Johnny was born on Castroval to an Elven mother and a Human spacer father; by the time that Johnny was born, his father was long gone. His mother, for all her pretense at Elven superiority, abandoned Johnny with the Don of the Lian'kiel Guild, one of the crime families on Castroval.
Johnny grew up early, and the Don had a soft spot for the kid; Johnny spent some time as a kid running packages, and eventually worked his way up to bodyguard for the Don, where he was until the Don died of old age. When the Don died and his son took over, he kicked out all of his father's protectors and replaced them with Vesk he had hired.
After that, Johnny held something of a grudge against the Vesk, which later turned into a competitive streak a mile wide.
Unsure where to go after being "unmade", Johnny decided to join the Starfinder Society after seeing a commercial on the infosphere.
He made his way to Absalom Station and soon completed training for a field agent.
Johnny is a master of in the art of Carmeleg, the Elven martial art of Ki distruption; his touch can disolve the bonds between objects, and having someone who is combat trained and doesn't like carrying weapons is an asset for missions of a more sensitive nature.
For his part, Johhny rolled with the change in his life from bodyguard to field agent. He still keeps an ear out for changes on Castroval, and has on occasion recommended a trustworthy smuggler or fence to the Society. So far, everything has worked out for everyone concerned.
Johnny has never really found a group of Starfinders he feels comfortable being around; He likes structure, and most agent groups are ecclectic at best, so he tends to drift from mission to mission. This has made him something of a troubleshooter for the Society, and when a request for backup on Castroval came, Johnny just happened to be on planet visiting his family.
Cutting his visit short, he made his way to the rendevous to meet with the agents assigned to the recovery. The report said something about a kidnapping, which made the mission time sensitive.