Motivation: Justice/Vengeance
Origin: Training
John Agincort is a complicated man. To the outside world, John is the sole owner of Agincort Communications, a company that creates cutting-edge circuitry for computers and communications equipment. Being in his mid 30's, he is also widely debated as being one of the most attractive men in the world.
What the outside world doesn't know, however, is that he is also the masked vigilante/hero longbow. The adopted son of the original longbow, John was taught the rules of fighting crime at an early age. Unlike the original longbow, however, John believed that he could still have a life outside of crime fighting. This led to a rift between the boy and the man that he considered his father which led to them going their separate ways (John had been a sidekick going by the name of arrow).
John gave up the crimefighting life, founding a company after college and getting married, (It was during this time that he discovered the process for making nanites, microscopic robots that could be controlled. Keeping the discovery to himself, he wiped all the data on it from his company and hid it, knowing that this technology could be disasterous in the wrong hands) but all of that changed when the drunk driver who killed his wife was acquitted (his lawyer successfully argued that the breathalyzer had broken before the test, so his blood alcohol level of .6 was thrown out of court).
For weeks he looked at his daughter and did his best to comfort her, even as her powers began to manifest (mostly likely caused by the trauma of her mother's death). All the while, John shoved his rage deep inside until one night when it came bubbling out when he drove past the man's house (it was something that he started doing after the accident) and watched him start to beat his wife. Before John knew what he was really doing, the man had a broken collarbone and a fractured tibia.
Had the man who had raised him not shown up when he did, the man who killed John's wife would have died. Reconcilling, John's father pulled him back from the edge and helped him to deal with his anger. It was then that he revealed he had been following John for a while as he was dying and wanted him to take up the mantle of the longbow. After some initial quibbling, he agreed. That was when John pulled his research on the creation of nanites and used it to create himself new weaponry: His bow and arrows are all made of nanites. the arrows turn to dust about an hour after firing, so that no one can copy his technology.
After taking up the mantle, John joined a team of heroes and used his contacts to enroll his daughter in a private school for young people with powers. Everything was proceeding normally when his daughter's school was attacked by a group of armed extremists who were attempting to wipe out the mutant threat. Knowing that they were little chance for a school of people with superpowers, the walked into the middle of the school and detonated 3 low-yield nuclear devices. The surrounding county was wiped out before anyone who could control radiation could reach the scene.
After a grieving period, John began hunting the people responsible for the atrocity. Getting credible intel that they were based in Great Britain, John moved his company to the UK.