Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan

Fendir Tang's page

316 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


HP: 64 | AC: 18/19 | Init: +3 | Saves: Str: +3; Dex: +3; Con: +6; Int: +0; Wis: +2; Cha: +0 | Inspiration: [ ]


Rage: 3 (3) | Passive Perception: 15; Passive Insight: 12 |


Common Goblin Orcish


CG Beasthide Shifter Barbarian 5/Fighter 1 | Background: Soldier

Strength 11
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 10

About Fendir Tang

Background: Soldier (swapping athletics for stealth and tools for languages)

AC: 10 base +3 dex +3 con +2 shield/+1 when shifting
Proficiency Bonus: +3

Speed: 40'/55' when raging

1) Rapier: +6 to hit; 1d8+3 damage

2) Longbow: +6 to hit; 1d8+3 damage

Athletics +3
Intimidation +3
Nature +5
Perception +5
Stealth +6
Survival +5

Barbarian Class Features:
Danger Sense
Extra Attack
Fast Movement
Primal Path (Totem Warrior)
Rage (3/day; +2 damage)
Reckless Attack
Spirit Seeker
Totem Spirit (Elk; +15' speed when raging)
Unarmored Defense

Fighter Class Features:
Fighting Style (Dueling)
Second Wind

40 arrows

Bag of Holding
Cloak of Many Fashions
Decanter of Endless Water
Compass (Orb) of Direction

Aberrant Dragonmark over left eye that creates Disguise Self.


Fendir was born the oldest of seven different sons to his parents, who worked as hunters and trappers in Karrnath. It was an open secret that his family were shifters, and most people in town didn't bother them.

When the Last War broke out, recruiters for the army came to Fendir's small village. Promises were made about support for military families, and so Fendir signed up.

Fendir served with distinction as a scout in Karnnath's army, and at the end of the war was discharged to return back home. Fendir looked forward to seeing his family again. He was unaware of the situation that awaited him in what remained of his village. Fendir arrived at his village and found that, although the buildings were intact, none of the occupants were alive. Looking through his parent's house, he quickly discovered the truth: His parents had starved to death.

Fendir made his way to the nearest city, hoping to find out exactly what had happened. It took a few weeks, but he learned the truth: the local lord had not only withheld food meant for his village, but had also withheld the money he was sending back to his family.

On the night he learned this truth, the decent, hardworking and patriotic young man named Fendir Tang died, and something darker took his place. Fendir made his way into the lord's estate, taking out guard patrols as he went. He crept through the house, entering bedrooms and killing everyone who lay asleep inside.

Finally, he dragged the lord out of his bed, and revelled in the terror on the man's face. He bound his hands and drug him by his hair to the bedrooms of his mistress, his wife, and his children. Fendir then asked the man why he had done it. As Fendir had suspected, the blubbering lord admitted that his actions were motivated entirely by hubris and greed. The lord begged for Fendir's mercy, but Fendir was fresh out.

By the time the guards on the morning shift noticed something was amiss, Fendir was back in his village, burying his family and then their neighbors. Once the tears and been cried and the words had been spoken, Fendir took what gear he had and started walking. He didn't really care where he was going, as long as it was away from Karnnath.

Thus began the next few years, where Fendir would take whatever work came his way. He never turned to drink or drugs, but he didn't really care about anything either.

Recently, he took a bodyguarding and guide job for some child from one of the Dragonmark houses to rob some ruins.

Much like anything else in his life, Fendir took the job and did it.