
Avenging Angel's page

13 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


Human Vigilante 7


HP 59/59 | AC 26 TO 14 FF 22 | F +6 R +11 W +9 | CMD: 25 | Init +4 | Perc +17


Neutral Good

Strength 16
Dexterity 17
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Avenging Angel

HP 59
AC 26 T14 FF 22
BAB 7 CMB +13 CMD 25
Init +4
Fort +6
Ref +11
Will +9
Speed 30'

Normal: +13/8 to hit; 1d3+10 damage; x2 crit
Power Attack: +11/6 to hit; 1d3+14 damage; x2 crit


Adventuring Skills: Acrobatics r7 +13, Bluff r7 +12, Climb r1 +7, Diplomacy r1 +5, Disguise r7 +11/31, Intimidate r7 +20, Perception r7 +17, Ride r1 +7, Sense Motive r1 +6, Sleight of Hand r1 +7, Stealth r7 +22, Swim r1 +7

Background Skills: Profession (Barkeep) r7 +12, Linguistics r7 +10

Languages: Common, Orc, Varisian, Shoanti, Undercommon, Cheliaxian, Draconic, Abyssal, Dwarven

Traits: Masked in Shadow (religion), Dockside Avenger

Feats: Dodge, Shield Focus, Skill Focus (Stealth), Hellcat Stealth, Weapon Focus (Monk Weapons), Unarmed Combatant, Skill Focus (Intimidate)

Class Features: Dual Identity, Seamless Guise, Vigilante Specialization (Avenger), Unshakable, Startling Appearance, Social Talents (Renown, Safehouse, Mockingbird, Quick Change), Vigilante Talents (Fist of the Avenger, Lethal Grace, Signature Weapon: Unarmed)

Equipment: +2 Shadowed, Mithral Shirt -8850, +1 AoMF -4000, Eyes of the Eagle -2500, Boots of the Cat -1000, +2 Heavy Steel Shield -4165, +2 Cloak of Resistance -4000, 685 gp


Tess is the daughter of half-orc adventurers who travelled throughout the Inner Sea region, helping out where they could. As a girl, Tess grew up hearing stories of the hero Blackjack from her father, who grew up in Korvosa.

When Tess came of age and made her own way into the world, she decided to go to her father's home and see the hero she had come to idolize in action. When she arrived, however, she discovered that no one had seen Blackjack in several years.
Buying an old inn in Nortpoint, she fixed it up and created a bar that catered to adventurers, and those looking to hire them. She set up a series of quiet rooms for rent, hired some down-on-their-luck adventurers to protect the place, and opened up shop.
After a few months, Tess' bar, the Laughing Azlanti, was turning quite a profit. That was when she first found out about Gaedrin Lamm. One night around closing, Tess had two young men walk in and try to explain to her that it would be a shame if anything happened to her business.
After she sent them crawling back to their boss, She awoke early next morning to a fire in the kitchen. It was a small one, but the message was clear: pay protection or we will destroy your business.
Knowing that she couldn't afford to drag her bar into a war with criminals, she decided to do something about the crime problem: she would fight crime like the hero her father told her about all those years: she would don a mask and fade into the shadows.
So began her one-woman war on crime. Eventually, she would come to hear about other people like her, but she stuck to Northpoint and focused on her shadow war with Lamm's organization.
She never did find Gaedrin Lamm himself; every one of his hideouts was filled with thugs and thieves, but she had just missed him each time.
She never realized that a change to the status quo would be fast approaching...