Class Features:
*Archetype (Warrior Poet)
- Dancer's Grace (can if not wearing armor or shield, can add cha mod to AC; replaces proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields)
- Graceful Warrior (gain weapon finesse as a bonus feat and can apply it to glaives, katanas, and naganatas as if they were light weapons)
- Skirmisher's Challenge (add your samurai level to damage only on the first attack of each round; modifies challenge)
*Challenge 1/day (pick a single target; gain samurai level to weapon damage; take a -2 penalty to AC against targets other than challenge target)
- Exodus of Jinin (while wearing light or no armor and carrying a light load, increase land speed by 10')
*Order (Order of the dragon)
- Edicts (must remain loyal to allies and work to further the aims of the group; protect allies and defend their honor)
- Challenge (+1 circumstance bonus to melee attack rolls when threatening his target)
- Skills (gain perception and survival as class skills; add half level (min 1) to survival checks to find food and protect allies from weather)
*Resolve (1/day; regain a use after defeating challenge target; can do one of the following: remove fatigued, shaken or sickened. Roll twice and take the better on fort or will save. Can use an immediate action when dropped to 0 to stabilize and stay conscious)
*Axe to Grind (+1 trait bonus to damage against targets threatened only by me; combat)
*Seeker (+1 trait bonus to perception and perception as a class skill; social)
*Younger Sibling (Ameiko; +1 trait bonus to Will Saves and +1 trait bonus to attack rolls vs. anyone threatening Ameiko; campaign)
Power Attack
Quick Draw
Weapon Finesse
Katana 50 gp
Courtier's Outfit (Tianese) 30 gp
120 gp
Tenchi is Ameiko's younger brother, and unlike Ameiko Tenchi has heavily bought into his Tianese heritage. Emboldened by the stories his mother told of Samurai, battles, dragons, and honor, and undertook the path of the samurai. His mother used her connections to have him apprenticed to a samurai to teach him what he would need to know.
Tenchi was gone from Sandpoint during the events of previous APs, and has just recently returned, itching to prove his blade gainst multiple foes, Tenchi opted to become an adventurer, against the advice of his older sister. She wouldn't understand the desire, however, to prove his blade against challenging foes.
So Tenchi is going to stay straight Samurai until the game ends. He doesn't really have any feats that are "must haves", but I will aim to take Cut from the air and Smash from the Air, along with Combat Reflexes, cause the idea of chopping up a boulder as it's flying towards you is very anime.
Finally, with the Warrior Poet archetype, Spring Attack and the Vital Strike chain are basically built into the class, so I'll probably be picking those feats up as well.
My feat progression will probably look something like this:
3: Combat Reflexes
5: Martial Focus (Katana)
6Bonus: Spring Attack
7: Cut from the Air
9: Smash from the Air
11: Improved Vital Strike
11Bonus: Vital Strike
12Bonus: Improved Spring Attack
13: Devastating Strike
15: Soulwrecking Strike
17: Greater Vital Strike
18b: Greater Spring Attack
Gear I'm going to work towards:
+5 Ring of Resistance
+5 Ring of Protection
Bracers of Armor +8
+6 Headband of Charisma
+6 Belt of Physical Perfection
champion's banner
+5 Valiant, Ghost Touch, Speed Adamantine Katana
Boots of Striding and Springing
Necklace of Adaptation
dex and cha stat books