Sky Dragon

*Kona's page

58 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


Max HP: 23 | AC: 16; T: 14; FF: 13 | Fort:+5; Ref: +6; Will: +4 | Initiative: +3 | CMB: +3; CMD: 16


Draconic Exemplar 2




Lawful Good

Strength 15
Dexterity 16
Constitution 15
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 12
Charisma 8

About *Kona

Speed 30'

Bite: +5 to hit; 1d4+3 damage; 20/x2 critical
Claws (x2): +5 to hit; 1d4+2 damage; 20/x2 critical

Fly r2 +8, Intimidate r2 +3 Stealth r2 +12, Perception r2 +6, Survival r2 +6

Traits: Seeking Adventure, Vandal

Feats: Power Attack

Alternate Race Features: Brutish, Lung, Skylord

Class Features: Predator's Claws, Draconic Essence (Honorable; Sky), Draconic Weaponry (3/day; Breath Weapon (elec. 20' cone), 2d6, DC 13), Draconic Defense (Spatial Sense)

Equipment: Wayfinder (worn around his neck like a necklace).


Kona is an Sky Lung dragon, a breed of which is rare in this part of the world. Growing up, he had read the stories of the Pathfinders, and when he came of age, his sire gave him permission to join (but only after much persuading). The local lodge was a bit taken aback when the small dragon walked up to the doors and announced in common that he wanted to join, but as the Society takes all that are interested and gives them a chance, he was accepted. After his training, he was dispatched by his venture captain to join an expedition being run by a pathfinder by the name of Garavel.