
*Kaine "The Answer"*'s page

258 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


HP: 94 (94) | AC: 30; T: 16; FF: 26 | Init +3 | Fort: +8; Ref: +13; Will: +12 (+2 with Heroism) | Perception: +22 (+2 with Heroism; Darkvision 60') | SR Check: +12


Spells/Day: 7 (7) / 4 (7) / 6 (6) / 3 (4) / 2 (2) | Bardic Performance Rounds: 33 (33) |

Current Spell Effects:
Heroism, Heroe's Feast (+2 to save vs. poison and fear)


LN Half-Orc Bard 13


Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Flan, Aquan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Gnoll, Halfling, Infernal, Orcish, Sylvan, Undercommon

Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 24

About *Kaine "The Answer"*

AC (10 base +9 armor +5 shield +3 dex +2 deflection +1 dodge)
BAB: 9

Speed: 30'

Shield (Normal): +13/8 to hit (9 bab, 3 str, 1 wpn); 1d8+4 (3 str, 1 wpn) damage; 20/x2 crit
Shield (inspire courage): +16/11 to hit (9 bab, 3 str, 1 wpn, 3 inspire); 1d8+7 (3 str, 1 wpn, 3 inspire) damage

Shield (Heroism): +15/10 to hit (9 bab, 3 str, 1 wpn, 2 heroism)
Shield (Heroism + inspire courage): +18/13 to hit (9 bab, 3 str, 1 wpn, 2 heroism, 3 inspire)
Shield (Haste, Heroism, Inspire Courage): +19/19/14 to hit (9 bab, 3 str, 1 wpn, 1 haste, 2 heroism, 3 inspire)

Adventuring Skills: *+2 with Heroism
Acrobatics r0 +29
Bluff r0 +29
Diplomacy r0 +29
Fly r0 +29
Intimidate r0 +29
Knowledge (Arcana) r6 +20
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) r7 +19
Knowledge (Local) r7 +19
Knowledge (Nature) r6 +18
Knowledge (Planes) r7 +19
Knowledge (Religion) r6 +18
Perception r13 +23
Perform (Dance) r13 +29
Perform (Keyboard Instruments) r13 +29
Perform (Sing) r13 +29
Sense Motive r0 +29
Stealth r13 +19
Survival r13 +15/20 to track
Use Magic Device r1 +11

Background Skills: *+2 with Heroism
Knowledge (Engineering) r7 +19
Knowledge (Geography) r6 +18
Knowledge (History) r6 +19
Knowledge (Nobility) r6 +18
Linguistics r13 +25

Armor Expert

Improved Shield Bash
Power Attack
Skill Focus (Perform: Dance)
Skill Focus (Perform: Keyboard Instruments)
Skill Focus (Perform: Sing)
Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Shield)

Class Features:
*Bardic Knowledge (+7)

*Bardic Performance
- Countersong
- Dirge of Doom
- Distraction
- Fascinate
- Inspire Competence +4
- Inspire Courage +3
- Inspire Greatness
- Soothing Performance
- Suggestion

*Jack-of-All-Trades (Can attempt any skill check, even if untrained)

*Lore Master (take 10 on any knowledge check I'm trained in; take 20 2/day)

*Versatile Performance
- Dance (Acrobatics, Fly)
- Keyboard Instruments (Diplomacy, Intimidate)
- Sing (Bluff, Sense Motive)


+3 Mithral Breastplate -13,200g
+2 Belt of Physical Might (Dex/Con) -10,000g
+6 Headband of Alluring Charisma -36,000g
+3, Bashing Heavy Wooden Shield -16,157g
+2 Ring of Protection -8,000g
+2 Cloak of Resistance -4,000g
Greater Hat of Disguise -12,000g
Lens of Detection -3,500g
Ring of Sustenance -2,500g
Lesser Rod of Extend Spell x2 -6,000 gp
Minor Bag of Holding -1,000 gp

Potion of Remove Disease x4 -3,000 gp

1,000 gp worth of Diamond Dust

1,543 gp
-400 gp for guide
+4830 gp from sale of stuff


Standing a bit over six feet, Kaine seems to be male (based on the sound of his voice) and wears a suit of unique armor that includes a fully visored great helm. Kaine's face has never been seen (at least not by anyone who can back up the claim they made that they have seen it), and his armor and helm are what make up his appearance.


Kaine is an exceptionally well-known bounty hunter, seeming to delight in taking jobs to bring in the most dangerous targets. Among his most notable include:

*Locating all of Rary's clones before an assault against him could be attempted;

*Bringing the ghost of an evil, abusive noble to justice after it had risen by dragging it across the countryside to the location where the bounty came from;

*Discovering information regarding the Ebon Triad, a (at the time) unknown cult that worships three different evil gods;

*Never failing to bring back his target alive, once he accepts a job, regardless of who (or what) they may be.

Kaine is known for three things:

1) he never shows his face to anyone, opting instead to allow his distinctive armor to make up his appearance;

2) his intimidating presence. Many criminals, upon hearing that Kaine is after them, will just turn themselves in rather than be drug across the countryside behind a horse;

3) his professionalism: Kaine never switches sides once he accepts a bounty, and bribes do nothing to dissuade him from bringing in his target.

While there are many rumors about Kaine, the job that he is most famous for involves locating all of Rary's clones. It took him a little over three years, but he managed to locate them all; it's noted that during this job, while he was in one of the planes, Kaine's employer decided to call off the strike against Rary for some reason. When Kaine returned, his employer told him that the job had been called off and Kaine would not be paid.

Kaine then explained that, should he not be paid, Rary would be informed of both his recent mission, as well as the person responsible for said mission.

Kaine was promptly paid.

It is also well known that Kaine does not abide ANYONE, including children, trying to imitate him by copying his distinctive armor.

Early on in his career, Kaine started hearing about how stories about how he had turned to banditry. What happened next depends on who is telling the story: most agree that he tracked down the bandits and killed them, but it's the method of their death that varies from storyteller to storyteller. In some stories, he flayed them alive; in other stories, he made the man pretending to be him drag his broken body across the plains to the town that he had been terrorizing and explain his crimes to the bewildered magistrate; in the most gruesome story, he killed and then animated all of the bandits, and uses them as a secret assault force that he can summon to help him deal with warriors who oppose him.