
Cale Evans's page

4 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.




Bard 18 | Oracle 1/Paladin 17








Lawful Good



Strength 22
Dexterity 10
Constitution 24
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 32

About Cale Evans

Combat Info:

HP 322
AC 28 (10 base, 7 armor, 11 Cha), Touch 21, Flat-Footed 17

BAB 17
CMB +23
CMD 44 (10 base, 6 str, 11 Cha, 17 BAB)
Init +0
Fort +31
Ref +36
Will +27

Speed 30'

Holy Avenger +28/23/18/13 to hit; 1d8+11 +2d6 holy; 19-20/x2 crit


All untrained: 7+stat (can make any skill check untrained)
UMD r18+35
Perform r18 +35
Act, Oratory, Dance, Percussion, Sing
Climb r18 +30
Disable Device r18 +24
Escape Artist r18 +24
Linguistics r18 +27
Perception r18 +24

Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive, Disguise, Acrobatics, Fly, Handle Animal, Intimidate r0 +35

Knowledge: all r0 +27

Feats | Traits:

Extra Revelation, Lingering Performance, Fast Learner, Improvisation, Improved Improvisation, Greater Dirty Trick, Combat Expertise, Improved disarm, Antagonize, Fearless Aura, Ultimate Resolve, Dazzling Display | Fate's Favored, Indomitable Faith

Bard Class Features:

Bardic Performance 49 rnds/day (Inspire Courage +4, Inspire Competence, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Competence, Suggestion, Dirge of Doom, Inspire Greatness, Soothing Performance, Frightening Tune, Inspire Heroics, Mass Suggestion)
Versatile Performance (act, sing, dance, percussion, oratory)
Lore Master
Jack of all trades

Oracle Class Features:

Mystery (Lore)
Oracle's Curse (Haunted)
Revelations (Sidestep Secret, Lore Keeper)

Paladin Class Features:

Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil 6/day (+11 to hit, +11 deflection bonus to AC, +17 damage)
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands (8d6; 19/day)
Aura of Courage
Divine Health
Mercy (shaken, nauseated, stunned, fatigued, exhausted),
Channel Positive Energy
Divine Bond (17 min; 4/day; +5)
Aura of Resolve
Aura of Justice
Aura of Faith
Aura of Righteousness

Bard Spells:

Spells/Day: 8/8/8/7/6/5

0: Detect Magic, Know Direction, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic

1: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Secret Doors, Fumbletongue, Hideous Laughter, Liberating Command, Timely Inspiration

2: Acute Senses, Cure Moderate Wounds, Gallant Inspiration, Heroism, Investigative Mind, Qualm

3: Arcane Concordance, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Haste, See Invisible, Thundering Drums

4: Cure Critical Wounds, Dance of One Hundred Cuts, Dimension Door, Echolocation, Freedom of Movement

5: Greater Dispel Magic, Shadow Bard, Song of Discord, Stunning Finale

6: Getaway, Magnifying Chime, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Sympathetic Vibration,

Oracle Spells:

Spells/Day: 6

0: Bleed, Create Water, Guidance, Mending

1: Ant Haul, Cure Light Wounds

Paladin Spells:

1: Grace _, Heroe's Defiance _ _. Lesser Restoration _ _, Litany of Sloth _ _

2: Blinding Ray _ _, Light Lance _ _, Resist Energy _ _

3: Fire of Judgement _, Prayer _ _ _, Wrathful Mantle _

4: Blaze of Glory _, Forced Repentance _, Litany of Vengeance _


*+2 Manual of Gainful Exercise (read)
*+4 Manual of Bodily Health (read)
*+2 Tome of Clear Thought (read)
*+4 Tome of Leadership and Influence (read)
*Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone
*Stone of good luck
*+5 Holy Avenger

Item Slots:
armor: None
Belt: +6 belt of physical Might (Str/Con)
Chest: None
Eyes: None
Headband: +6 Headband of Charisma
Neck: Necklace of Adaptation
Shoulders: +3 Cloak of Resistance
Wrist: Bracers of Armor +7
Ring One: None
Ring Two: None

Money: 120 gp, 1 cp


Cale Evans was born to freemen in the Nation of Men, Rahadoum. His father was a bard, and his mother was a retired adventurer. Raised in the traditions of his homeland, Cale was surprised and ashamed when he first felt the touch of the divine upon him. He ignored the calling for several years while he completed his bardic training. The gods, however, would not be so easily denied. Cale found the touch of the divine pervading everything he did, which culminated in a failed suicide attempt his senior year in bardic college. He was saved by a hidden priest of Irori, who took him from his land and brought him to Jalmeray to study at the feet of those who worshipped the god of perfection. Finally accepting his calling as a holy knight, Cale spent several years studying his lessons while sneaking into town to perform in taverns to keep his musical ability sharp. Eventually feeling that he had learned all that he could at the temple, Cale made his way into the world.
Time passed, and Cale grew strong in his capabilities as both a bard and a paladin. He was married twice (both marriages ended in the death of his spouses by the hands of his enemies), fought evil where he could, and did his best to be an example for others to follow.