
*Mark Henderson's page

113 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


HP 32 | AC 15 | Saves: Str: +3; Dex: +2; Con: +2; Int: +5; Wis: +4; Cha: +1 | Init: +4 | Passive Perception: 16; Passive Investigation: 20; Passive Insight: 14


Inspiration: [ ] | Spell Slots: 4 (4) / 3 (3) / 2 (2)


AL Variant Human Wizard 5 | Background: Custom


Common, Deep Speech, Elvish, Halfling, Sylvan, Undercommon

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About *Mark Henderson

AC 15 (13 armor +2 dex)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Speed 30'

1) Spell Attack: +5 to hit

Animal Handling +4
Arcana +5
Athletics +5
Insight +4
Investigation +5

Land Vehicles +3

Class Features:
*Arcane Recovery (1/day after a short rest; regain 2 spell levels of spell slots)
*Arcane Tradition
- Arcane Deflection: as a reaction, gain +2 to AC vs the attack or +4 bonus to the saving throw. Only spells castable on the next turn are cantrips
- Tactical Wit: Add Int to Initiative


*Spell DC: 15

- Control Flames
- Mage Hand
- Prestidigitation
- Ray of Frost

*First: 10
- Alarm
- Comprehend Languages
- Detect Magic
- False Life
- Feather Fall
- Fog Cloud
- Longstrider
- Mage Armor
- Tenser’s Floating Disk
- Unseen Servant

*Second: 6
- Darkvision
- Gust of Wind
- Misty Step
- See Invisibility
- Spider Climb
- Web

*Third: 3
- Counterspell
- Dispel Magic
- Tiny Hut

Memmed Spells:

Comprehend Languages
False Life
Mage Armor

Misty Step

Dispel Magic

*Cloak of Protection (+1 to AC and Saving Throws; Uncommon; Attuned)

*Staff (Wand) of the Warmage +1 (+1 bonus gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. In addition, ignore half cover when making a spell attack; uncommon; attuned)

50 gp


Feature: Ship's Passage
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Insight
Languages: Undercommon
Tools: Land Vehicles

Bond: I have a family, but I have no idea where they are. One day, I hope to see them again.
Ideal: I do the job, I get paid.
Personality Trait: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.
Flaw: Once someone questions my courage, I never back down no matter how dangerous the situation.


Mark is a relatively simple guy. He grew up on the docks, and when he was a young teen he got a job unloading and loading ships.

Like many people around that age, Mark got married and soon had a young daughter, Aria.
Mark was working on the docks the day when a battle broke out between a group of adventurers and the pirate crew who were also wererats.
During the battle, the docks were set on fire as magic was flung on both sides, including multiple teleportation spells, one of which opened underneath Mark's family who promptly fell...somewhere.
Mark watched all this happen while he tried to get to his family before the portal closed.
Mark was not successful.
The battle ended shortly thereafter, with the death of the wererats and the adventurers being arrested.
Shortly before the arrests, Mark begged the wizard in the group to explain where the portal went. Unfortunately, he was so overcome with grief that he couldn't explain clearly.
The wizard told him he had no idea.
As the guard hauled the adventurers away, Mark noticed that a small book had fallen during the fight. Picking it up, Mark put it in his pocket and went home. He then promptly forgot about it while trying to find out an answer as to where his family had gone.
Several weeks later, Mark found the book again and started flipping through it. It was written in a wierd language he'd never seen before, but looked like something he could understand. So, with no other options, Mark started translating the book.
As he worked, he realized that the book was written in multiple languages, which he found himself picking up.
Once he was able to read the languages, his belief was confirmed: this was a spellbook.
Now he just had to figure out how to cast spells.
This was easier than it seemed however; All he did was buy some wizards beer in exchange for 'explaining how magic works.' Soon, he had figured out both cantrips and lower level spells. He knew what the higher level spells were, but he couldn't cast them yet.
So, Mark became an adventurer, hoping to become strong enough to be able to cast magic necessary to discover where his family went.