Racial Features:
Elf Weapon Training (Longbow, Longsword, Shortbow, Shortsword)
Fleet of Foot (base speed 35')
Mask of the Wild (can hide when lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, or other natural phenomena)
Fey Ancestry (adv. to save vs. Charm, and immune to magical sleep)
Trance (meditate for 4 hours a day instead od sleeping).
Class Features: Wildshape 2/rest, Circle of the Moon (Combat Wildshape: can wildshape as a bonus action and can heal by spending a spell slot; Circle Forms: can turn into a non-flying or swimming speed beast of up to CR 1)
Spells/day: 3/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-
Cantrips: Produce Flame (ranged spell attack 30' that deals 1d8 fire damage), Primal Savagery (melee spell attack that deals 1d10 acid damage)