You did not hit him before he teleported, but he was wounded (and actually hit his "If he gets this hurt, he escapes" threshold, which is rare imo). As to the question about bardic performance, mechanically there's no way to tell whether someone is giving a performance (as opposed to, say, a fighter making a rallying speech or shouting encouragement) and if so to identify which one (this is a problem with alot of supernatural abilities, actually, especially ones that can be counterspelled, like with countersong). If it is an effect that you can specifically countersong, I will do my best to call it out. I was going to countersong your dirge of doom with Pilt, but it's not countersong-able. I could have sworn that you had combat reflexes, but looking at it, I might have misread Combat Casting.
While I'm not going to app (Cause I have a ton of games I'm in anyway), I thought I might offer a suggestion cause your ideas are really interesting: Instead of being all from the same Earth, perhaps the group comes from very similar but not the same Earths (i.e. the worlds are mostly identical, but minor things are different, like different names of things level of minor changes)? That way, you could allow all of the eras that you want to run.
And here's my character build: Kargoth: LG Human Occultist 7 str 16/20
HP: 69
Fort: +9
Speed 30' Weapons:
2) Longbow: +9 to hit; 1d8+6 damage; 20/x3 crit. Skills:
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) r7 +11 Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Infernal, Nekril, Sylvan, Ulfen, Undercommon Occultist Class Features:
*Mental Focus (11) *Abjuration Implement
*Transmutation Implement
Mythic Path (Guardian):
*Mythic Feat: Mythic Paragon Traits:
100 arrows 5 gp Masterwork Backpack 50 gp
95 gp
Just a paragraph as to your personality, appearance and how you would fit into the combat team. Detailed backgrounds can wait until you're selected. Personality:
Kargoth fits the Ulfen stereotype so much it's scary, at least on the surface. While it's true that he's brash and a braggart, it's also true that he has a keen mind that allows him to see things coming before they arrive.
Kargoth is a tall, incredibly fit, older Ulfen man whose hair has gone from black to black-peppered-with-gray. Kargoth wears the armor his ancestor wore, a breastplate made of Mithral, and carries a greatsword and composite longbow.
How would I help?:
Kargoth is going to be a high damage front line combatant. He will certainly be able to offer some support magic and abilities, but he is there it smash demons in the face all day, every day. Mechanically, Kargoth is going to be a Battlehost Occultist. He wears the mithral breastplate of Kargoth the Conquerer, one of the first Linnorm Kings and his distant ancestor. This breastplate is his bonded item.
HP: 6d8 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 1, 7, 3) = 20
Okay, here's my submission. I took inspiration from the player's guide and even a little liberty with his backstory as well to fit a cohesive narrative. Rukha:
TN Wetlander Iruxi Druid 1 Background: Haunting Vision Str 14
HP: 18
Fort (T): +5; Ref (T): +5; Will (E): +9 Focus Points: 1 Speed 25'; 15' swim Weapons:
2) Claws: +5 to hit; 1d4+2s damage Skills:
Languages: Ancestry Features:
*Claws (unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing, w/agile and finesse) Class Features:
*Order (Order of the Storm; "Order of the Sky Claw") Feats:
*Focus Spells:
Satchel (Holds 2 Bulk; Bulk: -) -1 sp
Backstory: Rukha's first memory is, strangely enough, of fire. That it was a dream meant little to comfort him. In the dream, he watched as fire fell from the sky like the rain, and his birth givers and all the others of his village - Wise Tuko the shaman, Strong Kunli, who made their bows and spears and always had a smile for Rukha, and even the wizard Or-Haka all fell to the fire raining from the sky. When she woke, he told his birthers of his dream and they apprenticed him to Tuko the next day. Life studying with Tuko was hard; there was much learning, and in addition Tuko demanded that he provide the spark for her next generation, so even his nights offered little rest, and he often dreamed that same dream, only as time passed, he learned that the spirits were telling him to go on a journey to warmblooded lands and protect the land from the monster that would burn everything to ash. After talking with Tuko, he said his farewells and made his way southwest, following the will and word of the spirits. So it was that Rukha made his way to Breachill, just in time for the calling of heroes to begin. This, then was also the will of the spirits; indeed, Rukha could see their hand in all that had occurred.
Okay, got his story finished. I put the whole thing together to make it easy to find. Kusa:
CG Uplifted Bear Mystic 1 Theme: Themeless (Athletics; Wis) Str 12 Dex 10 Con 11 Int 12 Wis 18 Cha 10 HP/SP: 12/6
Fort: +0
Speed: 40' Weapons:
Racial Features:
Theme Features:
Class Features:
*Healing Touch (1/day; std action; heal 1 tgt. 5 hp/class level) *Ephipanies:
*Cantrips: 4
*First: 2
- Mind Thrust
Infrared Sensors (darkvision 60') -200 Cooking Tool Kit -20 Professional Clothing x5 -25
500 credits
Backstory: Kusa was born on a small colony of Uplifted animals in the Diaspora whose real name is forgotten, but most spacers simply call the Menagerie. Kusa was not modified himself, but is instead the child of two uplifted. Unlike his parents, Kusa is descended from Kodiak stock. Also unlike his parents who were among the militia that protected the settlement, Kusa wanted to be a chef. His parents scrimped and saved for years to send him to cooking school on Absalom Station, where he would have the opportunity to learn many different styles of cooking. It was in university that he met his future wife, a Vesk by the name of Raxima. They dated for a while and eventually decided to marry, even if they would never be able to have children. While his family supported his decision (even if his younger sister jokingly calls him a race traitor) Raxima's family was not so forgiving. He has to survive three separate challenges from the men in her family before they would eventually begrudgingly support their marriage. After graduating and getting married, Kusa tried to get work in a restaurant, but his appearance and size prevented any upscale restaurant from hiring him. Eventually, he had to settle for opening a Noodle shop in the Gallery, one of the smaller and less affluent parts of the station. Kusa is skilled enough to get a position in a 3 star restaurant, but none would give him a chance, so instead he takes cooking for the common man as a badge of honor. Having grown up in a small colony where everyone helps everyone, Kusa always makes sure that those who can't afford to eat will have something to eat, a point of contention between him and his wife (who, like most Vesk, believe that each individual must be able to take care of themselves). Recently, Kusa's wife has started commenting about him eating too much of his own cooking, so he decided to enroll an a martial arts class. His wife recommended one, and he started taking lessons. Thus it is that Kusa lives his life.
I'm still writing up his background, but here's his crunch: Kusa: CG Uplifted Bear Mystic 1 Theme: Themeless (Athletics; Wis) Str 12
HP/SP: 12/6
Fort: +0
Speed: 40' Weapons:
Racial Features:
Theme Features:
Class Features:
*Healing Touch (1/day; std action; heal 1 tgt. 5 hp/class level) *Ephipanies:
*Cantrips: 4
*First: 2
- Mind Thrust
Infrared Sensors (darkvision 60') -200 Cooking Tool Kit -20 Professional Clothing x5 -25
500 credits
HP Rolls: 10d8 ⇒ (6, 3, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3, 8, 7, 5) = 41 taking average. Here is my submission: Karen:
LG Half-Orc Warpriest 11 str 10
HP: 97
Fort: +15
Speed 30' Weapons:
2) Pirahna Strike Unarmed: +11/6 to hit; 19 (2d8+10) damage Skills:
Alternate Racial Features:
*Shaman's Apprentice (gain Endurance feat; replaces Intimidating) Warpriest Class Features:
- Flurry of Blows (per standard monk; replaces sacred weapon) - Unarmed Strike (works like standard monk; replaces focus weapon) - Miraculous Fortitude (works like improved evasion for fort saves; replaces 3rd and 9th level bonus feat) - Bonus Style Feat (at 6th, 12th, and 18th level, gain a bonus style feat; replaces bonus feats at corresponding levels) - Ki Pool (works like standard monk with char. level -3, including allowing unarmed strike to bypass materials. Can also spend 1 point to add a +2 insight bonus to ac for 1 minute; replaces sacred armor) *Blessings (8/day)
*Fervor (5 +wis mod uses/day; can touch a creature to heal it 4d6. standard or swift if I target myself; can spend 2 uses to channel positive energy; can expend a use to cast a spell as a swift action that only targets me, even if area spell) Traits:
*Blood of Dragons (gain low-light vision; race) Feats:
*Endurance *Monkey Style *Divine Fighting Technique (Irori's Perfected Fist. Basic and Advanced; replaces Blessings from Law Domain) Spells:
Equipment: 82000 gp
Scroll w/4 Cure Light Wounds 100 gp
Wand of Cure Light (50 charges) 750 gp
1000 gp
Backstory: Karen is the daughter of an orc and a Dwarf who run a tavern in Andoran. When she came of age, she apprenticed herself to a itenerant priest of Irori, who set upon her the task of finding and fighting at least one of all the creatures that exist in the world, including things such as "a Thassilonian" and "an Azlanti". Karen has checked alot of creatures off her list, including all of the common races, most giants, a sphynx, and several different dragons. During her travels, she heard about these creatures called Robots, which are apparently neither constructs nor animated objects. It was the first time that Karen had ever added anything to the list. Upon arrival in Numeria, she met some of the locals who told her about a group of heroes roaming the land, so she set out to find them and join them.
Sim Calinean wrote: If possible, could you quote the rules that say that? To be fair, you are correct in saying that RAW it doesn't remove enhancement bonuses from non weapon, armor, and shield items, but the two sentences back-to-back are worded oddly. The first sentence says Items that only grant bonuses to AC, saving throws, and ability scores don’t exist in this variant, and wish and similar spells never grant inherent bonuses to ability scores. and then the sentence right after it reads Magic weapons and armor do exist, but grant only special abilities, not enhancement bonuses; calculate their prices with the table on page 157. It's the noun changing which is confusing. I would also predicate my interpretation on the first couple of sentences in the section, which read In order to face the dangers of the game, characters in the Pathfinder RPG normally need items that grant bonuses to their statistics. With this variant, characters instead gain those bonuses automatically as they increase in level, allowing them to use magic item slots for more interesting items. Emphasis mine.
Here is my submission: Telv:
TN Hobgoblin Shifter 1 str 14 (16)
HP: 11
Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +3 Speed 30' Weapons:
Class Features:
- Fluid Body (Treated as ooze and humanoid: hobgoblin; in ooze form, immune to crits and flanking, but no magic item slots and can't wear armor, cast spells, hold objects, speak, or use any magic item that requires activation or is held or worn on the body; .5 level/day, can use Alter Self to assume humanoid form. this lasts for a number of hours equal to class level. Can make fort save (DC 15 +1/each previous save) to stay in form. reverting back after changing fatigues for number of minutes equal to number of hours in altered form; replaces chimeric form, greater chimeric form, wild shape, shifter aspect, and all improvements of shifter aspect) - morphic weaponry (as a move action, generate 2 primary natural attacks that deal bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing (chosen when generated). Can change damage on any or all attacks as swift; replaces shifter claws) - Ooze empathy (gain wild empathy for oozes) Traits:
*Blood of Dragons (gain low-light vision; race) Feats:
Backstory: Telv first gained sentience while he was eating the body of a dead Hobgoblin. He gained the creature's memories, and learned of it's life. He also discovered that he could change into a copy of the creature, including what it was wearing when he consumed the body. Since then, he has consumed several many dead bodies, but he did not gain the memories of any after the first, just the ability to take their form. Telv has never left the dungeon, but with the arrival of these new strangers, he thinks that it might be time to do so. He tells people that he's an ooze druid (the Hobgoblin just happened to be one) and that he prefers to stay in Ooze form because it's tougher. Telv prefers to take potions as his share of the treasure, since he can use them even while in Ooze form. Telv still eats dead bodies, but he explains that his order requires him to do so in order to maintain his abilities.
Okay, I got my submission finished: Maddie Heberne:
TN Undine (Mistsoul) Kineticist 1 str 8
HP: 12
Fort: +5; Ref: +5; Will: +5 Speed 30'/Swim 30' Weapons:
Background Skills:
Racial Features:
*Normal Speed (Undines have a base speed of 30 feet on land. They also have a swim speed of 30 feet, can move in water without needing to attempt Swim checks, and always treat Swim as a class skill) *Darkvision (Undines can see in the dark up to 60 feet) *Hydrated Vitality (gain fasting healing 2 for 1 round while submerged in any body of natural water. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water does not work for this ability; replaces Water Affinity) *Water Sense (gain blindsense 30' while in water; replaces energy resistance) Class Features:
*Elemental Focus (Water)
*Utility Wild Talents
*Jacket Training (Can treat an Armored Coat as light armor; Combat) Feats:
Heirloom item (Ring that contains a piece of the first Elemental prince of water. When wearer is submerged, the piece of ice rises half an inch from the base and hovers there, moving itself to stay in position) 10 gp
Backstory: Maddie grew up in the city of Narport, where her parents ran a bookstore and curio shop. Like most children with merchant parents, Maddie helped in the shop, mostly manning the desk and reading books in between infrequent visits from customers (fortunately for her parents, they owned the building so were in no danger of being evicted). Maddie was working the shop when an odd man, who she assumed was a wizard, showed up with some stuff he wanted to declutter his tower with. She paid him a pittance for the lot (Which he was happy to take just to be rid of the stuff) and then drank one of the potions of detect magic her parents kept under the counter for such a situation. Nothing detected as magic, but she found herself drawn to a small box, which when opened revealed a silver ring with the most amazing and beautiful gem set in it; indeed, it looked like a piece of ice. Before she could stop herself, she tried the ring on. She didn't intend to keep it, of course, just see how it looked on her and maybe, just maybe, convince her parents to give it to her. Putting on the ring, she felt a tingle pass up her arm and along her entire body, and she collapsed from the pressure that came next. When she woke, she was floating in darkness; although she could hear the sounds of movement around her, it was muffled, like someone moving through cloth. You. Will. Do. Nicely. a voice spoke, which echoed in the space around her. Do. You. Wish. Power? it inquired. Like any young person bored with her life, she snarkily said "Yes." Thus. The. Pact. Is. Formed. came the voice, and with it the pain of her entire self being ripped to pieces. She couldn't even scream, try thought she might. After an eon of pain so powerful it broke and reforged her countless times, it finally ended. At first, she sobbed at it's absense; so long had she spent with it that she felt bereft without it. After her moment of mourning, she stilled and realized that she was in water; water so deep that light was a foreign concept. Somehow, however, she could see. And see she did; particularly, the massive being who sat on a throne made of ice. She knew she was his, like the instinctive feeling of gravity or the need to breathe. Then it spoke. Go. it said. [b]Go. And. Entertain. Me.[/i] Then she was on the floor of her parents shop with them standing over her, coughing out salt water. Later, her parents told her what had happened: they had returned from shopping to hear her screams that echoed out into the streets, where some of the neighbors had gathered at the front door to look in. Entering, they found her behind the counter, changing from her Human form to....whatever she had become, with water splashing from somewhere. She was also thrashing like she was having a seizure. Her mother than handed her the mirror. An alien face appeared in the reflection. Gone was her baby fat, replaced with lean muscle; her tanned skin now a shade of blue so faint that it almost appeared white. Shoulder-length blue-black hair flowed from her head, and her eyes had separate colors: her right, an icy blue, and the left a deep amethyst color. She also discovered that should could not remove the ring. Neither could her parents, nor any of the parade of people her parents brought in to remove it. With her physical changes also came the desire to go to the sea. Her parents forbid it, feeling that the sea had taken enough from them. So, she ran away and signed on with a merchant vessel as a cook. She spent the next few years working on the ship, until the night it was boarded by pirates, one of whom managed to make their way into the kitchen and found a young, waifish girl. He decided to have a bit of fun before killing her, and as she held out his hand to ward him off, cold ripped through his body and he collapsed. She continued to freeze him until he died. She then made her way outside, where she saw the pirate ship leaving, the crew dead, and the ship she was on sinking. Strangely, she was unafraid. She dove into the water and swam her way land. She found swimming to be no more difficult than walking was, and though she had to rest several times, eventually she made landfall near Cessport. The woman who came up out of the water that day had made a decision: she would become a pirate; never again would she be a victim. Her next several years were spent learning the trade. Any of her fellows who decided to try their luck with her lost appendages to her power. Usually, it wouldn't take more than a single object lesson to deal with the issue, and she did her best to make sure that she left her...visitor alive. Eventually, she decided she had learned enough, and left her last ship at port and made her own way into the world. Maddie had decided that she would steal a ship and form her own crew. The ship she tried to steal was the Prince's ship. After boarding it, she started cutting her way though his crew, but they proved to be too much for her and she was captured. Given the choice to spare her or kill her, the Prince opted to spare her and put her to work. That was a year ago, and now she works for the promise of a ship of her own.
I'm interested. I've been playing PBP on the boards for almost a decade now, so you might say I'm a fair hand at it. As far as the Pathfinder RPG goes, I have been playing it even longer (I think my first Pathfinder Society character was made in 2008 or 2009). As for what I'm going to be applying with, I think I'd like to play a Oozemorph Shifter; I'll probably multiclass at some point, but not for a while.
Aquatic Adventures wrote:
CRB Rules on casting underwater wrote: