Kaigon the Miscreant

Kag Stonecleaver's page

100 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.

Full Name

Kag Stonecleaver


AC: 16 | Max HP: 25 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +4; Dex: +2; Con: +5; Int: 0; Wis: +1; Cha: -1 | Perception +3 (w/Darkvision); Insight: +1 | Inspiration: Yes


CG Mountain Dwarf Barbarian 2

Strength 15
Dexterity 14
Constitution 19
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 11

About Kag Stonecleaver

HP 27
AC 16
Proficiency Bonus +2
Initiative +2
Saves: Str: +4; Dex: +2; Con: +6; Int: +1; Wis: +1; Cha: 0

Maul: +4 to hit; 2d6+2 damage
Javelin (thrown): +4 to hit; 1d6+2 damage
Handaxe: +4 to hit; 1d6+2 damage
Longbow +4 to hit; 1d8+2 damage

Trained Skills: Athletics +4, History +3(+5 with stone or Dwarven history), Perception +3, Persuasion +2

Trained Tools: Smith's Tools, Cards

Class Features: Rage (2/rest; +2 melee damage, Resist blud., slash, pierce, Advantage on STR checks and saving throws; 1 minute)

Equipment: Explorer's Pack, 4 Javelins, 2 Handaxes, Maul, Longbow with 20 arrows, Set of Fine clothes, Signet Ring, Scroll of Pedigree, Purse with 25 gp.

Background (Noble):

Personality Trait: Loyalty is worth more than gold, and you know how much Dwarves love gold.
Bond: The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.
Ideal: I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family.
Flaw: To cross me is to court death.

Answer to GM Questions:

What is your physical appearance, bearing, mannerisms, and quirks?
My character is 4'8", 245 lbs of pure muscle, with black hair he cut into a short mohawk, and an eyepatch over his left eye. His right eye gleams with a deep amethyst color.

What was your childhood like?
My character was born the only son of a clan leader. He was taught the finer things in life, at least from the perspective of a Dwarf: Sharp blades, cold beer, a hot forge, and killing the enemies of his people.

What is your relationship to the gods and religion?
My character believes that the gods should remain in heaven and leave the mortal world to mortals.

Do you have an easy way with strangers?
Yes. I offer them a pint, and if it leads to a brawl, so much the better.

Do you play well with others?
see above.

Do you identify with a particular animal or element?

What do you find creepy?
Gnomes, short creatures with beards.

What specific goals do you have, if any?
Find glory for my family's name, have a good fight.

What secrets do you have?
When I left the clan on my 20 year training voyage, I never intended to return. Being a noble and listening to people's problems are not my ways.

What does someone else know about you that you do not?
I am the child of an extra-marital affair.

Do the ends justify the means?