Paladin of Iomedae

Carl Lucian's page

14 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.

Full Name

Lucius Illiad











About Carl Lucian

Combat Info:

Agility d10
Smarts d10
Spirit d6
Strength d8
Vigor d8

Charisma 2
Pace 6
Parry 7
Toughness 7 (9 | +6 MDC Armor)

JA-11 Energy Rifle: [dice]1d12, 1d6[/dice] +2 with Marksman | [dice]3d6[/dice]

TX-5 Pump Pistol: [dice]1d12, 1d6[/dice] +2 with Marksman | [dice]2d6+1[/dice]

Unarmed: [dice]1d8, 1d6[/dice] | [dice]1d6+1[/dice]


Survival d6 | [dice]1d6+2, 1d6+2[/dice]
Tracking d4 | [dice]1d4+2, 1d6+2[/dice]
Fighting d8 | [dice]1d8, 1d6[/dice]
Shooting d12 | [dice]1d12, 1d6[/dice]
Throwing d4 | [dice]1d4, 1d6[/dice]
Notice d10 | [dice]1d10, 1d6[/dice]
Lockpicking d6 | [dice]1d6, 1d6[/dice]
Stealth d8 | [dice]1d8, 1d6[/dice]
Untrained Smarts Skills | [dice]1d4, 1d6[/dice]
All Other Untrained | [dice]1d4-2, 1d6-2[/dice]

Edges | Hinderances:

Acrobat, Woodsman, Nerves of Steel, Dodge, Improved Dodge, Marksman, Jack-of-All-Trades, Quick, Brawny, Charismatic, I know a Guy, Brave | Loyal (Minor), Bad Luck (Major), Vow (Protect the weak; Minor)


JA-11 Energy Rifle: Range: 30/60/120; Damage: 3d6; ROF: 1; AP: 2; Shots: 60; Weight: 7; Cost: 40,000
Notes: Can be adjusted as an action to fire an ion beam (use stats for NG-57 above) or Mega Damage mode; each shot expends 10 ammo, and is made with the Snapfire penalty. Integrated scope with night vision and laser targeting (offset two points of Range and/or Darkness penalties).

TX-5 Pump Pistol: Range: 15/30/60; Damage: 2d6+1; ROF: 1; AP: —; Shots: 5; Weight: 5; Cots: 10,000
Notes: Mega Damage.

NG Peacekeeper Armor: The armor features a built-in biocomputer monitoring system; Full Peacekeeper Tactical body armor provides +6 Armor and +2 Toughness, as well as providing Full Environmental Protection. It has a Strength Minimum of d8. (27 lb, 40,000 credits)

A NG-S2 Survival Pack (30 lb, 3,000 credits):
„„*One two-person tent, insulated against up to −40 degrees Fahrenheit. It has water collection capabilities, capturing ambient humidity and evaporating water from occupants, thus extending water supplies by 20%.

* „„One sleeping bag, also insulated.

*„„One flashlight, with a concealed pocket knife. Miniaturized solar panels give it near-infinite operation under typical conditions.

„„*One biometric compass/inertial mapper. Body motion provides the necessary power, and the system lets the user know how far and in what direction he’s traveled over time (+2 to Survival rolls related to land navigation). A mirrored back allows for reflective signaling to others if the sun is out.

*„„One short-range radio, five-mile range.

*„„One first aid kit, provides +1 to Healing checks. It has three uses before it needs to be replenished.

„„*One hunter/fisher kit, containing wires, line, hooks, and other elements necessary for fishing and small game trapping. This provides +1 to Survival checks where food gathering is concerned.

* „„Three saw wires, composed of serrated, high tensile strength wire and two ring handles. Capable of slicing through wood, stone, and even non-Mega metals.

* „„One fire starter, a combination solar powered ignition cell and flint sparker (with six extra flints).

* „„One survival knife, one small hatchet, and one wooden cross.

* „„Four signal flares.

* „„One climbing kit with 30 feet of lightweight cord, a pair of climbing gloves, four ceramic spikes, and a small mallet.

* „„One bar of soap and a sterilized cloth.

* „„One canteen.

„„*Two weeks worth of minimal sustenance survival rations in sealed pouches.

Big Boss ATV


+1 Smarts
+1 to fighting and notice
+1 Vigor

Iconic Framework: M.A.R.S. (Personal Concept Option):

Begin with +5 skill points.
„„Begin with two Edges of your choice, ignoring Rank requirements.
„„Make one additional roll on the M.A.R.S. Fortune & Glory Table.
+1 Benny/Session.


Carl Lucian started as a good son of the Coalition. As a young man, he proudly watched his father, a Captain in the Coalition army, lead his death's head transport into battle in video footage his father would bring home. The Siege of Tolkeen changed everything. Carl was 16 when the siege started, and it would be just 2 months after Emperor Prosek's announcement of war against the demon worshippers that would lead to his father's last mission. Carl never got to see the footage of that mission, but when an officer appeared at his door, he knew his father was dead. Carl dropped out of Pre-college courses, lied about his age, and enlisted into the Coalition Army. During basic training, he was flagged and sent to scout training, where his aptitude with marksmanship was honed. After 6 months of intensive training, he was sent into the field to bolster a scout unit that had been all but wiped out by a cabal of sorcerers from the Federation of Magic.

It was during his second sortie that he and his unit came across the sorcerers who had killed their fellow soldiers. After a quick planning session, they attacked. That was when Carl realized that they were just children, around his actual age. He hesitated to shoot a girl in the head, and it doomed all of his unit to being flung through a rift that she opened behind them. A patroitic young man went into the rift, along with 6 scouts. Carl was the only one to return, and although he had only gone through the portal a few moments before, when Carl came out he was in his mid 30s and a battle tested veteran, wearing weapons and armor that appeared to be almost 2 decades old.

While Carl refuses to talk about the events that ocurred in the place beyond the rift, his outlook was changed forever. He explained to the children that they needed to stop fighting in the war, and his words managed to sway them. He then told them that there was a place where they could find refuge, should they want it. While none of them took him up on his offer, refugees that he encountered in the middle of the warzone did. He lead them unerringly towards Castle Refuge. How he knew it's location, he would not say.

Carl spent the rest of the war guiding refugees to Castle Refuge, staunchly refusing to aid either side, other than to offer them the chance to leave the war and do something better. Sadly, Rifts Earth being what it is, no one took him up on his offer.

When The Tomorrow Legion was created, Carl was one of the first to sign up.