Nature has been alive for a very long time. She was once a young girl whose name has been forgotten, who was lead up a mountain to be sacrificed to the angry spirit of the volcano to appease it. She was hurled screaming into the pit, but did not die. Instead, her mutant powers activated, and she summoned a powerful storm to carry her out of danger. Landing atop the volcano, she caused it to erupt and then laughed as the winds carried her to safety.
Her connection to nature prevents her from aging, so physically she appears to be a young girl, 14-15 years old.
She has reappeared throughout the ages, usually heralding a powerful natural disaster. She has been more active since the beginning of the superhero age, constantly fighting those who would despoil the earth.
Nature believes that humanity is a plague on the land, and she is the doctor sent to treat it. her goal is to kill off humans, so that nature may flourish.
It was by sheer luck that she was captured and collared with a power negation device, but she will be free again.