +5; Wis: +4; Cha: +1 | Init: +4 | Passive Perception: 16; Passive Investigation: 20; Passive Insight: 14 Inspiration: [ ] | Spell Slots: 4 (4) / 3 (3) / 2 (2) (113 posts)

Parry: 4 | Toughness: 8 | RATN 4 | Bennies: 1 | Charisma: 0 (81 posts)

Max HP: 40 | AC: 19 | Saves: Str: +5; Dex: -1; Con: +5; Int: +2; Wis: +1; Cha: -1 | Init -1 | Current Damage: -0 | Inspiration: [X] (193 posts)

Max HP: 10 | AC 17; T: 13; FF: 14 | Init: +3 | Fort +4; Ref +7; Will +4 | Perception +4 (Darkvision 60') HP Lost: -0 |
Spell Slots:
(10 posts)
Scrapwall Fanatic

HP/SP 51/45 | EAC/KAC 24/24 | Init +2 | Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will +7 (24 posts)

Tycherosi - Playbook: Lurk | Stress: 1/9 | Trauma: None | Level 1 Harm: None/None | Level 2 Harm: None/None | Level 3 Harm: None | Coin: 0 | Stash: 0 (39 posts)
Young Master
*Silver Tiger

Atk: +10 | Dodge: +10 | Fort: +10 | Parry: +10 | Tough: +10 | Will: +10 Picture (58 posts)
Altaresh Xisira

HP: -11 | Spell Slots: 4/3/2 Female Golaith | Druid 5 | Spell DC 14 | Max HP 31 | AC: 17 | Saves S2, D2, C2, I2, W5, Ch-1 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Supergreen. | Insp: No (190 posts)
Hag Eye Ooze

Current HP: -0 CG Male Elf/Ooze Shifter 8 . Guardian 1 | Ooze Form | Elf Form | Magical Girl | Max HP: 96 | AC:21/15/17 | FRW:+10/+10/+5 | Init:+3 | Perc: +13 | DR 8/Slashing (141 posts)
Vencarlo Orinsini

Human Monk 4 Max HP: 27 | AC: 17 | Saves: Str: +2; Dex: +6; Con: +1; Int: 0; Wis: +5; Cha: 0 | Initiative: +4 (146 posts)
Trumpet Blower

HP 31 (31) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +6 | Initiative: +2 | Spell Slots: 2 (2) | Healing Light: 5 (5) | Healing Hands: 1 (1) | Inspiration: [ ] (416 posts)
Nameless Assassin
AKA: Longbow

Dodge 7 (DC 17), Parry 6 (DC 16), Toughness 5, Fort +5, Will +7, Initiative +4, Perception +10 (35 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos

HP 44 | AC: 18; T: 14; FF: 14 | Init +6 | CMB: +10; CMD: 27 | Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +5 Arcane Reservoir: 9 (11) | Current Spell Effects: Armored Mask (Mage Armor), +2 Int (Axiomatic Blessing; Escape Artist) (122 posts)
Winter Witch

HP: 9 (9) | AC: 14 | Init: +1 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +1; Con: +1; Int: +3; Wis: +5; Cha: +1 Spell Points: 5 (5) | Inspiration: [ ] (19 posts)
Amelia Selruun

Max HP: 17 | AC: 18, T: 12, FF: 16 | Init: +2 | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +7 | Current HP: -0 | Spell DC: 14+Level (143 posts)

HP/SP: 22 (22) / 9 (21) | EAC/KAC: 17/19 | Fort: +4; Ref: +5; Will: +1 | Init +2 Non-Lethal: 4 (185 posts)
Avimar Sorrinash

Max HP: 51 | AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21| Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +7 | Init: +1 | Perception +12 Current Damage: -0 (63 posts)
Arianna Grimaldi

HP 11 | AC: 15/19; T: 13; FF: 12 | Initiative: +7 | Fort: +3; Ref: +3; Will: +6 | CMB: +3; CMD: 14 Spells/Day: 2 (2) | (85 posts)
Sound Warrior
Arika Ladd

HP/SP: 9/8 | EAC 15 KAC 16 | Fort 4; Ref +5; Will +4 | Init +4 (96 posts)
Artemis Lesk

Max HP/SP: 16/14 | EAC: 12; KAC: 13 | Init +5 | Fort: +1; Ref: +4; Will: +4 (64 posts)
Artur D'Cannith

HP: 45 | AC: 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +5; Int: +7; Wis: +1; Cha: -1 | Inspiration: [ ] Passive Perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 9 | Passive Investigation: 15 | Spell Slots: 4 (4) / 1 (2) | Current Infusions: Bag of Holding, Replacement Limb (263 posts)
Atherton Beaumont

Male Human (Varisian) Investigator (Sleuth) 1 (16 posts)
Grand Necromancer
Aureth Devorle

Max HP: 80 | AC: 17; T: 13; FF: 14 | Init: +9 | Fort: +7; Ref: +7; Will: +15 | Perception: +15 Current Damage: -0 |
Spell Slots:
(84 posts)
Auriel Acherean
(299 posts)
Avenging Angel

Human Vigilante 7
HP 59/59 | AC 26 TO 14 FF 22 | F +6 R +11 W +9 | CMD: 25 | Init +4 | Perc +17
(13 posts)
Hazic Kel-Kalaar
Azrael/Donovan Craine
(59 posts)

Wounds: None | Fatigue: None | Power Points: 10 | Charisma: 0; Pace: 8 (Running die d8); Parry: 7/8; Toughness: 7 | Agility d8 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d8 Vigor d8 | Fighting d10, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Tracking d6 (78 posts)
Bill Waters

HP: 33 | Defense: 15/19/23 | Init: +1 | Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +7 | Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 4 (4) (7 posts)
Billy Vhaine

CG Human Kineticist 1 HP 13 | AC 14 | BAB 0 | Init +3 | Fort +;6 Ref +5; Will +0 | Speed 30' (49 posts)
The Blur

Male Wildrunner Monk (Martial Artist) 7 | Alchemically Quickened Aegis (Aberrant) 6 | Trickster 3 (13 posts)
Bolka Thorfinsdottir

WS: 45 | BS: 25 | S: 43 | T: 48 | I: 36 | Ag: 20 | Dex: 35 | Int: 30 | WP: 58 | Fel 15 | Wounds: 17 | Fate: 0 | Fortune: 0 | Resilience 4 | Resolve: 5 | Movement: 3 (25 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
Brian Mac Lugh

Male Human Barbarian 2 (57 posts)
Sandpoint Cleric
Brother Kendram

Max HP: 16 | AC: 2 | Breath Attacks: 16; Poison or Death: 11; Petrify or Paralyze: 14; Wands: 12; Spells or Devices 15
Memorized Spells:
Cure Light Woundsx2, Purify Food and Drink | Bless
(44 posts)
Lictor Severs
Brother-Librarian Nemiel

Dark Angels Rank 1 Librarian (22 posts)
Caiden Valsin

HP 13 | AC: 16; T: 10; FF: 16 | CMB: +4; CMD: 14 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +2 | Init +9 Archeologist's Luck: 13 (13) | Spell Slots: - / 2 (2) (37 posts)
Caius Grimn II

WS: 46; BS: 36; S: 41; T: 41: AG: 29; Int: 39; Per: 39; WP: 33; Fel: 41 Wounds: 13 (13) Fate: 1 (1) (97 posts)
Cale Evans

Male Human Bard 18 | Oracle 1/Paladin 17 (4 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Carl Lucian

Male Human M.A.R.S. (14 posts)
Carter Hamilton

HP/SP: 9/5 | KAC/EAC: 14/15 | Init: +2 | Fort: +1; Ref: +2; Will: +2 Spells Slots: - / 2 (3) (56 posts)
General Dakovya
Casdin Merle

Human Cleric 5 (153 posts)
Female Human
Cassie "Elan" Stone

Intellect Pool: 10; Intellect Edge: 0 Might Pool: 6/10; Might Edge: 1 Speed Pool: 16; Speed Edge: 1 (96 posts)
Claudia Iancu

HP: 62 (62) | AC: 19/23; T: 15; FF: 16/20 | Saves: Fort: +7; Ref: +7; Will: +8 | CMB: +10; CMD: 24 | Init: +4 Spell Slots: (4) / 6 (6) / 5 (5) / 3 (3) / 2 (2) | Arcane Reservoir: 15 (15) (231 posts)
Baron Galdur Vendikon
Commisar Quintus Aurellius
(12 posts)

BOD 5; AGI 4; REA 3; STR 3; WIL 3; LOG 3; INT 5; CHA 9 | EDG 3; Magic: 6 (146 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Corso Altaire

HP: 15 | AC: 14 | Fort (T): +2; Ref (T): +4; Will (E): +9 | Perception (T): +7 | Cleric Spell DC: 17 Spells/Day: 5 (5) / 1 (2; +3 slots of Heal) | Focus Points: 0 (1) (258 posts)
Corven Songfall

M CG Halfling Cleric of Cayden Cailean/10 (HP 83/83) | AC:29 | T:16 | FF: 26 | CMB: +7 | CMD:22 | Fort: +12 | Ref: +9 | Will:+16 | Init:+3 | Perc: +8 | Speed: 40 ft. (24 posts)
Tin Golem
Damian Sol

Male Human Machinesmith 5 (57 posts)

Daryun looks like THIS, minus the weapons. WP/VP: 170/550 | AC: 54; T: 43 | Fort: +43; Ref: +38; Will: +37 | Initiative: +29 | Perception +26; Darkvision 60' | Ki Pool: 15 (15) | DR 5/Adamantine; Immune to Fire, Cold, Charm, Compulsion, Poison, Disease, Nausea | Fast Healing 3 | Unlimited AoOs |Enemies provoke leaving my threatened area, even if 5' stepping, withdrawing, or starting their turn in my threatened area; can spend an AoO to make an attk to parry projectiles, boulders, and spells that target only me or adj ally (29 posts)
Akron Erix

Current Damage: -0 | Inspiration [ ] Goliath Barbarian 1 | HP: 15 | AC: 15 | Str: +5; Dex: +2; Con: +5; Int: 0; Wis: 0; Cha: 0 (49 posts)
Monster Hunter

Male Human Investigator 7 (27 posts)
Dog Rider

Max HP: 17 | AC 3 | Reaction +2 | Saves: Poison, Paralyzation, or Death Magic: 7; Rod,Staff, or Wand 14; Petrification or Polymorph: 13; Breath Weapon: 16; Spell: 12 (9 mind effecting) (57 posts)
Shebeleth Regidin
Dimitri The Wise

HP 6 (13) | AC: 11 (10 base +1 dex); T: 11; FF: 10 | Fort: +5; Ref: +1 | Will: +2 | Init: +1 Spell Points: 6 (6) (87 posts)
Hirabashi Jiro
Domi Krieg
(28 posts)
Thorn's End Guard
Dr. Henry Johnson

MAx HP: 77 | AC 23; T 16; FF 18 | Init +5 | Fort: +9; Ref: +8; Will: +6 | Current Damage: -0 | Mental Focus: A: ; T: |
Spell Slots:
Spells/Day: 6/4/2
(1 post)
Dr. Pegira Hagen
(111 posts)
Durnik Jonson

Str: 13; Agi: 11; Int: 9; Will: 10 | Defense: 15 | Health: 17; Healing Rate: 4 | Perception -1 Current Damage: None yet | Insanity: 1 | Durnik is NOT particularly Fortunate (53 posts)
Edvard Maldeen

Warlord HP: 12 | AC: 18; Touch: 10; FF: 18 | Fort: +4; Ref: 0; Will: +2 | BAB: 1 | Init: +4 | REMEMBER THE +2 TO HIT AND DAMAGE WITHIN 30' OF ME! (86 posts)
Eliah The Fallen

DR 5/Magic | Resist 5 Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic (17 posts)
(27 posts)
Thassilonian Ambassador
Falla Renal

Female Human (Silver Clansman) Acrobatic Warrior 2 (58 posts)
Fang Zahn

Max HP: 48 | AC 22 T 22 FF 10 | CMB: +6; CMD: 24 | Fort +5 ; Ref: +4; Will: +1 | Init +3 Resist Fire 5 | DR 1/- | +1 to save vs. Poison, Disease, and Curses (159 posts)

HP/SP: 32/36 | KAC/EAC: 19/19 | Init: +5 | Fort: +6; Ref: +6; Will: +4 (6 posts)
Fargus Stonecleaver

Max HP: 16 | AC: 16/18 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +6; Dex: +2; Con: +6; Int: +0; Wis: +1; Cha: -1 Current Damage: -9 | Rages: 2/2 (65 posts)
Felthin the Clanless

Max HP: 59 | AC: 28; FF: 24; T: 16 | Init +5 | Fort: +13; Ref: +12; Will: +8 Current Damage: -58 | Saving Throw Modifiers: +4 to vs. Spells and SL, +2 vs. Poison (19 posts)
Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan
Fendir Tang

HP: 64 | AC: 18/19 | Init: +3 | Saves: Str: +3; Dex: +3; Con: +6; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +0 | Inspiration: [ ] Rage: 3 (3) | Passive Perception: 15; Passive Insight: 12 | (316 posts)
Fenthis Deathsteel

Dwarf Vitalist 2 (10 posts)
Gnoll Slaver

Max HP: 39 | AC: 22; T: 13; FF: 19 | Init: +8 | Fort: +7; Ref: +4; Will: +8 | Perc: +10; Sense Motive: +10 Current Damage: -0 |
Spell Slots:
3 (4) / 2 (2)
(57 posts)

HP/SP: 9/7 | EAC: 15; KAC: 18 | Init +2 | Fort: +2; Ref: +2; Will: +2 (21 posts)
Berdred Leredel
Frank "Boom Boom" Di'Noso

Max HP: 20 | AC: 16 | Saves: Str: -1; Dex: +3; Con: +2; Int: +5; Wis: +2; Cha: -1 | Initiative: +3 | Spell DC: 13 Damage: -8 | Hit Dice: 3d6 | Inspiration: [ ] |
Spell Slots:
3(4)/1 (2)
(76 posts)
GM Skyreaver
(838 posts)

Grimn Stonecleaver

Hill Dwarf Druid 1 (18 posts)
Henry Batson

HP: 7 | AC: 12 | Init: +2 | Fort: +1; Ref: +2; Will: +3 (3 posts)

Max HP: 17 | AC: 17 | Init: +1 | Saves: Str: 0; Dex: +3; Con: +1; Int: +5; Wis: +2; Cha: 0 (35 posts)
Tournament Champion

Male Altered Human Enforcer 1 (57 posts)
Red Dragon

Str: -1; Dex: 0; Con: +1; Int: +2; Wis: 0; Cha: +2 (53 posts)
Wild Child
(71 posts)
Ogre Brute

CG Mul Soldier (Icon) 1 (58 posts)
Depora Azrinae
Ilvaria of House Eth'Dathon

Max HP: 9 | AC: 16; T: 12; FF: 10/14 | Init: +4 | Fort: +1; Ref: +2; Will: +3 Current Damage: -0 |
Spell Slots:
(11 posts)
Lord Raheem Pandisar
Indir Ar'dayne

Init +2 | Perc -1 | AC 12 / T 12 / FF 10 | HP 9/9 | Saves F +1/R +4/W +1 (14 posts)
Nameless Assassin
(2 posts)
Sanvil Trett
Joe Arden

Playbooks. Hunter Worksheet (45 posts)
Joran Vhane
John Cabbot

HP 144 | AC: 31; T: 11; FF: 30 | Init +1 | Fort: +17; Ref: +10; Will: +22; +5 vs spells, spell-likes, and poisons (24 posts)
Nieran Codali
Johnny Lawrence

HP/SP: 25 (25)/ 5 (33) | EAC/KAC 19/19 (19/20) | Init +4 | Fort: +7; Ref: +7 (8) ; Will +2 Resolve: 4 (4) | Entropic Pool: 0 (3) | Stellar Mode: Graviton 2 (3) (120 posts)

Male Human Tactician 1 (2 posts)
Jonathan Kitandal

HP: 9 (9) | AC:18; T: 10; FF: 18 | Fort: +2; Ref: +0; Will: +5 | Init: +0 | CMB: +1; CMD: 11 Channel Entropy: 8 (8) (103 posts)
Joryn Lightbringer

Max HP: 77 | AC: 23; T: 11; FF: 22 | INIT: +0 | FORT +11; REF +5; WILL +9 | Current Damage: -0 | Lay on Hands: 23/24 | Turn Undead: 5/6 | Spells: 2/1 (46 posts)
Jun Valanthe

LN Half-Elf Bard 2 | Passive Perception: 13 | Passive Insight: 13 | Max HP: 24 | AC: 13 | Saves: Str: -1; Dex: +3; Con: +1; Int: +2; Wis: +1; Cha: +6 | Init: +1 | Spell DC: 14 Current HP: -0 |
Spell Slots:
4 (4)/ 2 (2)
| Inspiration: [X] | Conditions: None (271 posts)
Durkon Thundershield
Kag Splitsteel

Max HP: 101 | AC: 16/18 | Init: +2 w/advantage | Saves: Str: +7; Dex: +2; Con: +7; Int: -1; Wis: +0; Cha: -1 (2 posts)
Kaigon the Miscreant
Kag Stonecleaver

AC: 16 | Max HP: 25 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +4; Dex: +2; Con: +5; Int: 0; Wis: +1; Cha: -1 | Perception +3 (w/Darkvision); Insight: +1 | Inspiration: Yes (100 posts)
Lion Blade
Kaijitsu Tenchi

HP: 12 (12) | AC: 16; T: 13; FF: 13 | Init +3 | Fort: +4; Ref: +3; Will: +1 AC: 10 base +3 dex +3 cha Challenge: 1 (1) | Resolve: 1 (1) (53 posts)
Female Elf
Kali Soy

HP: 12 (13) | AC: 16; T: 13; FF: 13 | Init +3 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +2 Burn: 0 (7) (299 posts)
Kalia Stonebreaker

HP: 10 (10) | AC: 16 | Saves: Str: +3; Dex: +0; Con: +5; Int: +0; Wis: +1; Cha: +5 | Init: +0 Spell Slots: 2 (2) (128 posts)
Kandl V'ne

Male Goblin Warrior 1 | strength: 10, agility: 12, intellect: 10, will: 9 | defense: 13, HP: 14; Speed: 10 current damage: -9 | Kandl is currently not exceptionally Fortunate. (98 posts)
Kartoss Le'Thial

Wood Elf Monk 2 Max HP 17 | HD 2d8 | AC 16 | Proficiency Bonus +2 | Initiative +3 | Saves: STR: +2; Dex +5; Con +2; Int +1; Wis +3; Cha +1 (108 posts)
Katra Ironfist

HP: 19 (19) | AC: 16 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +0; Con: +3; Int: -1; Wis: +4; Cha: +4 Inspiration: [ ] (365 posts)
Katze Sonjadottir

HP: 18 | AC: 16 | Perception (E): +6 | Fort (T): +5; Ref (T): +5; Will (E) +6 Spells/Day: -/1 (2) | Focus: 2 | Current Spell Effects: Mage Armor (58 posts)
Grand Necromancer

Male Human Wizard (Abjurer) 10 (13 posts)
Caroliss Minerran

HP: 51 (51) | AC: 23; T: 14; FF: 19 | Init: +2 | Fort: +8; Ref: +6; Will: +7 Spells/Day: 4 (4) / 3 (3) | Mental Focus: 12 (12) | Invested: Evocation: 6 (6); Transmutation: 6 (6) (24 posts)

LN Human Artificer 1 (15 posts)
Kobold Master Trapper
Kov'i Lesk

Male Vesk Solarian 2 (102 posts)
Pahmet Monk
Kran Deathsteel

Insp: [X] | Current HP: -0 | Spell Slots: 4/2 LN Hill Dwarf Sorcerer 3 Max HP: 34 | AC: 16 | Init: -1 | Saves: STR: +1; DEX: -2; CON: +5; INT: 0; WIS: +2; CHA: +3 | Passive Perception: 11; Passive Insight: 14 (39 posts)
Hirabashi Jiro
Kusinagi Tenchi

Normal: HP 9 | AC 6 | Hardiness 13; Evasion 14; Spirit 14 | Effort 2 | Empowered: HP 9 | AC 2 | Hardiness 13; Evasion 14; Spirit 13 | Effort 2 | (283 posts)
Lady Szasa

HP 76 (121) | AC: 18 | Str: +2; Dex: +5; Con: +11; Int: +2; Wis: +1; Cha: +14 | Inspiration: [ ] | Darkvision: 120' Spells/Day: 1 (4) / 1 (3) / 2 (3) / 2 (3) / 1 (2) / 0 (1) / 0 (1) / 0 (1) / 0 (1) | Save DC: 20 | Sorcery Points: 11 (17) | Current Spell Effects: Fly, Mage Armor (273 posts)
(53 posts)
Maddie Heberne

Max HP: 96 | AC: 22 T: 16; FF: 18 | Fort: +11; Ref: +9; Will: +10 | Init +4 | Perception: +0 Current Damage: -0 | Current AC: 26/16/22 | Touch of Rage: 9/10 |
Spell Slots:
- / 7 (8) / 6 (8) /5 (8) / 5 (6) / (4)
| Spell Effects: Heroism (200 minutes), Mage Armor (10 Hours) (131 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Major Luke Rand

Perception +28 (Darkvision 120') Human Brawler 18 Max HP: 252 | AC: 44; T: 27; FF: 33 | Init +9 | Fort: +22; Ref: +22; Will: +15 | CMB: +25; CMD: 51 | (248 posts)
Matsuhiko Kei

Current HP: -98 | Improved Evasion | Ki Pool: 23 | Greater Blind-Fight | Immune to all diseases, Light Fortification LG Half-Celestial Shabti Monk (Unchained) 20/Expert 1 Max HP: 459 | AC: 57; T: 46; FF: 44 | Init +12 | Fort +28; Ref +29; Will +17 (roll twice) | DR 10/Magic; DR 10/Chaotic | Resist Acid, Cold, Negative Energy, and Elec 10 | SR: 32 (177 posts)
Sajan Gadadvara

MAx HP: 19 | Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +4 | AC: 16; T: 12; FF: 14 | Init: +6 (47 posts)
Staunton Vhane
Morgan Deathsteel

Dwarf Barbarian 1/Cleric 13 (52 posts)
Holy Vindicator
Morgan Il'Fayne

Male AC: 18; Passive Perception: 10; HP: 38; Initiative +2 (57 posts)
Worshipper of Cayden Cailean
Morgana De Vallenz

Max HP: 11 | AC: 17 | Init: +4 | Saves: Str: +1; Dex: +4; Con: +3; Int: +0; Wis: +3; Cha: +3 (14 posts)
Adivion Adrissant

WP/VP: 100/668 | AC: 47; T: 33; FF: 29 | CMB: +34; CMD: 38 | Init +32 | Fort: +53; Ref: +45; Will: +34 (121 posts)
Aredil Sultur
Orion Starsong
(14 posts)

HP 1 | AC 9 | Init +0 Saving Throws: Paralysis, Poison, Death Magic: 14; Rod, Staff, Wand: 11; Petrification, Polymorph: 13; Breath Weapon: 15; Spells: 12 (54 posts)
Ironfang Forest Soldier
Orvin Bloodsinger

HP 129 | AC: 29 | Fort (E): +20; Ref (E): +20; Will (E): +14 | Perception (E): +14 Focus: 1 (1) | Current Spell Effects: Mage Armor (6th) (20 posts)
Phaerlin Amoxin

Vampire Warlock 3 | HP:6/ 21 | AC: 14 | Saves: STR: +1; DEX: +1; CON: +1; INT: +1; WIS: +3; CHA: +5 (75 posts)
Half-Fiend Minotaur

Max HP: 11 | AC 17; T: 10; FF: 17 | CMB: +5; CMD: 16 | Init: +2 | Fort: +3; Ref: +1; Will: +5 (33 posts)
Pretty Boy
(2 posts)
Quinley Basdel
Quinton Butler

HP 78 | AC 23 | Perception (M): +16 | Fort (T): +12; Ref (E): +15; Will (E): +15 (64 posts)
Bounty Hunter
Randall Longblade

CG Human Swashbuckler 1 (2 posts)

Max HP: 33 | AC: 18 | Saves: Str: -1; Dex: +4; Con: +4; Int: +6; Wis: +2; Cha: +1 | Initiative +4 (27 posts)
Rivalle Du'tarte

Mithra Dancer 3 (31 posts)
Leonard Kriegler
Roger Hornsby

HP: 8 | AC: 11/14 | Saves: Str: +3; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +3; Wis: -1; Cha: -1 Current Damage: -0 | Inspiration [ ] |
Spell Slots:
2 (2)
(156 posts)
Eviana Nirgassan
Shianni Fadrick

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ] (124 posts)

Init +0 | Max HP: 21 | AC 12 | Saves: str 0; dex 2; con 1; int 5; wis 1; cha 3 | Insp: [ ] Current Damage: -0 (232 posts)
Ogre Brute

HP 39 | AC 27; T: 12; FF: 25 | CMB: +9; CMD: 24 | Fort +8; Ref +3; Will +10 | Init: +1 | Perception: +9; Sense Motive: +11; Darkvision 60'; Low-Light Vision (140 posts)
Male human on stilts
Tabula Rosa
(75 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
Tess Windor

Half-Orc Bar Owner
HP: probably only 10, since she's a commoner? | AC: Should be easy to hit, what with no armor. | Saves: Yeah, right! | CMD: No Chance! | Init: You go first | Perception: She can spot a coin purse across a crowded room!
(18 posts)
Thor Girl

Labels: None I Have Influence on: No One Danger: 0, Freak: +2, Savior: -1, Superior: +3, Mundane: -1 (250 posts)
Thousand Bones
Thule Aegrim

Male Half-Orc Cleric 9 (18 posts)
Warden Rogard Hammerfell
Tor Deathsteel
(226 posts)
Tycho "North Star" Simpson

I Have Influence on: No One
Danger: 0, Freak: +3, Savior: +2, Superior: +1, Mundane:-1
(115 posts)

HP/SP: 28 (28) / 36 (36) | EAC/KAC: 18/18 | Init: +3 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +4 | Resolve: 2 (5) | Perception: +6 Force Ward: 16 (16); regen 4 hp/min | Elemental Overflow (+2 to Dex) (463 posts)
Mage Slayer
Vorlan Keener

Max HP: 72 | AC: 23; T: 17; FF: 17 | Init +10 | Fort: +9; Ref: +10; Will: +5 | (30 posts)
Shoanti Fighter
Vothe Rowan

HP: 24 (24) | AC: 18 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +3; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +5 | Init: +2 | Spell Slots: 1 (2) (389 posts)
Water Elemental

Max WP/VP: 24/6 | AC: 21; T: 13; FF: 18 | CMB: +1; CMD: 14 | Saves: Fort: +4; Ref: +6; Will: +6 | Initiative: +5 Current HP: -0 |
Spell Slots:
M: 2 | O: 2
(18 posts)
The Warlord of The Seven Armies

Fire Resistance 20, Negative Energy Resistance 10, 25% chance to negate a negative level, Continuous True Seeing, +4 to save vs. sonic effects. (73 posts)
Winter Allesh

Current Damage: -26 Human Soldier 2 Max HP: 45 | FP: 5; DP: 1 | Fort 16; Ref 18; Will: 13 | Initiative: +9 (123 posts)
Zathra Bonebreaker

Elf Barbarian 1 (99 posts)

CG Half-Orc Scholar 10 Initiative: +2 | HP: 82/82 | AC 21 (17 Touch, 14 FF)|CMD 26 | F7 R11 W10 | Perception +14, Sense Motive +14 | Mage Armor (40 posts)