
Caiden Valsin's page

37 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


HP 13 | AC: 16; T: 10; FF: 16 | CMB: +4; CMD: 14 | Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +2 | Init +9


Archeologist's Luck: 13 (13) | Spell Slots: - / 2 (2)


Azlanti Common Orcish


CG Human Student of War 1 | Bard 1

Strength 18
Dexterity 10
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Caiden Valsin

AC: 10 base +4 armor +2 shield

Speed 30'

1) Longsword: +5 to hit; 1d8+4 damage; 19-20/x2 crit

Adventuring Skills:
Acrobatics r1 +4
Bluff r1 +7
Disable Device r1 +4
Intimidate r1 +9
Knowledge (Arcana) r1 +7
Knowledge (Planes) r1 +7
Perception r1 +4
Sense Motive r1 +4
Stealth r1 +4

Background Skills:
Knowledge (History) r1 +7
Linguistics r1 +6

Bard Class Features:

Archetype (Archeologist)
- Archeologist's Luck (x rnds/day; swift action; +2 luck bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls)

Bardic Knowledge (+.5 bard level to knowledge skills and can make knowledge skills untrained)

Student of War Class Features:
Know your Enemy (move action; study a visible foe and makes an appropriate knowledge check. +1 insight bonus to one of the following stances: Defense (AC and Saving Throws), Martial (Attack and Damage Rolls), and Tactical Stance (CMB and CMD). Can change to a different stance as a move action. Lasts 1 minute/class level)

Azlanti Scholar (+1 trait bonus to know: history, know: local, and UMD checks, and know: history is a class skill. additionally, gain Azlanti as a bonus language; campaign)

Ambrus Valsin (+2 legacy bonus to intimidate and intimidate as a class skill)

Fate's Favored (increase luck bonuses by +1; faith)

Extra Performance
Lingering Performance

Spell DC: 13 +Spell Level

- Dancing Lights
- Detect Magic
- Know Direction
- Prestidigitation

- Cure Light Wounds
- Heightened Awareness

Chain Shirt
Heavy Shield
Spell Component Pouch

Valsin’s Wayfinder: Scarlet and Green Cabochon (Ioun Stone) - Endurance Feat, Pale Blue Rhomboid (Ioun Stone) - '+2 Strength


Caiden is the grandson of Ambrus Valsin, legendary leader of the grand lodge faction of the Pathfinder society, and the man who also runs the day-to-day operations of the Spire.

Ambrus had a daughter, Elsa, from a youthful fling. He was unaware of this child until her son, Caiden, approached him and told him the story.
Cautious at first, Caiden passed all of Ambrus' tests with flying colors. Eventually, after his first year, Ambrus recognized Caiden as his grandson.

For his part, Caiden grew up in a small village Kassen, hearing stories of his famous grandfather from his mother, who worked as a blacksmith in the village. When he came of age, Caiden decided that he was going to join the Pathfinder Society and meet his grandfather. His mother refused to allow this, eventually setting a task before him: if he could plumb the depths of the crypt of the everflame and return unscathed, she would allow it.

Needless to say, he did indeed succeed; in fact, he is credited by the others will keeping them focused and working together to complete the trials.

Once his group emerged from the crypt, Caiden's mother wrote a letter of introduction and explanation to the father she had never known, and sent her son towards what he believed was his destiny.

Three years have now passed, and Caiden is about to take his first step into a wider world than even he could imagine...