As Fenris drifted through the vacuum of space, he turned ever so slightly until he could see the shuttle and it's crew, their eyes staring in shock at him as he waved. Let them believe what they will. I care not. he thought as he continued the slow spin until they were out of his view.
He then stared out into the void and remembered the first time he had looked at the stars...
"Father, look! There are lights in the darkness!" the young boy said, pointing up to the star-filled sky.
"Yes, son, those are called stars, and each of them is surrounded by a galaxy, many of which teem with life, like Castrovel does." The older Elf smiled down at his son. That night, after staring up at the sky in wonder and listening to his father explain stars and celestial bodies, the young man drifted off to sleep, and almost immediately began to dream...
A woman, surrounded by fire yet not burning. A Lizardman who had a stick that also sprouted fire, but the stick was not on fire. A butterfly whose wings shone like the stars he had seen earlier. All of these and a hundred hundred more greeting him as an equal. A brother.
...Then a suited man was wrapping his arms around him and dragging him back into the shuttle. Shaking himself free inside the antechamber, the Elf simply said "I did not need your rescue. The boundary of space holds no fear for me. I am, indeed, it's brother."