Quinley Basdel

Quinton Butler's page

64 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


HP 78 | AC 23 | Perception (M): +16 | Fort (T): +12; Ref (E): +15; Will (E): +15


Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Jotun, Shadowtongue, Sylvan

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Quinton Butler

NG Versatile Human Investigator 7
Background: Detective

AC (10 base +9 Proficiency +3 dex +1 armor)

Speed: 30'

1) Rapier: +14 to hit; 1d6+2 damage; Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse
2) Hand Crossbow: +14 to hit; 1d6+2 damage
3) Fist: +14 to hit; 1d4+2 damage
4) Spell Attack: +13 to hit

Acrobatics (T) +12
Athletics (T) +9
Crafting (T) +13
Deception (T) +9
Diplomacy (T) +9
Intimidation (T) +9
Lore (Anatomy; E) +15/16 (recall knowledge)
Lore (Genealogy; T) +11
Lore (Underworld; T) +11
Medicine (M) +16
Nature (E) +14
Performance (T) +9
Society (E) +15
Stealth (T) +12
Survival (T) +12
Thievery (E) +14

Investigator Weapons (Rapier, Sap, Shortbow, Shortsword, Sword Cane; E)
Simple Weapons (E)
Unarmed Strike (E)

Light Armor (T)
Unarmored Defense (T)

Class Features:
Class DC (T): 13
Keen Recollection
Methodology (Forensic Medicine)
On The Case (Take the Case, Clued In)
Study Suspect
Studied Strike +2d6
Vigilant Senses
Weapon Acumen
Weapon Specialization
Monument: Mapstone Monument
Power Points: 7

Spell DC (T): 13
Telekinetic Projectile

Mage Armor
Resilient Sphere
Resist Energy
Telekinetic Maneuver
True Strike

Haughty Obstinacy
Natural Skill (Lore: Genealogy; Lore: Anatomy)

Flexible Studies
Scalpel's Point
Thorough Research
Trap Finder

Breath Control
Expeditious Search

Battle Medicine
Biographical Eye
Forensic Acumen
Robust Recovery
Underground Network
Urban Pursuit
Ward Medic

Expanded Healer's Tools
Explorer's Clothing x10
Fine Clothing x5
Hand Crossbow
High-Fashion Fine Clothing
Infiltrator Thieve's Tools
Scholarly Journal Compendium (Anatomy)
Winter Clothing x5

Lesser Antidote x10
Lesser Antiplague x10
Lesser Comprehension Elixir x10
Lesser Darkvision Elixir x5
Lesser Smokestick x10
Sunrod x10

297 gp


Quinton Butler was born to successful merchants from the city of Magnimar. His talent for medicine showed itself early and so his parents sent him to the finest schools, where is natural talent was honed to a razor edge.

Quinton was the youngest doctor on staff at one of the prestigious hospitals in the Naos district, mainly one that serviced wealthy merchants and adventurers.
It was during this time that Quinton developed his abilities. He found that he could move things with his mind, move quickly, and jump long distances. He didn't know what to make of these abilities, but they didn't really impact his life.
What DID impact his life, however, was the afternoon a merchant brought in his ill son. Quinton began treating him, but quickly realized that that the boy had been effected by Mummy Rot, which was a death sentence.
The merchant, however, refused to accept that his son was going to die a slow, painful death. He blamed everyone in the hospital, but especially focused on Quinton. The merchant burned a great deal of money ruining Quinton's career, insuring that no hospital would ever hire him.
Being unable to find work as a doctor, Quinton tried several different jobs but nothing stuck. Eventually he took work for a private detective, identifying the cause of death of bodies that were found. In exchange, he learned how to interrogate a witness, how to build a network of criminal contacts, and how to read a crime scene to identify what is out of place.
Quinton was working as a detective for several years before he was contacted by Imesah, who explained his ability to use magic and began training him in it's use. Imesah's training forced Quinton's magical talents to blossom, allowing him a great deal of movement options.
Now Quiton is prepared to begin yet another career, this time as the protector of the city itself.