Elvish Fighter

*Fenrus's page

36 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


TN Elf Mystic 2


Max HP: 16; Max SP: 10 | EAC: 16; KAC: 17 | Init: +3 | Fort +1; Ref: +3; Will: 6

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 9
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About *Fenrus


Fort +1
Ref +3
Will +6

Speed 30'

Tactical Baton: +4 to hit; 1d4b damage
Spell Attack: +4 to hit
Spell DC: 13+Spell Level

Skills: Culture r2 +6, Diplomacy r2 +5, Life Sciences r2 +6, Mysticism r2 +10, Perception r2 +11, Piloting r0 +4, Sense Motive r2 +8, Survival r2 +8

Feats: Spell Penetration

Class Features: Healing Touch (1/day heal a target 10 HP), Channel Skill (Perception, Piloting) +1, Minklink (1/day/target), Connection (Star Shaman; Walk the Void)

Spells/Day: -/3

0: Detect Magic, Psychokinetic Hand, Telekinetic Projectile, Token Spell

1: Mind Thrust, Mystic Cure, Shooting Stars (Magic Missile)

Equipment: Graphite Carbon Skin Armor, Smoke Grenades x5, Tactical Baton, 485 credits

The Legend of Fenris:

Fenris knows that his destiny is to ascend to Godhood.

He has known that he has been on this path ever since he started receiving visions of him sitting as an equal to the other gods of the pact worlds.

Fenris received his first vision as a child on Castrovel. At first, his visions only came during dreams, but as he came of age, his visions began to manifest during the day, each time showing him the next step he needed to take on his road to ascension. When he came of age, he joined the Starfinder Society, as he saw that this was where he needed to be. When the time rifts first began, he was stationed on a space station near the first rift when it tore the station apart, he was in the one place that was miraculously spared. This was when his mystic talents first awakened.

When the expedition came about to the Telos system, He had a vision of himself walking an icy world, so he was about to volunteer for the first expedition when he received another vision showing himself signing up for a rescue mission instead.

Fenris does not discuss his visions with others. Instead, he just uses a combination of persuasion and logic to convince the people he needs to be where they need to be.


Fenris is an Elf with short, stylish black hair and golden eyes. He has several piercings on both ears, and likes to wear black leather with gold trim that matches both his hair and eyes. He is just over 6' tall, and seems to have almost no body fat. He is built more like a long distance runner than a weight lifter.


As Fenris drifted through the vacuum of space, he turned ever so slightly until he could see the shuttle and it's crew, their eyes staring in shock at him as he waved. Let them believe what they will. I care not. he thought as he continued the slow spin until they were out of his view.

He then stared out into the void and remembered the first time he had looked at the stars...

"Father, look! There are lights in the darkness!" the young boy said, pointing up to the star-filled sky.

"Yes, son, those are called stars, and each of them is surrounded by a galaxy, many of which teem with life, like Castrovel does." The older Elf smiled down at his son. That night, after staring up at the sky in wonder and listening to his father explain stars and celestial bodies, the young man drifted off to sleep, and almost immediately began to dream...

A woman, surrounded by fire yet not burning. A Lizardman who had a stick that also sprouted fire, but the stick was not on fire. A butterfly whose wings shone like the stars he had seen earlier. All of these and a hundred hundred more greeting him as an equal. A brother.

...Then a suited man was wrapping his arms around him and dragging him back into the shuttle. Shaking himself free inside the antechamber, the Elf simply said "I did not need your rescue. The boundary of space holds no fear for me. I am, indeed, it's brother."