
Fargus Stonecleaver's page

65 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


Max HP: 16 | AC: 16/18 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +6; Dex: +2; Con: +6; Int: +0; Wis: +1; Cha: -1


Current Damage: -9 | Rages: 2/2


LN Shield Dwarf Barbarian 1

Strength 19
Dexterity 14
Constitution 18
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 13
Charisma 8

About Fargus Stonecleaver

Prof +2

Speed 20'

Greataxe +6 to hit; 1d12+4 damage
Warhammer +6 to hit; 1d8+4 damage
Handaxe +6 to hit; 1d6+4 damage (range 20/60)

Skills: Acrobatics +4, Perception +3, Performance +1, Survival +3

Tools: Mason's Tools +2

Languages: Common, Dwarven

Class Features: Rage (2/long rest; +2 melee weapon damage; resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing), Unarmored Defense

Background: Gladiator:

Feature: By Popular Demand
Ideal: Only when lives are on the line is a gladiator at his best.
Bond: My axe is my most treasured weapon.
Personality Trait: I respect a good insult, even one thrown at me!
Flaw: I say what is on my mind, although I don't consider this a flaw.

Equipment: Greataxe, Warhammer, Shield, Throwing Axe x5, 70 gp