Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Cunning, Improved Cunning, Skill Focus (Knowledge: Local), Kirin Style, Kirin Strike
Class Features: Lore, Smart Defense, Evasion, Tough-Minded, Identify Magic Items, Trap Sense +3, In the Bag, Decipher Script, Erudition, Scholar Secrets (Deliberate Accuracy, Smart Weapon, Fast Movement, Minor Magic: Prestidigitation, Major Magic: Mage Armor)
Every man, woman or child who ever lived has had a vice. For some, it's the drink; others, it's the company of the opposite sex.
For Ashok, his vice is knowledge.
Ashok grew up in a normal and rather boring academic town that was well protected. Safe and happy, Ashok's parents were both incredibly career driven, and both left him to his own devices every chance they could (it wasn't intentional; there was always that paper to grade or deal to finalize).
Left on his own, Ashok began devouring knowledge. By the age of 10 he had read all of his parent's books, and all of their friend's books as well. He would troll bookstores looking to learn things he didn't already know. Everything was fine until he hit a wall.
He was reading a 2,000 year old treatise on religious ceremonies and he came across a term that he had never heard before. What at first merely bugged him quickly because an obsession. He purchased every book on the language he could find, but none gave him clues as to what the word meant.
Finally, he switched gears and began studying ruins of the civilization, and quickly learned that there was an abandoned temple from the right era two towns over. Packing his notebooks, he made his way to the town, planning on using it as a staging ground for his forays into the temple.
When he arrived, he learned that the temple was off-limits, due to a horde of undead that had infested the location. Looking around, he hired on with a group of adventurers headed into the site to deal with the undead. While he was up front about his lack of spellcasting ability (he knew about magic but personally lacked the talent). he did sell himself as a guide and expert. Initially hesitant, the leader of the group hired him because the bounty was expiring and they would rather get paid a smaller share over not getting paid at all.
During the expedition, he told them where to attack the undead, identified the seven veil cartouche that allowed the vault to be opened, and made suggestions on overall improvement in weight disbursement in people's packs.
That is how Ashok came to be an adventurer. He never did find that word though. He just found new knowledge to replace it.