JA-11 Energy Rifle: Range: 30/60/120; Damage: 3d6; ROF: 1; AP: 2; Shots: 60; Weight: 7; Cost: 40,000
Notes: Can be adjusted as an action to fire an ion beam (use stats for NG-57 above) or Mega Damage mode; each shot expends 10 ammo, and is made with the Snapfire penalty. Integrated scope with night vision and laser targeting (offset two points of Range and/or Darkness penalties).
TX-5 Pump Pistol: Range: 15/30/60; Damage: 2d6+1; ROF: 1; AP: —; Shots: 5; Weight: 5; Cots: 10,000
Notes: Mega Damage.
NG Peacekeeper Armor: The armor features a built-in biocomputer monitoring system; Full Peacekeeper Tactical body armor provides +6 Armor and +2 Toughness, as well as providing Full Environmental Protection. It has a Strength Minimum of d8. (27 lb, 40,000 credits)
A NG-S2 Survival Pack (30 lb, 3,000 credits):
*One two-person tent, insulated against up to −40 degrees Fahrenheit. It has water collection capabilities, capturing ambient humidity and evaporating water from occupants, thus extending water supplies by 20%.
* One sleeping bag, also insulated.
*One flashlight, with a concealed pocket knife. Miniaturized solar panels give it near-infinite operation under typical conditions.
*One biometric compass/inertial mapper. Body motion provides the necessary power, and the system lets the user know how far and in what direction he’s traveled over time (+2 to Survival rolls related to land navigation). A mirrored back allows for reflective signaling to others if the sun is out.
*One short-range radio, five-mile range.
*One first aid kit, provides +1 to Healing checks. It has three uses before it needs to be replenished.
*One hunter/fisher kit, containing wires, line, hooks, and other elements necessary for fishing and small game trapping. This provides +1 to Survival checks where food gathering is concerned.
* Three saw wires, composed of serrated, high tensile strength wire and two ring handles. Capable of slicing through wood, stone, and even non-Mega metals.
* One fire starter, a combination solar powered ignition cell and flint sparker (with six extra flints).
* One survival knife, one small hatchet, and one wooden cross.
* Four signal flares.
* One climbing kit with 30 feet of lightweight cord, a pair of climbing gloves, four ceramic spikes, and a small mallet.
* One bar of soap and a sterilized cloth.
* One canteen.
*Two weeks worth of minimal sustenance survival rations in sealed pouches.
Big Boss ATV