*Special Weapon Proficiency (Battlebow)
Weapon Focus (Battlebow)
Versatile Specialization
Shot on the Run
Theme Features:
*Theme Knowledge (reduce DC on culture or profession: bounty hunter checks to recall info on chosen mark by 5; +1 to survival checks and +1 con)
Class Features:
*Primary Fighting Style (Hunter)
- Hunter's Expertise (Add Perception as a class skill and get a free rank of perception or survival for each soldier level (capped at max ranks as normal)
*Weapon Specialization
*Gear Boost
- Raw Lethality (archaic weapons I wield do not suffer reduced weapon damage from that trait; gain bleed 1d8 crit effect)
*Personal Comm Unit (Bulk 1) -7
*Industrial Backpack (Bulk 1) -25
*Bedroll +Sleeping Bag (Bulk 1 +l) -25
*Messkit (Bulk l) -2
261 credits
Fanger is a natural outdoorsman, having grown up and being raised in the wastelands that are all that remains of the US.
Fanger gets his name from a story from his youth, where he bit the throat out of a bandit who had captured him. He lured the man in by pretending to be dying of dehydration and willing to give up information about ihs employers, but when the man leaned in to hear his whispered confession, Fanger bit his throat out and spit it in his face.
Fanger is a mercenary and man hunter, but he's also loyal to the coin paid to him; once he's bought, he's bought.
Recently, Fanger was hired to murder an android, and then was further hired by rain to help a group out in a wilderness mission.