Fang doesn't remember who his parents are, nor his real name. Fang was the name that was given to him by Brother Tsung, the man who ran the fighting pits that Fang was sold to. Fang grew up fighting for his life on a daily basis in the basements of tenaments and on the floors of warehouses.
Eventually, the fighting ring was broken up by the police, led by detective Zahn, an incorruptible man who saw the 14 year old boy and champion of the pits and decided to raise him as his son.
It took several years, but by the time he was of age, Fang had been civilized and was even able to read a little bit, although he mouths the words and does so really slowly.
When he came of age, Fang decided that he would like to travel the world, seeing someplace besides China. He made arrangements to travel on a ship bound for another country, never knowing that he would not see his homeland again...