
Kaldane Starlight's page

133 posts. Organized Play character for Vrog Skyreaver.

Full Name

Kaldane Starlight


Max HP: 183 | AC: 33; T: 24; FF: 25 |CMB: +15; CMD: 32| Init: 0 | Fort: +14; Ref: +7; Will: +12 | Immune to Curse Effects


Current Damage: 0 |

Spell Slots:
9 (9) |2 (8) | 8 (8) | 6 (8) |7 (8) | 6 (7) | 5 (5)








LG Aasimar Oracle 14


None; Former Priest of Razmir


Common, Celestial

Strength 19
Dexterity 8
Constitution 20
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 28

About Kaldane Starlight

AC 33 (10 base, 8 cha, 9 armor, 5 deflection, 1 Insight)
BAB 11

Speed 30'/Fly 30' (Average)

Katana: 18/13 to hit; 1d8+7 damage; 18-20/x2 crit

Fly r14 +16, Intimidate r14 +26, Knowledge (Engineering, History, Geography) r1 +4, Knowledge (Planes) r15 +20, UMD r14 +27

Feats: Angelic Blood, Angelic Wings, Extra Revelation, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Toughness, Warrior Priest, Weapon Focus (Katana)

Traits: Fate's Favored, Dangerously Curious

Alternate Racial Features: Alternate Bloodline (Agathion-Blooded; +2 Con, +2 Cha; Summon Nature's Ally II as a SLA 1/day); Crusading Magic (+2 to Caster Level Checks to overcome SR and +2 to knowledge: planes checks; replaces skilled and SLA)

Class Features:

*Archetype: Spirit Guide

*Mystery (Nature)

*Curse (Acursed: You cannot gain benefit from morale bonuses. However, you gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws against curse effects. At 5th level, add ill omen to your list of spells known. At 10th level, add greater brand to your list of spells known, at 15, you become immune to all curse effects (other than your own curse))

**Nature's Whispers (replace dex mod with cha mod to AC and CMD)
**Erosion Touch (6/day; 15d6 damage to objects or constructs)
**Natural divination (4/day; 10 minute cast; lasts 24 hours or until used; can read entrails to add cha mod as insight to one save, or watch birds flying to add +10 comp bonus to one skill check, or chart marks in dirt or stone to add +4 insight to an init check)

Spell DC: 19 + Spell Level


0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Scrivener's Chant, Stabilize

1: Ant Haul, Bless, Charm Animal, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Forbid Action, Ill Omen, Liberating Command

2: Align Weapon, Barkskin, Cure Moderate Wounds, Grace, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Sound Burst

3: Communal Align Weapon, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Speak with Plants

4: Blessing of Fervor, Cure Critical Wounds, Deathward, Freedom of Movement, Greater Brand, Greater Magic Weapon, Grove of Respite

5: Animal Growth, Break Enchantment, Breath of Life, Cleanse, Disrupting Weapon, Mass Cure Light Wounds

6: Banishment, Heal, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Planar Adaptation, Stone Tell

7: Creeping Doom, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Particulate Form, Regenerate

Permanent Magic Items: Celestial Armor, +3 Katana, +4 Belt of Physical Might (str/con), Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (Implanted), Wayfinder, Ring of Protection +5, Headband of Charisma +6, Bottle of Air, Cloak of resistance +3, Necklace of Adaptation, Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell

Consumables: Wand of Endure Elements (15 charges), Wand of Lead Blades (47 charges), Wand of Magic Missile (50 charges), 2393 gp

Mundane Gear: None currently.