About "Cal"LG Shabti Ranger 12 | Marshal 12 (Guardian 3 | Marshal 3) BAB: 12 Speed: 50'/85' Weapons:
2) Touch: +21 to hit (27 w/major aura) Adventuring Skills: Skill Unlocks
Background Skills: Skill Unlocks
Shabti Racial Features:
*Greater Purpose (+1 trait bonus to saves vs. death effects and +1 trait bonus to con checks made to stabilize; magic) *Fate's Favored (increase luck bonuses by 1; faith) * Extremely Fashionable (as long as I am wearing clean clothing and jewelry worth at least 150 gp, I get a +1 trait bonus to bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate; equipment) *Analytical (when I take 10 on a knowledge check, add 1; region) Equipment:
Ring of Minor Inner Fortitude -18000 gp
Class Features:
Ranger Class Features: *Track *Wild Empathy (+42) *Woodland Stride *Swift Tracker *Evasion *Camouflage *Combat Style (Underhanded - First; Menacing - Second)
*Archetype: Sword-Devil
- Slashing Fury (can use cha bonus in place of int bonus to qualify for feats; select a light or one-handed slashing weapon and can use dex instead of str to hit - Bastard Sword, Longsword) - Inspiring Example (standard action; Grant half my Death Vow bonus to all allies within 30' for cha mod rounds) - Untouchable (if unarmored and unencumbered, add cha mod to AC and CMD, gain a +1 dodge bonus at 6th and every 3) - Second Combat Style (gain a second Combat Style) Marshal Class Features:
*Major Aura +2/7 (allies within 60'; swift action to change; always active; untyped bonus; add bonus to active aura; language dependant)
*Adrenaline Boost (2/day; Standard Action; grant temp HP to all allies within 60' equal to my Marshal level except myself. If the target has no Vigor left, the amount of Temp HP doubles. Can only effect things with an int higher than 2 that can understand my language.)
Combat Expertise Combat Reflexes Cut from the Air Dodge Deft Maneuvers Endurance Improved Initiative Iron Will Skill Focus (Appraise) Skill Focus (Bluff) Skill Focus (Diplomacy) Skill Focus (Intimidate) Skill Focus (Know: Arcana) Skill Focus (Know: Dungeoneering) Skill Focus (Knowledge: Engineering) Skill Focus (Know: Geography) Skill Focus (Knowledge: History) Skill Focus (Know: Local) Skill Focus (Know: Nature) Skill Focus (Know: Nobility) Skill Focus (Know: Planes) Skill Focus (Know: Religion) Skill Focus (Perception) Skill Focus (Sense Motive) Skill Focus (Stealth) Skill Focus (Survival) Skill Focus (Linguistics) Slashing Grace (Longsword) Smash from the Air Toughness Weapon Focus (Longsword) Chopping Down the Christmas Tree:
Hero's Courage (Immune to all fear, including supernatural)
Horrifically Overpowered:
Horrifically Overpowered Mythic:
*Uber Mythic (creatures of a lower mythic tier than you don't count as a mythic source to you)
Stat Breakdown:
str 10 base +0 race +0 level +2 cdtct +0 abp dex 12 base +0 race +0 level +6 cdtct +2 abp +4 Mythic con 12 base +2 race +0 level +2 cdtct +4 abp int 10 base +0 race +0 level +2 cdtct +2 abp wis 10 base +0 race +0 level +2 cdtct +0 abp cha 54 base +2 race +3 level +8 cdtct +4 abp Favored Class Bonus Breakdown:
Marshal: +12 Skill Points Offense Breakdown:
Initiative: +7 dex +10 tier +4 competence +4 improved init Attack: *Sword: +12 bab +5 dex +4 competence +3 weapon +1 weapon focus *Melee Touch or Ranged: +12 bab +5 dex + +4 competence *CMB: +12 bab +4 competence +7 dex Damage:
Defense Breakdown:
WP: cha score (71) x2 +12 toughness = 154 VP: 130 base +390 cha +30 mythic = 550 AC: 10 base +7 dex +30 cha +10 defense +2 deflection +2 natural armor +4 dodge +2 insight +4 competence +3 enhancement/+6 Major Aura CMD: +12 bab +4 competence +7 dex +1 str +30 cha +2 deflection +4 dodge +2 insight Fort: 8 base +5 resistance +4 competence +30 cha +5 con
Skill Breakdown:
*Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (All), Linguistics, Listen, Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Stealth, Sense Motive, Survival, Swim *Skill Ranks/Level: 6 base +2 int +1 Favored Class *Adventuring Skills:
*Background Skills:
Automatic Bonus Progression Breakdown:
Deflection +2 Mental prowess +4/+2 physical prowess +4/+2 toughening +2 Armor attunement +2/+2 or +3 resistance +5 weapon attunement +2/+2 or +3 Chopping Down the Christmas Tree Breakdown:
+4 competence bonus to all attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, AC, saving throws, and initiative Ability Boosts: +2 to str, +8 to dex (last boosted ability), +2 to con, +2 to int, +2 to wis, +6 to cha Advanced Techniques:
Guardian Breakdown:
Guardian's Call: Sudden Block (immediate; expend a mythic power to add tier to AC vs attack made against me or an adj. ally; attack also has disadvantage; finally, either me or ally (my choice) can make an attack on the attacker that ignores all DR) Base Path Features:
Path Powers:
*Uncanny Adaptability (Spend 1 mythic power to create a sphere - 5'/tier rad. aura that works like planar adaptation that also applies to the Material Plane; people are only protected while in the aura. Lasts 1 hr./tier)
Marshal Breakdown:
Marshal's Order: Decisive Strike (spend 1 mythic surge to grant an ally a single melee or ranged attack with a bonus equal to my tier, that bypasses all DR) Base Path Features:
Path Powers:
*Unwavering Skill (can always take 10 or 20 on checks with class skills) *Beyond Morality (Count as whatever alignment is most beneficial for any game effects)