
Caius Grimn II's page

97 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


WS: 46; BS: 36; S: 41; T: 41: AG: 29; Int: 39; Per: 39; WP: 33; Fel: 41


Wounds: 13 (13) Fate: 1 (1)


Noble-Born Arbitrator (Rank 3: Regulator; 1200 XP)

About Caius Grimn II

Divination: The gun is mightier than the sword!

*Awareness (Per)
*Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites; Int)
*Common Lore (Imperium; Int)
*Intimidate (Str, Int, or Fel)
*Inquiry (10 from talented; Fel)
*Literacy (Int)
*Speak Language (Low Gothic; Int)
*Speak Language (High Gothic; Int)
*Scrutiny (Per)
*Survival (Int)

*Inquisitorial Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech, SP, Shock)
*Etiquette (+10 to charm, deceive, and scrutiny tests for high authority and formal situations)
*Light Sleeper
*Quickdraw (ready weapon as a free action)
*Sound Constitution
*Talented (Inquiry)

Origin Benefits:
*Vendetta (gain powerful enemy: The cult of Khorne)
*Wealth (Start with double starting thrones and noble for monthly income)
*Lineage of Renown (The Blood of Greatness; Inquisitor Lord Tobias Grimn)

*The Caliaxan Pattern Killings (gain +5 Int and Talented: Inquiry) -200

*Proven Innocent (lose 1 fate point, gain +3 to all characteristics and +1 wound; fanatical in the belief that the Holy Ordos are infallable) -100

*Per adv 1 -250
*WS adv 1 -250
*Awareness -100
*Survival -100
*Light Sleeper -100
*Sound Constitution x3 -300
*Takedown -100

Carnodon precision pistol (8 rd mag)
ironclaw shotgun (w/ fire selector)
stub revolver (w/ silencer)
shock maul (inertial, counts as mono upgrade)
Guard flak armor (4 all; 11 kg)
Synford pattern lockshield
injector w/ stimm (3 dose)
photo visor
gas mask
manacles (2)

Ammo: carnodon - 2 mags (expander rnds), 2 mags (rnds); shotgun - 30 shells, 30 slugs; revolver - 18 rds (manstopper rnds)
Thrones 200


Caius is the descendant of one of the first Inquisitor Lords to come to the Caliax Sector; a man so steadfast in his battles with the Xenos that in order to be considered in line to head the family, any heir must have killed a powerful servant of Chaos (and be able to prove it).

Caius was a rookie Arbitrator when a Chaos Space Marine was summoned to his town by the cult of Khorne, who had infiltrated nearby settlements and taken root, all in an effort to wipe out one of their true enemies.
Caius fought the Space Marine to a standstill in order to allow the inquisitorial forces to arrive and vanquish the unclean thing.
When they arrived, none could explain how he had managed to survive. Even those who watched were at a loss for words, and Caius was taken into custody.
After more than four years in the custody of the inquisition, Caius still had no explanation of the battle; indeed, he holds no memory of it at all.
He found that during his time in confinement, his family had been destroyed by the cultists in retaliation for his heroism.
Finally, he was freed and told that he was being reassigned to the service of the Inquisitor who had petitioned for his freedom. That was how Caius came to serve at the priviledge of Inquisitor Brannor Smythe.
With nothing truly left to live for, Caius threw himself into the work.