Full Name |
Zathra |
Race |
Elf |
Classes/Levels |
Barbarian 1 |
About Zathra Bonebreaker
Barbarian 1
STR 16 +2
DEX 13 +1
CON 15 +1
INT 9 0
WIS 8 -1
CHA 12 0
HP 23
Armor 1
Damage d10
Starting Moves:
Unencumbered, Unharmed So long as you are below your load and neither wear armor nor carry a shield, take +1 armor.
The Upper Hand: You take +1 ongoing to last breath rolls. When you take your last breath, on a 7-9 you make an offer to Death in return for your life. If Death accepts, he will return you to life. If not, you die.
What are you waiting for?: When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll +Con. on a 10+ they treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and ignore your companions, take +2 damage ongoing against them. On a 7-9, only a few (the weakest or most foolhardy among them) fall prey to your taunting.
Herculean appetities: Others may content themselves with just a taste of wine or dominion over a servant or two, but you want more. Choose two appetites. While pursuing one of your appetites, if you would roll for a move, instead of rolling 2d6 you roll 1d6+1d8. If the d6 is the higher die of the pair, the GM will also introduce a complication or danger that comes about due to your heedless pursuits. (Pure Destruction; Fame and Glory)
Musclebound: While you wield a weapon it gains the forceful and messy tags.
Outsider: You may be elf, dwarf, halfling, or human, but you and your people are not from around here. At the beginning of each session, the GM will ask you something about your homeland, why you left, or what you left behind. If you answer them, mark XP.
Body: Lean
Eyes: Wild
Decoration: Tattoos
Clothes: Leather pants, Silk Shirt
Alignment: Neutral (Teach someone the ways of your people)
Equipment: Max Load (24)
Dungeon Rations (10 uses, 2 wt.)
Dagger (hand, 2 coins, 1 wt.)
Necklace with a single fang from a hunting cat on it
Spear (Reach, Thrown, Near, 5 coins, 1 wt.)
Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 wt.)
Zathra is a hunter from the Elven nation of Zakura, a wild place even by the standards of other Elves. She recently arrived in Chromia and is clearly searching for someone or something.
Physically, Zathra stands a little over 6' tall, with blonde hair that she keeps pinned up in an intricate series of braids, many of which have beads or tokens in, so that she jingles ever so slightly when she turns her head. She has lean muscles and seems to lack body fat, and the way she moves reminds one of a lion or panther. She has a wild, dangerous look in her eyes at all times, and were one to try to sum her up in a single word, it would be fierce.