Red Dragon

Hisstla's page

53 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


Str: -1; Dex: 0; Con: +1; Int: +2; Wis: 0; Cha: +2


Female Argonian Immolator 1

Strength 8
Dexterity 9
Constitution 13
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 15

About Hisstla

Armor none
HP 17
Damage 1d8

Alignment: Neutral (Exchange a Sacrifice, freely given, for a service rendered)

*Body: Strange Brands
*Eyes: Warm
*Voice: Roaring
*Demeanor: Imperious Bearing

Starting Moves:
* Burning Brand: Conjure a weapon of pure flame. Roll+CON. on a 10+, choose 2 tags. on a 7-9, choose 1. I can treat Int as Str or Dex for attacks. It always begins with fiery, touch, dangerous and 3 uses tags. Additional tag options: hand, throw & near, +1 damage, remove the dangerous tag

*Fighting Fire with Fire: when you take damage and that damage is odd (after armor), roll 1d4 and either: add that many uses to burning brand, take that result forward to summon burning brand, or reduce the damage by that amount, my choice.

*Give me Fuel, Give me Fire: gaze intensely into someone's eyes. As them "what fuels the flames of your desire?" they answer with truth, even if trying to hide it or the character does not know consciously.

*Zuko Style: Bend a flame to your will. roll +WIS. On a 10+ it does as I command, moving an shaping as I desire for as long as it has fuel to burn. On a 7-9, the effect is short lived.

*Hand Crafted: I can craft metal objects with my bare hands as if using tools and fire. I can also unmake such things.

Racial Traits: amphibian, immune diseases (even magical).

Starting Gear: Max Load (9+str); A symbol of past sacrifices: a melted wedding band. Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight), 1 healing potion (0 weight), 10 coins