
Artemis Lesk's page

64 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


Max HP/SP: 16/14 | EAC: 12; KAC: 13 | Init +5 | Fort: +1; Ref: +4; Will: +4


Android Envoy 2 | Theme: Xenoseeker |

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Artemis Lesk


Grenade: +2 to hit

Speed 30'

Skills: Athletics r2 +5, Bluff r2 +8, Culture r2 +6. Diplomacy r2 +8, Intimidate r2 +8, Life Sciences r2 +6, Piloting r2 +6, Perception r2 +6, Sense Motive r2 +4

Feats: Improved Initiative

Class Features: Expertise 1d6, Skill Expertise (Intimidate), Envoy Improvisations (Dispiriting Taunt, Inspiring Boost)

Equipment: Second Skin Armor, Grenades: Smoke x2, Stickybomb, Frag x5; Spotlight, 805 credits


Artemis was found shortly after his awakening by a pair of Ysoki priests of Sarenrae who adapted him into their extended family. As Artemis "aged" he discovered that he had a real talent for being an annoying pain in the hindquarters. After trying to decide what to do with his life, he realized that he could turn his natural talent at insults and derogatory comments into a rather unique fighting style; unfortunately, this was a style that required backup, and so Artemis decided to explore the pact worlds and see what could be seen.

His first stop nearly landed him in jail while attempting to fight off android bandits who were attacking passenger ships throughout a particular area of space and taking the passengers alive.

Artemis joined a small band of passengers on his ship to take it back from the invaders. When the authorities arrived, they attempted to arrest Artemis as well, but were stopped by one of his fellows who turned out to be a Starfinder Society agent. Impressed by Artemis' ability to support his allies, the agent suggested that he make his way to Absalom station and join the society.