About Tabula Rosa
PL 8
CP 120 (36 abilities 36 skills 23 advantages 25 powers)
Str 0
Sta 0
Agl 0
Dex 0
Fgt 0
Int 0
Awe 0
Pre 10
Dodge 0
Fortitude +8 (8 pts)
Parry 0
Toughness +16
Will +8 (8 pts)
Expertise (Guitar) 18
Expertise (Piano) 18
Expertise (Singing) 18
Treatment 18
Attractive r2
Benefits (Wealth r5)
Eidetic Memory
Languages 14
*Healing (8 pts/rank) r1
- Area (Burst: 30' radius within 120'; +3 pt/rank)
- Energizing (+1 pt/rank)
- Restorative (+1 pt/rank)
- Resurrection (+1 pt/rank)
- Selective (+1 pt/rank)
- Limited (Others) (-1 pt/rank)
*Immortality (1 pt/Rank) r1
- Flaw (Quirk: Loses memories of previous life every time he comes back; -1 pt/rank)
*Protection (1 pt/Rank) r16
Motivation - Acceptance
Obsession - Finding out what happened to him in his past life
Secret - Doesn't remember who he is
For his backstory, he has just awoken with no memory of who he his (his immortality causes him to lose all of his functional memory, but not his procedural memory; so he still has his skills and abilities, but he doesn't remember himself or anything about his life).